Charging a capacitor with AC voltage

In summary, a capacitor can store charge when connected to an AC source, but the charge cannot be retained over time.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Can somebody explain how it is possible to charge a capacitor using ac voltage? The way I see it is the capacitor wouldn't have time to charge as the voltage is constantly switching. In the case of 60Hz - 120 times a second.

I seen a schematic of a tesla coil where the capacitor is in series with a primary coil the source is a transformer. A spark gap is in parallel with the source and capacitor/transformer. There were no diodes.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
  • #3
Capacitor stores charge and not current. In genereral,you must convert AC into DC using rectifier diode and then charge the capacitor.

But, if u connect a capacitor with AC source,then it will alternately get charged and discharged determined by frequency of the source. This is obviously because the current isn't in one direction. So it can't be charged i.e charge can't be retained/stored in capacitor in AC curcit
  • #4
just consider for example the AC voltage where the the voltage is given by V(t) = Vsin(t), for the duration of the positive part of the wave from 0 to pi/2 the capacitor would be 'charging' for that whole process and be at maximum charge at pi/2.

then from pi/2 to pi, the voltage will be decreasing across the capacitor and so the charge will be decreasing. this will be the same process for the other bit of the wave except it will be charged the other way round eg the plate that was originally positive will be negative from pi to 2pi .

So the capacitor is still charging just for very short intervals depending on the frequency
  • #5
Yep. I get the picture now. I just didn't appreciate the speed at which this is happening. Basically the spark gap must be firing twice per cycle. I wonder why the cap is there in the first place? Is it because of w=.5cv^2? A quick release of energy into the coil.

FAQ: Charging a capacitor with AC voltage

1. What is a capacitor?

A capacitor is an electronic component that stores electrical energy in the form of an electric field. It consists of two conductive plates separated by an insulating material called a dielectric.

2. How is a capacitor charged with AC voltage?

A capacitor can be charged with AC voltage by connecting it in series with a resistor and an AC voltage source. As the AC voltage alternates, the capacitor charges and discharges, storing and releasing energy.

3. Why do we use AC voltage to charge a capacitor?

AC voltage is used to charge a capacitor because it continuously changes direction, allowing the capacitor to charge and discharge repeatedly, resulting in a smoother and more stable charge compared to using DC voltage.

4. What is the difference between charging a capacitor with AC and DC voltage?

The main difference is that AC voltage continuously changes direction, while DC voltage only flows in one direction. This results in a more stable and constant charge in a capacitor charged with AC voltage, compared to a capacitor charged with DC voltage which may experience voltage drops over time.

5. How does the capacitance affect the charging process of a capacitor with AC voltage?

The capacitance of a capacitor affects the amount of charge it can hold and the rate at which it charges. A higher capacitance means the capacitor can hold more charge, while a lower capacitance results in a slower charging process. Additionally, a higher capacitance can reduce the voltage drop over time, resulting in a more stable charge.

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