Proving SuSy Algebra Fulfillment for Qa & Qb Commutation

In summary: The minus sign appears because the derivative is acting on the derivative, which is why the terms after the dot vanish.
  • #1
Gold Member
So I'm trying to show that one choice of representation for the SuSy generators fulfills the SuSy algebra... (one of which is [itex]\left\{ Q_{a},\bar{Q_{\dot{b}}} \right\}= 2 \sigma^{\mu}_{a\dot{b}} p_{\mu}[/itex])...
[itex] Q_{a}= \partial_{a} - i σ^{μ}_{a\dot{β}} \bar{θ^{\dot{β}}} \partial_{\mu}[/itex]

[itex] \bar{Q_{\dot{b}}}= -\bar{\partial_{\dot{b}}} + i θ^{a}σ^{μ}_{a\dot{b}} \partial_{\mu}[/itex]

I am not sure how I could go on with computing this anticommutation...

[itex] Q_{a}\bar{Q_{\dot{b}}}= (\partial_{a} - i (σ^{μ}\bar{θ})_{a} \partial_{\mu})(-\bar{\partial_{\dot{b}}} + i (θσ^{μ})_{\dot{b}} \partial_{\mu})[/itex]

[itex] Q_{a}\bar{Q_{\dot{b}}}= -\partial_{a}\bar{\partial_{\dot{b}}}+\partial_{a} (θσ^{μ})_{\dot{b}} p_{\mu}+(σ^{μ}\bar{θ})_{a}\bar{\partial_{\dot{b}}} p_{\mu}+(σ^{μ}\bar{θ})_{a} (θσ^{ν})_{\dot{b}} ∂_{μ}∂_{ν}[/itex]

In a similar way I can write:
[itex] \bar{Q_{\dot{b}}}Q_{a}= -\bar{\partial_{\dot{b}}}\partial_{a}+\bar{\partial_{\dot{b}}}(σ^{μ}\bar{θ})_{a} p_{\mu}+(θσ^{μ})_{\dot{b}}\partial_{a}p_{\mu}+ (θσ^{ν})_{\dot{b}}(σ^{μ}\bar{θ})_{a} ∂_{μ}∂_{ν}[/itex]

Now the first terms after addition cancel because the grassmann derivatives are like spinor fields, so they anticommute:
[itex] \left\{ \partial_{a},\bar{\partial_{\dot{b}}} \right\}=0[/itex]
Is that a correct statement? (I think it is, but I am also asking)

The last terms give:
[itex] [(θσ^{ν})_{\dot{b}}(σ^{μ}\bar{θ})_{a}+(σ^{μ}\bar{θ})_{a} (θσ^{ν})_{\dot{b}}] ∂_{μ}∂_{ν}=0[/itex]
I am saying it's equal to zero, because I'm again seeing the parenthesis (...) as spinors, so they anticomutte... and because the partial derivatives are symmetric under the interchange μ to ν, and the [...] is antisymmetric it's going to give zero:

[itex] [(θσ^{ν})_{\dot{b}}(σ^{μ}\bar{θ})_{a}+(σ^{μ}\bar{θ})_{a} (θσ^{ν})_{\dot{b}}] ∂_{μ}∂_{ν}=[(θσ^{μ})_{\dot{b}}(σ^{ν}\bar{θ})_{a}+(σ^{ν}\bar{θ})_{a} (θσ^{μ})_{\dot{b}}] ∂_{ν}∂_{μ}[/itex]
[itex]=[-(σ^{ν}\bar{θ})_{a}(θσ^{μ})_{\dot{b}}- (θσ^{μ})_{\dot{b}}(σ^{ν}\bar{θ})_{a}] ∂_{ν}∂_{μ} [/itex]
renaming again:

[itex] [(θσ^{ν})_{\dot{b}}(σ^{μ}\bar{θ})_{a}+(σ^{μ}\bar{θ})_{a} (θσ^{ν})_{\dot{b}}] ∂_{μ}∂_{ν}=-[(θσ^{ν})_{\dot{b}}(σ^{μ}\bar{θ})_{a}+(σ^{μ}\bar{θ})_{a} (θσ^{ν})_{\dot{b}}] ∂_{μ}∂_{ν} =0[/itex]

So far I am certain I'm on a correct way (because I don't want as a result the double derivatives-is it in spinor or lorentz spaces)... However I'm not certain about my reasonings... For example, in the last one, I also thought of writing:
[itex](θσ^{ν})_{\dot{b}}(σ^{μ}\bar{θ})_{a}=(θσ^{ν}\bar{1})(1σ^{μ}\bar{θ}) \propto n^{\mu\nu} (θ1)(\bar{1}\bar{θ})[/itex]
But it wouldn't work out I think...I would also lose the spinoriac indices...

Then I have the middle terms:

[itex] [\partial_{a} (θσ^{μ})_{\dot{b}} +(σ^{μ}\bar{θ})_{a}\bar{\partial_{\dot{b}}}+ \bar{\partial_{\dot{b}}} (σ^{μ} \bar{θ})_{a} +(θσ^{μ})_{\dot{b}}\partial_{a}]p_{\mu}[/itex]
And here I'd like to ask, if you have any suggestion of how this can work out... I'd really appreciate it...
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  • #2
Does for example, in the 1st term in the last expression, the derivative act on θ? (to give a delta Kroenicker)...
But then I'm not sure about the derivatives appearing on the left...
Also I could try acting with that thing on some spinors (for example a [itex]θ\bar{θ}[/itex] and use a chain rule derivative?)...But I am not sure if the dotted derivatives "see" the undotted spinors and the opposite...
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  • #3
You are right about the first and last term, they vanish as per requirement of anticommutation and symmetry of partial derivative respectively. But you are making mistakes with middle terms, you should write them in the anticommutator form like one of the term is,
##i\left\{∂_a,θ^cσ^v_{cḃ}∂_v\right\}=i(∂_aθ^c)σ^v_{cḃ}∂_v-(iθ^cσ^v_{cḃ}∂_v)∂_a+(iθ^cσ^v_{cḃ}∂_v)∂_a=i(∂_aθ^c)σ^v_{cḃ}∂_v=iδ^c_aσ^v_{cḃ}∂_v##, because as you pass the derivative w.r.t. grassmann variable through a grassmann variable, there is a sign change and hence the second term. Similar term arises from differentiation w.r.t. ##{\dot{b}}##,which combined with above give desired result.
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  • #4
So in fact, you did a chain rule in the 1st two terms- first the derivative acting on the spinor [itex]\theta[/itex] and then acting on "something" that will appear next... correct?
I understand that since
[itex]\partial_{a} (\theta^{b} \theta^{c})= \delta_{a}^{b} \theta^{c} - \theta^{b} \delta_{a}^{c}[/itex]
there also appears the minus
  • #5

FAQ: Proving SuSy Algebra Fulfillment for Qa & Qb Commutation

What is SuSy algebra?

SuSy algebra, short for supersymmetric algebra, is a mathematical framework that describes the symmetry between bosons and fermions. It is a tool used in theoretical physics to study the fundamental particles and interactions of the universe.

Why is it important to prove SuSy algebra fulfillment for Qa and Qb commutation?

Proving SuSy algebra fulfillment for Qa and Qb commutation is important because it confirms the validity and consistency of the mathematical framework. It also allows for further applications and developments of SuSy algebra in theoretical physics.

What is the process of proving SuSy algebra fulfillment for Qa and Qb commutation?

The process involves using mathematical equations and principles to show that the commutation between the operators Qa and Qb follows the rules of SuSy algebra. This includes verifying that the commutator [Qa, Qb] equals the anti-commutator {Qa, Qb}, and that Qa and Qb satisfy the Jacobi identity.

What are the possible implications of proving SuSy algebra fulfillment for Qa and Qb commutation?

If SuSy algebra fulfillment for Qa and Qb commutation is successfully proven, it would provide evidence for the existence of supersymmetric particles and could potentially lead to new discoveries in the field of theoretical physics. It could also have implications for understanding the fundamental forces and interactions of the universe.

Are there any challenges or limitations in proving SuSy algebra fulfillment for Qa and Qb commutation?

Yes, there can be challenges in proving SuSy algebra fulfillment for Qa and Qb commutation, as it involves complex mathematical calculations and equations. Additionally, the framework of SuSy algebra is still being developed and studied, so there may be limitations or uncertainties in certain aspects of the theory.
