Wellington, NZ, should prepare for more Earthquakes

  • Thread starter StevieTNZ
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In summary, there have been dozens of earthquakes in the past few hours, and the magnitude is increasing. The scientists are still trying to determine the cause, but they believe it is a new fault line. Residents in Wellington are advised to be prepared for aftershocks.
  • #1

Today is Sunday. This morning I felt the one at 7.30am.

On Friday, we had a 5.7 magnitude earthquake centered around Seddon, as well. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10900169

Today's earthquake history: http://www.geonet.co.nz/quakes/region/newzealand/all

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Earth sciences news on Phys.org
  • #4
I hope these dozens of quakes are letting off enough pressure to prevent a large quake. Thirty significant quakes within a couple of hours is pretty bad.
  • #5

The scientists are stunned that after the 5.8, there should not have been a 6.5 that evening.
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  • #6
Hopefully this isn't a trend of quakes creeping up north
  • #7
wukunlin said:
Hopefully this isn't a trend of quakes creeping up north

Quick, you guys need to build a Great Earthquake Wall!
  • #9
They believe the cause of these earthquakes is a new fault line. http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/8950508/Swarm-could-trigger-Wellington-fault

Seismologists say the weekend's swarm of earthquakes could be on a new fault they have not mapped before, and could possibly trigger movement on the feared Wellington fault.

In other earthquake news: http://nz.news.yahoo.com/a/-/top-stories/18132774/marlborough-moved-5cm-to-east-in-quake/
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  • #10
Residents in New Zealand's capital have been reminded that large aftershocks are still a threat a week following a major earthquake, with a 5.4 magnitude tremor shaking the city overnight.

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  • #11
More earthquakes:

Yesterday: http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/8989172/Shaky-morning-for-Cook-Strait
Which made Barbara Stewart, an MP sitting in Parliament say the following on Facebook:
Wellington keeps rocking and rolling this week. The biggest so far has been a 4.9 earthquake at which shook the Debating Chamber and Parliament Buildings this morning!

This morning (Friday): http://nz.news.yahoo.com/a/-/top-stories/18294351/another-quake-rattles-central-new-zealand/
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  • #12
Our department's (Physics @ UoA) labs just recorded a 6.9 quake at wellington :eek:

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  • #13
wukunlin said:
Our department's (Physics @ UoA) labs just recorded a 6.9 quake at wellington :eek:


Wow. That's really a big one.

The USGS site -


shows two big aftershocks, 5.7 and 5.2.

Hang on, Kiwis! I really hope all is well there :frown:!
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Related to Wellington, NZ, should prepare for more Earthquakes

1. What is the likelihood of Wellington, NZ experiencing more earthquakes?

According to geologists, Wellington, NZ is located on a major fault line known as the Hikurangi subduction zone, making it highly susceptible to earthquakes. Therefore, it is important for the city to prepare for the possibility of more earthquakes in the future.

2. How often do earthquakes occur in Wellington, NZ?

In the past, Wellington, NZ has experienced earthquakes ranging from small tremors to large, damaging quakes. On average, the city experiences a moderate earthquake every 2-3 years and a major earthquake every 150-200 years.

3. What measures should Wellington, NZ take to prepare for more earthquakes?

Wellington, NZ should have an emergency plan in place, including supplies and evacuation routes. Buildings should also be retrofitted to withstand earthquakes and strict building codes should be enforced for new constructions.

4. How can individuals prepare for earthquakes in Wellington, NZ?

Individuals should have an emergency kit ready with essentials such as food, water, and first aid supplies. They should also educate themselves on earthquake safety measures, such as drop, cover, and hold on during an earthquake.

5. Are there warning systems in place for earthquakes in Wellington, NZ?

Yes, there is a national earthquake early warning system in place in New Zealand. However, earthquakes can occur suddenly and without warning, so it is important for individuals and the city to be prepared at all times.

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