How we see things, relating to Crystal field theory.

In summary, the color of transition metal compounds arises from the specific positioning of electrons in non-degenerate orbitals, which can absorb certain photons of visible light. When an electron is excited by a photon, it can quickly disexcite through thermalization in aqueous solution. This prevents the electron from transmitting the same color of light as it falls back to its ground state.
  • #1
Sorry this is largely chemistry based, but delves into electron theory.

I'm a little confused about how the colour of transition metal compounds arises.

I understand that say for [Cu(H2O)6]2+, you have an octahedral arrangement around the central atom, and the specific positioning of these relative to the 3d orbitals causes the formation of non-degenerate orbitals, 3 at a 'lower' energy level, say xy,xz yz and 2 at a higher level, x2-y2, z2.
With a bit of research and looking around everyone seems to agree that when visible light hits one of these compounds, the photons whose energy corresponds to the energy difference between the two orbitals will be absorbed, so if the difference was equal to a 'photon of red light' red light would be absorbed, and all others transmitted, resulting in a blue colour perceived.

My question is what happens to the energy that the 'excited' electron receives is it lost as heat?
From my (limited) understanding of electrons and stuff, when you excite an electron, and it falls back down, it releases a photon of specific energy corresponding to the electron's initial energy. So why wouldn't an electron, excited by a 'photon of red light' not transmit red light as it 'falls' back down to its ground state?
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  • #2
arkyy said:
Sorry this is largely chemistry based, but delves into electron theory.

I'm a little confused about how the colour of transition metal compounds arises.

I understand that say for [Cu(H2O)6]2+, you have an octahedral arrangement around the central atom, and the specific positioning of these relative to the 3d orbitals causes the formation of non-degenerate orbitals, 3 at a 'lower' energy level, say xy,xz yz and 2 at a higher level, x2-y2, z2.
With a bit of research and looking around everyone seems to agree that when visible light hits one of these compounds, the photons whose energy corresponds to the energy difference between the two orbitals will be absorbed, so if the difference was equal to a 'photon of red light' red light would be absorbed, and all others transmitted, resulting in a blue colour perceived.

My question is what happens to the energy that the 'excited' electron receives is it lost as heat?
From my (limited) understanding of electrons and stuff, when you excite an electron, and it falls back down, it releases a photon of specific energy corresponding to the electron's initial energy. So why wouldn't an electron, excited by a 'photon of red light' not transmit red light as it 'falls' back down to its ground state?

You reason as if you were in vapor, when this excited electron could disexcite before the next collision with another molecule. But you are in aqueous solution, where the mechanical means for disexcitation are many and quick. It is the general phenomenon of thermalisation. The recipient of the red photon does not remain isolated.

FAQ: How we see things, relating to Crystal field theory.

1. How does Crystal field theory explain the color of transition metal complexes?

Crystal field theory explains the color of transition metal complexes by considering the interactions between the positively charged metal ion and the negatively charged ligands. These interactions cause the d orbitals of the metal ion to split into different energy levels, with the lower energy levels being filled with electrons and the higher energy levels being left empty. When light is shone on the complex, electrons in the lower energy levels can absorb energy and jump to the higher energy levels, resulting in the absorption of specific wavelengths of light and the appearance of color.

2. What is the relationship between ligand field strength and crystal field splitting energy?

The ligand field strength refers to the ability of a ligand to interact with the metal ion and cause a splitting of the d orbitals. The stronger the ligand field, the greater the crystal field splitting energy will be. This means that the energy difference between the lower and higher energy levels of the d orbitals will be larger, resulting in a larger energy gap and a more intense color for the transition metal complex.

3. How does the geometry of a transition metal complex affect its color?

The geometry of a transition metal complex can affect its color through the ligand field splitting energy. Different geometries can result in different ligand field strengths, which in turn can lead to different energy gaps between the d orbitals and therefore different colors. For example, octahedral complexes tend to have a larger ligand field splitting energy and therefore exhibit more intense colors compared to tetrahedral complexes.

4. Can Crystal field theory explain the magnetic properties of transition metal complexes?

Yes, Crystal field theory can explain the magnetic properties of transition metal complexes by considering the number of unpaired electrons in the d orbitals. If there are unpaired electrons in the lower energy levels, the complex will exhibit paramagnetic properties. However, if all the d orbitals are filled, the complex will be diamagnetic.

5. How does Crystal field theory account for the stability of transition metal complexes?

Crystal field theory accounts for the stability of transition metal complexes by considering the energy levels of the d orbitals. If the ligand field is strong enough to cause a large energy gap between the lower and higher energy levels, the complex will be more stable. This is because the electrons in the lower energy levels will be less likely to be excited to the higher energy levels, resulting in a more stable configuration.

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