Opinion on Solving the ODE y''=f(y): A Detailed Explanation

  • Thread starter Zaphys
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In summary, you found a way to integrate an ODE that has the form y''=f(y). This equation is separable, meaning that you can solve it for each individual variable separately. You found two solutions, one that is positive and one that is negative, by evaluating the integral of the differential equation.
  • #1
Opinion about y"=f(y), see mistakes?

Hello science companions ;)

I was wondering for a while how to solve this ODE (y''=f(y)) and I finally found one way to integrate it. I don't know actually if it is correct but as I see them, all steps are mathematically consistent. Here I show how I came to the general solution (for all steps consider y=y(x):

-1st multiply each side of the ODE by 2y'


-2nd using (y'2)'=2·y'·y'' write


-3rd first both-side-with-respect-to-x integration

[tex]\int[/tex](y'2)'dx=2[tex]\int[/tex]f(y)y'dx+A (1st integration costant)

-4th cancelling derivative with integral and using dy=y'dx


-5th the integral is the primitive of f(y) so we call it F(y), and aplying squareroots to both sides we finally have:


These are two ecuations that only differ in sign and represent two "families of families" of solutions. In any of them the equation is separable as we have the first derivative equal to an only function of y, so reorganizing we may write:


Then integration as usual which gives, using again dy=y'dx:

[tex]\int\frac{1}{\sqrt{2F(y)+A}}dy=\pm x+B[/tex] (2nd integration constant)

What represents the general set of solutions if I wasn't mistaken. Please any comments, corrections, advise... will be more than welcome. Hope I made myself clear enough ;)
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  • #2

This looks correct.
  • #3

Yeh, that's what I thought, I just wasn´t sure. Thanks a lot for reading.
  • #4

I think there is a mistake from step three to step four on the left hand side of the equation. I don't think things cancel how you think they do.
  • #5

Why not? I mean, is [tex]\int\frac{d(y'^2)}{dx}dx=y'^2 [/tex] not true? Is that where you say I've mistaken?
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  • #6

Zaphys said:
Why not? I mean, is [tex]\int\frac{d(y'2)}{dx}dx=y'^2 [/tex] not true?

Oh, sorry. My mistake you are right.
  • #7

ok, ok nothing :) John , good night
  • #8

So, it looks right. Why not try try applying it to some differential equations for which we know the solution. I'd be interested to see a few examples worked out.
  • #9

Yeh! (why didn't I thought about that before!, thanks)For example we know that the solution of ODE

[tex]\frac{d^2y}{dx^2}=y , y(0)=1 , \frac{dy}{dx}(0)=0[/tex]

is y=coshx (integrating it with the usual method for linear-2nd-oreder-homogeneus ODE).

The method I exposed will give the solution by evaluating the integral (with f(y)=y and, therefore, F(y)=y2/2):


which can be written as the standard integral for acoshy (by doing A=-a2). And hence, all considering inital conditions for y(0) and y'(0), we'll have that

y=coshx C.Q.D.

So I thinks this really works. In fact, by the way, once I came to it I couldn't help to think of the pendulum equation, not the one for little variations of [tex]\theta[/tex] but the "generic" one, that is to say a pendulum of length l with gravity g that satisfies:


Unfortunately you finally have to deal with the following integral


which, I think, have no closed solution.

Salutations, zaphys ;)
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  • #10

Zaphys said:
Hello science companions ;)

I was wondering for a while how to solve this ODE (y''=f(y)) and I finally found one way to integrate it. I don't know actually if it is correct but as I see them, all steps are mathematically consistent. Here I show how I came to the general solution (for all steps consider y=y(x):

-1st multiply each side of the ODE by 2y'


-2nd using (y'2)'=2·y'·y'' write


-3rd first both-side-with-respect-to-x integration

[tex]\int[/tex](y'2)'dx=2[tex]\int[/tex]f(y)y'dx+A (1st integration costant)

-4th cancelling derivative with integral and using dy=y'dx


-5th the integral is the primitive of f(y) so we call it F(y), and aplying squareroots to both sides we finally have:


These are two ecuations that only differ in sign and represent two "families of families" of solutions. In any of them the equation is separable as we have the first derivative equal to an only function of y, so reorganizing we may write:


Then integration as usual which gives, using again dy=y'dx:

[tex]\int\frac{1}{\sqrt{2F(y)+A}}dy=\pm x+B[/tex] (2nd integration constant)

What represents the general set of solutions if I wasn't mistaken. Please any comments, corrections, advise... will be more than welcome. Hope I made myself clear enough ;)
That is, in fact, a fairly standard method of solving differential equations known as "quadrature". If you found it by yourself, that is impressive!
  • #11

oh! so pleasant to hear that :D, thanks Hallsofivy. I was just preparing ODEs before I get to university so that I can deal there with sightly complicated problems, and wondered if was possible to integrate y''=f(y), and it is, wonderfull :)
  • #12

Another way to think of this ODE y'' = f(y) ...
Since x does not appear explicitly in the equation, write z = y' and write it as an ODE for z as a function of y. Then:
[tex]y'' = \frac{dz}{dx} = \frac{dz/dy}{dx/dy} = \frac{dz}{dy}\;\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{dz}{dy}\;z[/tex]
So we have to solve the first-order ODE
[tex]\frac{dz}{dy}\;z = f(y)[/tex]
which is separable. When you solve that as z = G(y), then convert back to the original variables y' = G(y) and the final result is an integration.
  • #13

Yes absolutely. And pretty more elegant than my method ;) I can see that the final result has to deal with the same integral as my final result.

I'm so glad to have done this post :D

Related to Opinion on Solving the ODE y''=f(y): A Detailed Explanation

1. What is the significance of "y = f(y)" in scientific research?

The equation "y = f(y)" is commonly used in scientific research to represent a relationship between two variables, where one variable (y) is a function of the other variable (f(y)). This equation is often used to analyze and understand complex systems and can provide valuable insights into how different factors affect each other.

2. How is the "y = f(y)" equation used in data analysis?

In data analysis, the equation "y = f(y)" can be used to create mathematical models that can predict the behavior of a system based on the relationship between two variables. It can also be used to identify trends and patterns in large datasets, allowing researchers to make informed decisions and draw meaningful conclusions from their data.

3. Can the "y = f(y)" equation be applied to all scientific fields?

Yes, the "y = f(y)" equation is a universal concept that can be applied to all scientific fields. It is commonly used in fields such as physics, biology, chemistry, and economics, among others. This equation is a fundamental tool in understanding how different factors interact and influence each other in various systems.

4. How does the "y = f(y)" equation relate to causation vs. correlation in scientific research?

The "y = f(y)" equation is often used to determine causation, which means that one variable has a direct effect on the other. It can also be used to identify correlations, which means that two variables are related, but one does not necessarily cause the other. By analyzing the relationship between two variables using this equation, scientists can determine whether there is a causal relationship or just a correlation between them.

5. What are the limitations of using the "y = f(y)" equation in scientific research?

While the "y = f(y)" equation is a powerful tool in scientific research, it does have limitations. It assumes a linear relationship between two variables, which may not always be the case in complex systems. It also requires accurate and precise data to produce meaningful results. Additionally, this equation cannot account for all factors that may influence a system, so other methods may need to be used in conjunction with it to fully understand a system.

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