Make a SMPS Power Supply - Get Help Now!

In summary, creating a SMPS power supply can be a complex task, but there are many resources available to help. From online tutorials and forums to professional consultants, there are various ways to get guidance and assistance with building a reliable and efficient SMPS power supply. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced engineer, it is important to carefully research and plan your design to ensure success. With the right help and resources, you can confidently create a SMPS power supply for your specific needs.
  • #1
i need help in making of smps power supply...i have the circuit of smps can i practically implement this circuit...please help...
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  • #2
What kind of power supply are you talking about here? Do you mean like a National Semiconductor "Simple Switcher" DC-DC converter? Or do you mean a full-blown off-line SMPS? What power level? What input and output voltage and current specs? Do you have experience working with off-line circuits (that involve working with the high-voltage AC Mains)?
  • #3
i want power supply having 30+30 V Transformer having 2A current which convert 220 ac to dc...this type of power supply i required ...
  • #4
So you want to build a SMPS that takes in 220Vac from the AC Mains and puts out 30Vdc at 2A?

Have you built any circuits before that connect to the AC Mains? Do you know what an Isolation Transformer is used for while you build and test your power supply? Do you know what safety regulations you need to meet in the construction of your SMPS? What are they?

If you don't know the answers to the above questions, then I think it's too early for you to be trying to build this power supply -- you're going to get yourself or somebody else hurt.
  • #5
Always learn and test things (when possible) with the lowest voltage (protection for your components) and with the lowest current possible (protection for you). While AC won't travel as far without a conductor (open air, etc.) as a DC of equal voltage will. (I have no source for this; if you have a reputable one and it disputes my statement, please post it as I am not sure of the validity of my own statement.) However with the penetration ability of the 110v-120v AC source it only takes 70-80 mill amperes across the heart for lethal results. This makes AC the number one cause of electrocution in the United States. If you are absolutely determined to proceed with your project I would suggest that you do it on a completely clear table or lab bench (accidental intrusions of conductors due to being knocked over in the work space happen more often than one would think). Keep your wits about you; never relax or underestimate what this sort of power source is capable of doing to your body. Follow the one hand rule; keep one hand out of places where it could complete a circuit with your other hand, even though you can still complete a circuit with just one hand, that will not provide a direct path through your heart to complete the circuit. Now, that being said DC is more dangerous however it is less likely you will be dealing with lethal amounts of DC voltage compared to AC.

Even though this may seem off topic, your post indicated that you may be a novice with AC power sources (not to mean any offense, I'm not saying anything but what my perception of your post is) and these are always good tips when working with any lethality level power source. Everyone is free to correct me (as always :approve: ).
  • #6
Can you sent to me a circuit of SMPS? I need help in SMPS. I am designing a SMPS circuit using TL949. Thanks
  • #7
chuotchui84 said:
Can you sent to me a circuit of SMPS? I need help in SMPS. I am designing a SMPS circuit using TL949. Thanks

Look at the datasheet for the part, and look through the Texas Instruments website for application notes for that part and for switching power supplies in general. You can also start more research on the subject at
  • #8
I have referenced this page but it is difficulty to reseach because i am a beginner.
  • #9
chuotchui84 said:
I have referenced this page but it is difficulty to reseach because i am a beginner.

Is this for a class? If so, what kind of instructional help is offered?

If you are trying to learn this on your own, there are probably some good online tutorials. I just googled switch mode power supply design tutorial, and got lots of good hits. Read through some of these on the hit list to get you started:

FAQ: Make a SMPS Power Supply - Get Help Now!

What is a SMPS power supply?

A SMPS (Switched-Mode Power Supply) is a type of power supply that uses a switching regulator to convert electrical power efficiently. It is commonly used in electronic devices to convert one form of electrical energy to another.

Why would I need to make a SMPS power supply?

There are a few reasons why you may need to make a SMPS power supply. One reason is if you are building an electronic device that requires a specific type of power supply that is not readily available. Another reason is if you want to save money by making your own power supply instead of buying one.

What are the basic components needed to make a SMPS power supply?

The basic components needed to make a SMPS power supply include a transformer, rectifier, capacitor, and switching regulator. Other components may also be needed depending on the specific design and requirements of the power supply.

Is it difficult to make a SMPS power supply?

Making a SMPS power supply can be challenging, especially for those who are not familiar with electronics and circuit design. However, with the right knowledge and resources, it can be done successfully. It is important to follow proper safety precautions and have a good understanding of the components and their functions.

Where can I get help if I encounter problems while making a SMPS power supply?

If you encounter problems while making a SMPS power supply, there are a few resources you can turn to for help. You can consult online forums and communities for electronics enthusiasts, seek help from a mentor or experienced individual, or refer to instructional guides and tutorials. It is also important to have a good understanding of the basic principles and concepts of electronics to troubleshoot and solve problems effectively.
