American in a European Grad School?

In summary, if you are considering going to grad school in Europe, you should carefully consider your end goal and what your skills and qualifications are. Additionally, be aware of the money issues and the difficulty of making connections in the US.
  • #1
Hi PF,

I am wondering if there are any challenges/stigmas associated with an American getting their grad degree in Europe. I admit, I'm mainly considering this for the "adventure" of it, but I want to know if my living in Europe for a few years and grabbing my PhD there would really affect my postdoc/employment prospects in the US.

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  • #2
Where in Europe? I would imagine certain Universities, like Cambridge, have a long standing prestige status going for them, while let's say Czech Technical University in Prague may not be considered posh.
  • #3
degrees in europe are different than degrees in the states. know what you're getting into. D.Phil != Ph.D
  • #4
rms344 said:
degrees in europe are different than degrees in the states. know what you're getting into. D.Phil != Ph.D

Err D.Phil == Ph.D, it's just that Oxford can't spell.

The only major difference is that ugrad degrees in many european countries are more specialised you will typically only study physics course with no minors or humanities. Because of this starting european PhD students may have more subject knowledge than in a comparable US ugrad degree.
Also the PhD often has no required coursework, unless you are an advanced ugrad you might need/want to consider a MSc first.
  • #5
cronxeh said:
Where in Europe? I would imagine certain Universities, like Cambridge, have a long standing prestige status going for them, while let's say Czech Technical University in Prague may not be considered posh.

Probably somewhere in France or Switzerland (at least that's what I'm considering). I'll have a few years of french language studies behind me, enough to be able to pick it up a lot faster than if I were studying in, say, Germany.

If I could get into a university like Cambridge, I'd probably prefer Caltech, Berkeley, or Stanford (I'm considering California pretty strongly too, I'd prefer to stay out of the cold northeast for a while though).
  • #6
I have close second hand experience in this area. My brother-in-law did his masters in Europe. You really need to consider what your end goal is with going to grad school overseas. If you are counting on having this degree count for something you need to be very careful. Especially if you are counting on this degree being recognized as the same sort of thing in the US.

Next, there is the money issue. As a foreigner, you will likely have to pay for your tuition, housing, etc. This is usually cheaper in Europe than in the US, but not necessarily. In physics, in the US, you should not have to pay anything for your graduate education.

One thing you really need to consider is if you will be able to make the kind of connections in the US that you will need to make to secure a postdoc if you are attending a foreign university. Every postdoc, research position and especially a tenure track professorship is highly competitive. Just like in every other profession, it is often more about who you know than what you know when trying to get your foot in the door. My first postdoc came from a very close contact I made while doing my Ph.D. work. He was a close colleague of my advisor and we did some work together. Now if you want to stay and work in Europe this may be a good thing, but if you plan to come back the states, then you may want to closely consider that decision.

FAQ: American in a European Grad School?

1. What are the biggest cultural differences between American and European grad schools?

The biggest cultural differences between American and European grad schools include the teaching style, academic expectations, and social norms. In American grad schools, there is often a more interactive and discussion-based teaching approach, while in European grad schools, lectures are more common. Additionally, European grad schools tend to have a more independent and self-directed learning approach, with less emphasis on grades. Socially, American grad schools may have a more relaxed and informal atmosphere, while European grad schools may have a more formal and hierarchical structure.

2. How do the application processes differ between American and European grad schools?

The application processes for American and European grad schools are quite different. In American grad schools, there is often a more holistic approach to admissions, with a focus on letters of recommendation, statement of purpose, and standardized test scores. On the other hand, European grad schools may have a more structured and standardized application process, with a strong emphasis on grades and academic transcripts. Additionally, some European grad schools may require students to take specific entrance exams.

3. Are there any language barriers for an American student in a European grad school?

Language barriers can vary depending on the specific country and grad school. In some countries, such as the UK, English is the primary language of instruction, so there may not be any significant language barriers for American students. However, in other countries, such as France or Germany, the primary language of instruction may be the native language, so students may need to have a certain level of proficiency in the language to succeed in their studies.

4. How do the costs of American and European grad schools compare?

The costs of American and European grad schools can vary significantly. In general, European grad schools may have lower tuition fees compared to American grad schools. However, it's important to factor in the cost of living, as living expenses in some European countries may be higher than in the US. Additionally, funding opportunities, such as scholarships and grants, may also differ between American and European grad schools.

5. What are the job prospects for an American student with a European grad school degree?

The job prospects for an American student with a European grad school degree can be quite positive. Having a degree from a reputable European university can be seen as an asset in the job market, especially in fields such as international relations, business, and language studies. Additionally, the experience of studying in a different cultural and educational environment can also be attractive to potential employers.

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