Does n*a ALWAYS mean to a + a + + a (n times) where + is the group operation?

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In summary, the conversation discusses the confusion around switching between two binary operations in a ring and how to determine if they produce the same result. It is stated that the shorthand notation for multiplication is defined as repeated addition, and the relationship between the two operations can be determined using the distributive law. Examples are given for rings that contain Z and polynomials, and it is mentioned that for every ring R, there is a unique homomorphism from Z into R.
  • #1
What about in a ring where we have two binary operations defined. I get super confused when I see someone just switch from something like n*a to a + a + ... + a (n times, where * is the binary operation on the "semigroup" part of the ring, and + is the operation on the "group" part of the ring) because I freak out and think, how do I know these two things produce the same result? I mean I get it for familiar number systems like R and C and Z, but does it always work out? I just feel uneasy with generalizing it to everything! Can I? Is there a theorem for that?
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  • #2
If you have a ring, then both "addition" and "multiplication" are defined only for member of the ring so that "n*a" is NOT either of those. "n*x" is defined as "a added to itself n times". They "produce the same result" because "n*x" is defined as shorthand for that sum.
  • #3
But what I mean is, say you have the group operation and its called + and the other operation (the binary operation on the semigroup part of the ring) say is called &. I get that the shorthand definition n*x is defined as x + x + x +... + x (n times) but is there any relationship between & and *? Or is there any way to tell when such a relationship exists or doesn't exist?
  • #4
dumbQuestion said:
but is there any relationship between & and *? Or is there any way to tell when such a relationship exists or doesn't exist?

Are you asking if there can be examples where some special relationship exists ? (I would assume so.) Or are you asking if there is always some relationship? I think the only "always" relationships are things you can prove employing the distributive law of & over +.

Propose examples of some relationships.
  • #5
If the ring contains Z (the integers) as a subring, then the two interpretations of the expression n*a give the same result. Otherwise, the repeated addition interpretation is the only possible one.
  • #6
If you're dealing with the ring of polynomials in one variable, then a*b is the

standard polynomial product of a,b .

Erland: do you mean to say that defining multiplication as repeated addition in

the case where the ring contains the integers is the only way of satisfying the

axioms of ring multiplication (together with distributivity props.) ?

Never mind, Erland, sorry.
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  • #7
For every ring R there is a unique ring homomorphism from Z into R. So in that context, n&a only has meaning if you understand n to be the image under that homomorphism. n*a on the other hand, means addition repeated n times. They are equal because:

[itex] n*a = a+ ... + a = 1&a + ... +1&a = (1+...+1)&a = \bar{n}&a [/itex]

For example, if the ring is Z mod 8, then 23*a=7&a.
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FAQ: Does n*a ALWAYS mean to a + a + + a (n times) where + is the group operation?

1. What is the meaning of "n*a" in this equation?

In this equation, "n*a" represents the multiplication of the element "a" by itself "n" number of times. For example, if n = 3, then n*a would mean a*a*a.

2. Does n*a always result in "a + a + ... + a"?

Yes, n*a always results in "a + a + ... + a" where "+" is the group operation and "a" is repeated "n" times. This is because n*a simply means the repeated addition of "a" to itself "n" number of times, which is equivalent to "a + a + ... + a".

3. Can n be any real number in this equation?

No, n must be a positive integer (1, 2, 3, ...) in order for this equation to make sense. This is because the concept of "a + a + ... + a" only applies to whole numbers, not fractions or decimals.

4. Is this equation only applicable to addition?

No, this equation can be applied to any group operation, not just addition. This includes multiplication, division, and even more complex operations like matrix multiplication. As long as the operation follows the three properties of a group (closure, associativity, and identity), this equation will hold true.

5. Can this equation be used in all mathematical contexts?

Yes, this equation is a fundamental concept in abstract algebra and can be applied in a wide range of mathematical contexts, including algebra, number theory, and geometry. It is also used in computer science and physics to solve various problems and equations.
