Can I Compare mRNA Levels of Different Genes in qrt PCR Results?

  • Thread starter gravenewworld
  • Start date
In summary, there is a discussion about comparing two different genes to each other in the context of using GAPDH as a housekeeping gene for normalization. It is generally agreed that comparing different genes directly is not reliable due to variations in primer efficiency. However, it is possible to compare the same gene across different cell lines after correcting with a housekeeping gene. It is also suggested to use more than one housekeeping gene for robust results.
  • #1
I have 5 different cell lines I'm testing and 2 different genes with GAPDH being used as my housekeeping gene which the mRNA for the 2 different genes are normalized to. People have told me that you can't compare the two different gene mRNA levels to each other, but can only compare the mRNA levels of the same gene across the different cell lines. I really don't understand why, is this true?
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  • #2
of course you can compare them

what you can't do is to compare your genes of interest in all your different cells lines whithout referring them to the housekeeping.
  • #3
You can? From what I was told you can't compare two different genes to each other due to the fact that you don't know how efficient each primer is for each gene (makes sense I guess). You can only compare the same gene across multiple cell lines after correcting with a housekeeping gene (in this case GAPDH). I'm doing relative quantitation and not generating any standard curves.
  • #4
oh, well, of course.
if you don't know the primers efficiencies you can't do any quantitation...

anyway if you compare genes on different cells lines you may want to use more than one single housekeeping
  • #5

Thank you for sharing your qrt PCR results. I understand your confusion and I would be happy to provide some clarification on this issue.

Firstly, it is important to note that qrt PCR is a highly sensitive and accurate technique for quantifying gene expression. However, there are certain considerations that need to be taken into account when interpreting the results.

In your case, you have used GAPDH as a housekeeping gene to normalize the mRNA levels of the two different genes across the five cell lines. This is a commonly used approach in qrt PCR experiments as it helps to account for any variations in sample preparation and amplification efficiency.

However, it is important to keep in mind that the mRNA levels of different genes cannot be directly compared to each other. This is because the expression levels of each gene can vary significantly depending on factors such as the cell type, experimental conditions, and biological processes. Therefore, it is not appropriate to compare the mRNA levels of different genes to each other.

Instead, the purpose of using a housekeeping gene like GAPDH is to compare the relative expression levels of the same gene across different samples. This allows for a more accurate comparison of gene expression within a specific experimental context. It also helps to control for any technical variations that may arise during the qrt PCR process.

In summary, while it may seem intuitive to compare the mRNA levels of different genes, it is not a valid approach in qrt PCR experiments. The use of a housekeeping gene like GAPDH is essential for accurately interpreting gene expression data. I hope this helps to clarify the issue for you. Keep up the good work with your research!

FAQ: Can I Compare mRNA Levels of Different Genes in qrt PCR Results?

What is qrt PCR analysis?

Qrt PCR (quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction) analysis is a laboratory technique used to measure the amount of DNA or RNA in a sample. It uses a combination of PCR and fluorescence detection to accurately quantify the initial amount of DNA or RNA in a sample.

How do you interpret qrt PCR results?

Qrt PCR results are typically presented as a graph with the fluorescence signal on the y-axis and the cycle number on the x-axis. The cycle number represents the number of cycles required for the fluorescence signal to reach a specific threshold. The earlier the threshold is reached, the higher the initial amount of DNA or RNA in the sample. The results can also be presented as a numerical value, known as the cycle threshold (Ct) value, which indicates the cycle number at which the fluorescence signal reaches the threshold.

What are the factors that can affect qrt PCR results?

Several factors can affect qrt PCR results, including the quality and quantity of the starting material, the efficiency of the reverse transcription step, the primer design, and the presence of inhibitors in the sample. It is essential to carefully control these factors to obtain reliable and accurate results.

How do you calculate the relative gene expression from qrt PCR results?

The most common method for calculating relative gene expression from qrt PCR results is the comparative Ct method (also known as the 2^-ΔΔCt method). This method compares the Ct values of the gene of interest to a reference gene and calculates the fold change in expression between different samples. The formula for this calculation is 2^-ΔΔCt, where ΔΔCt = (Ct of gene of interest - Ct of reference gene) target sample - (Ct of gene of interest - Ct of reference gene) control sample.

How do you troubleshoot unexpected qrt PCR results?

If you obtain unexpected results from qrt PCR, the first step is to carefully review your experimental design and protocols to identify any potential errors. You can also try repeating the experiment with new samples or optimizing the qrt PCR conditions. If the issue persists, it is essential to seek assistance from a colleague or consult the literature for troubleshooting tips specific to your experimental setup.
