Solve Lagrangian Problem: Mass on Wire, Periodic Motion, E & T

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In summary, the conversation is about a person struggling with Lagrangian mechanics and seeking help with understanding certain concepts. These concepts include the arc length of a moving object, the Lagrangian formula, and finding the period of motion. The person is also unsure about the physical significance of certain variables and how to solve certain equations. They are seeking guidance and clarification on these topics.
  • #1
I'm not sure if this is in the right section, if it isn't can someone please move it :)

Lagrangian mechanics has me completely stumped. Just doesn't seem to make any sense to me. So let's see how this goes.

A best of mass m is threaded onto a frictionless wire and allowed to move under the pull of a constant gravitational acceleration g. the wire is bent into a curve y=f(x) in the x-y plane, with gravity pointing in the -y direction.

(a) Let s(t) be the arc length along the bead's trajectory. Show that ds2 = dx2 +dy2

From calculus i remember this being integral(a->b) of (1 + f'(x))1/2 dx

a = x, b = x + dx

how do I solve this :S

(b) treating s(t) as a generalized coordinate, argue that the Lagrangian is given by

L = (1/2)ms'2 - mgf[x(s)]

Well if s(t) is it's position then s' is it's velocity so KE = (1/2)ms'2 and f[x(s)] is just its height so mgf[x(s)] is the PE. L = KE - PE

(c) Argue that there exists a constant of the motion E such that

E = (1/2)s'2 + gf[x(s)]

What is E physically.

Well E is the energy per unit mass. This exists due to the Lagrangians independence of time?

(d) With the help of a diagram explain under what conditions the motion is periodic.

PE > KE?

(e) Show that the period is given by

T = 21/2.integral(s1->s2) ds/((E-gf[x(s)])1/2)

where s1 and s2 satisfy E=gf[x(s1)] and E=gf[x(s2)]

To do this do I have to find the equation of motion with respect to s?

(There is more, but i think ill stop here!)

Sorry for being so vague but this stuff really does my head in. Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

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  • #2
The arc length is given by [itex]s(t)=\int_a^b \sqrt{1+f'(x)^2}dx[/itex], notice the square. Therefore [itex]ds=\sqrt{1+f'(x)^2}dx[/itex]. Secondly y=f(x), dy/dx=f'(x). Can you take it from here?

FAQ: Solve Lagrangian Problem: Mass on Wire, Periodic Motion, E & T

1. What is the Lagrangian method and how does it apply to the mass on a wire problem?

The Lagrangian method is a mathematical approach used to solve problems in classical mechanics. It involves defining a function called the Lagrangian, which takes into account the kinetic and potential energies of a system. In the mass on a wire problem, the Lagrangian is used to determine the equations of motion for the mass as it moves along the wire.

2. What is periodic motion and how is it related to the mass on a wire problem?

Periodic motion refers to any motion that repeats itself after a certain amount of time. In the mass on a wire problem, the mass moves back and forth in a periodic manner along the wire, making it an example of periodic motion. The Lagrangian method can be used to determine the period of this motion.

3. How does energy (E) play a role in solving the Lagrangian problem for the mass on a wire?

Energy plays a crucial role in the Lagrangian problem for the mass on a wire. The total energy of the system, which includes both kinetic and potential energies, is conserved. This means that the energy remains constant throughout the motion of the mass, and can be used to determine the equations of motion.

4. How is time (T) incorporated into the equations for the mass on a wire problem?

Time is an important variable in the equations for the mass on a wire problem. The equations of motion derived using the Lagrangian method are in terms of time, and they can be used to determine the position and velocity of the mass at any given time. The period of the motion can also be calculated using these equations.

5. What are the limitations of using the Lagrangian method to solve the mass on a wire problem?

The Lagrangian method has some limitations when it comes to solving the mass on a wire problem. It assumes that the system is conservative, meaning that there are no external forces acting on the mass. It also assumes that the wire is ideal and has no mass, which may not be the case in real-life situations. Additionally, the equations of motion may become more complex for more complicated systems, making it difficult to solve them using the Lagrangian method.
