What are your thoughts on ipv6?

  • Thread starter ainster31
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In summary, it seems that the only way to be truly anonymous on the internet is to not have an IP address at all.
  • #1
The only reason we require DHCP is because we don't have enough IP addresses to give everyone a static IP address, right?

Does that mean that we will soon lose the ability to be anonymous on the Internet? Does that mean that everything we do will be definitively tracked to our IP address? I think the worst part is now we will lose the ability to ban evade, the ability to bypass restrictions based on IP address (such as download wait times), etc. If someone permanently bans your IP address (whether intentionally or accidentally), that's it: you're done. You will never have access to that website again. There is no second chance. This also means that DRM used in news sites will actually work because instead of giving you access to one free article based on browser session, they will give you access to one free article based on IP address.

Think of the privacy consequences. You are currently being tracked by dozens of advertising networks. Thankfully, you have the ability to prevent them from tracking every website you visit by just clearing your cache. If ipv6 becomes a reality, they will be able to track you regardless of whether or not you cleared your cache. Every single website that you visit will be tracked by advertising and third party companies and there is nothing you can do about it. Your data will be sold and not for legitimate reasons either.

This is all disappointing. What are your thoughts?
Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2


The only reason we require DHCP is because we don't have enough IP addresses to give everyone a static IP address, right?
No. We need it because manually assigning IP addresses is tedious.
There will still be NAT and subnetting.

Does that mean that we will soon lose the ability to be anonymous on the Internet?

Does that mean that everything we do will be definitively tracked to our IP address?

I think the worst part is now we will lose the ability to ban evade, the ability to bypass restrictions based on IP address (such as download wait times), etc. If someone permanently bans your IP address (whether intentionally or accidentally), that's it: you're done. You will never have access to that website again.
From that IP. Same as now. What is stopping you from using a different IP - say, borrowing a freinds computer, owning more than one internet capable device etc.

There is no second chance.
Then, if this is a hardship for you, it may be possible to get the decision reversed in meatspace.

These are non- or transient issues.
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
No. We need it because manually assigning IP addresses is tedious.
There will still be NAT and subnetting.

True, but we are currently forced to use dynamic IPs because there are too many computers in the world for ipv4. If we move to ipv6, ISPs will no longer be forced to use dynamic IPs. ISPs won't need to use dynamic IP addresses as tightly as they currently do and therefore, we will still see more static ip addresses.

Simon Bridge said:
From that IP. Same as now. What is stopping you from using a different IP - say, borrowing a freinds computer, owning more than one internet capable device etc.

I can do that but I have a finite amount of friends and internet capable devices. I prefer to use disposable IP addresses instead as they are more convenient. If you are trying to bypass a 20 minute wait on your IP address, then going to your friend's house defeats the purpose beacuse that will take more than 20 minutes. Having multiple modems to switch IP addresses becomes expensive quick. Using a friend's computer is a workaround for accessing a website but it will still mean that you can't access the website from your own home and therefore isn't a total fix. Both methods don't address the privacy concerns.
  • #4
DHCP and dynamic IP address assignment have never done anything for privacy or anonymity, so you aren't losing anything with IPv6.

Every physical network port (wireless, Ethernet, whatever) has a unique MAC address. DHCP is little more than a device booting up and asking the local DHCP server "Hey, here's my MAC address - what IPv4 address should I use while I'm attached through your network?". IPv6 allows us to skip that step, but anonymity still depends on going through a proxy that promises not to identify its clients.
  • #5
Both methods don't address the privacy concerns.
In that case, neither does dynamic IP address assignment.
It seems the only thing you have lost is an illusion.
  • #6
Nugatory said:
Every physical network port (wireless, Ethernet, whatever) has a unique MAC address... anonymity still depends on going through a proxy that promises not to identify its clients.


A little refresher:
How can I get a MAC address from an IP address?
Get MAC address from HTTP request?

Turns out AFAIK only computers on the same local network/network segment can and do collect IP/MAC address combinations using the ARP protocol. Google cannot determine your MAC address from your IP address (as long as you don't log on from the same network segment as the Google server).

But then, Google doesn't have to... even if your internet provider gives you a dynamic IP address (most cable providers in Germany don't), even with Javascript, Flash and other add-ons disabled by default, browser fingerprinting and the IP range that I usually come from make it very possible to for me be tracked - ESPECIALLY with all that stuff disabled. I'm pretty unique. :devil:

One thing you can always do is get a VPN service (or Tor, or any other proxy) to disguise your country of origin or prevent snooping by your provider, but this only works so far.

P.S. And yes, I too think we're going to see more static IP v6 addresses. And I feel a bit uncomfortable about the whole issue, starting with the fact I can't easily remember an IPv6 address. ;)
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FAQ: What are your thoughts on ipv6?

1. What is the purpose of IPv6?

IPv6, or Internet Protocol version 6, is the next generation of internet protocol that is designed to replace IPv4. Its main purpose is to provide a larger address space, as IPv4 is running out of available addresses. This will allow for more devices to connect to the internet and support future growth.

2. How does IPv6 differ from IPv4?

IPv6 uses a 128-bit address scheme, while IPv4 uses a 32-bit address scheme. This allows for a significantly larger number of unique addresses in IPv6. Additionally, IPv6 has improved security features and more efficient routing, making it more secure and faster than IPv4.

3. Is IPv6 backwards compatible with IPv4?

IPv6 is designed to be backwards compatible with IPv4, meaning that IPv6 devices can communicate with IPv4 devices. However, in order for this to work, special translation techniques, such as dual-stack or tunneling, are needed.

4. What are the benefits of using IPv6?

Besides the larger address space, IPv6 also offers improved network performance, better security, and simplified network management. It also allows for the use of new technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT) devices, that require a large number of IP addresses.

5. How does the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 work?

The transition from IPv4 to IPv6 is a gradual process that involves having both protocols coexist on the internet. This is known as dual-stack. As IPv6 adoption increases, the use of IPv4 will eventually decrease until it is phased out completely. This process will take several years and requires cooperation from internet service providers and network operators.

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