Can GRE scores make it in time for Dec. 1st deadlines?

  • Thread starter Kites
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In summary, the individual is concerned about their GRE scores arriving in time for the Dec. 1st deadlines for programs such as UW-Madison and U of Texas. They are worried about not being considered for financial aid if the scores are not received in time. Advice is given to send in the parts of the application they are responsible for and to add a note about pending GRE scores. The expert believes that the schools will most likely wait for the scores to come in and it is not the individual's fault if they do not arrive by the deadline.
  • #1
A quick question for everyone.

Today I took the Physics GRE and while I think it went pretty well I am worried now that I might have a problem. Dec. 1st deadlines.

A lot of programs like UW-Madison and U of Texas have this deadline for all application materials. Can my GRE scores make it in time to these places? I am worried that I won't be quick enough for financial aid consideration. Without fin. aid I can't go to school.

Any advice would be appreciated.
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  • #2
Send in the parts of the application you are responsible for. Add a note in a relevant section that GRE scores are pending and will be sent in by ETS when they are done grading the tests.

The schools will probably put your application aside until the GRE score comes in, but I doubt that they would refuse to consider you because ETS can't get the scores in by that deadline. That is not your fault. (Unless they expected you to take the October test, but I doubt this is the case.)
  • #3

I understand your concern regarding the Dec. 1st deadlines for graduate school applications. While I cannot provide a definitive answer, I can offer some information that may help alleviate your worries.

Firstly, it is important to note that the delivery of GRE scores is largely dependent on the testing center and the processing time of the institution receiving the scores. Typically, the official score report is available within 10-15 days after the test date, but this can vary.

Additionally, it is important to check with each individual program or institution to see if they have any specific requirements or deadlines for GRE scores. Some may allow for a grace period or accept scores after the deadline, while others may require scores to be received by the deadline.

In terms of financial aid consideration, it is best to contact the financial aid office at the specific institutions you are applying to and inquire about their policies and deadlines for GRE scores. They may be able to provide more specific information and guidance.

Overall, my advice would be to send your scores as soon as they become available and to communicate with the institutions about any potential concerns or delays. It is also important to remember that GRE scores are just one aspect of the application and may not be the sole determining factor for admission or financial aid consideration.

I wish you the best of luck in your graduate school applications.

FAQ: Can GRE scores make it in time for Dec. 1st deadlines?

1. What is the GRE and why is it important for Dec 1st deadlines?

The GRE, or Graduate Record Examination, is a standardized test commonly required for admission into graduate programs. Dec 1st is a common deadline for graduate school applications, so taking the GRE by this date allows for scores to be submitted in a timely manner.

2. When should I take the GRE if I have a Dec 1st deadline?

It is recommended to take the GRE at least 4-6 weeks before your desired deadline. This allows time for your scores to be processed and sent to your chosen schools before the deadline.

3. How long is the GRE valid for?

GRE scores are valid for 5 years from the test date. If your scores are older than 5 years, you will need to retake the GRE for your graduate school application.

4. Are there any exceptions to the Dec 1st deadline for the GRE?

Some graduate programs may have different application deadlines, so it is important to check with each individual school. However, Dec 1st is a common deadline for many programs.

5. Can I still apply for graduate school if I miss the Dec 1st deadline?

It is possible to still apply for graduate school after the Dec 1st deadline, but it is not recommended as many programs have limited space and may prioritize applicants who met the deadline. It is best to plan ahead and submit your application by the designated deadline.

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