Gauge Field Tensor from Wilson Loop

In summary, the conversation discusses the introduction of the gauge field in quantum field theory and how it naturally emerges from geometric arguments. The need for a parallel transporter is also discussed, which leads to the definition of a covariant derivative. The conversation then transitions to the emergence of the kinetic terms in the Lagrangian and the justification for their inclusion based on gauge symmetry and renormalizability. The role of the field strength tensor in demonstrating the geometrical meaning of curvature is also mentioned.
  • #1
It is possible to introduce the gauge field in a QFT purely on geometric arguments. For simplicity, consider QED, only starting with fermions, and seeing how the gauge field naturally emerges. The observation is that the derivative of the Dirac field doesn't have a well-defined transformation, because:
$$n^\mu \partial_\mu \,\psi = \lim\limits_{\epsilon\rightarrow 0}\big[\psi(x+\epsilon n)-\psi(x)\big],$$
i.e. the derivative combines two fields at different spacetime points (having different transformation rules). We need to introduce a parallel transporter ##U(y,x)## that transforms as
$$U(y,x) \rightarrow e^{ig\alpha(y)}U(y,x) e^{-ig \alpha(x)},$$
such that we can adapt the defintion of the derivative into a covariant derivative, that transforms in a well-defined way:
$$n^\mu D_\mu \,\psi = \lim\limits_{\epsilon\rightarrow 0}\big[\psi(x+\epsilon n)- U(x+\epsilon n,x)\psi(x)\big].$$
From geometric arguments, it is straightforward to show that the parallel transporter is a Wilson line:
$$U(y,x) = \mathcal{P}\,e^{ig\int\limits_x^y dz^\mu\, A_\mu(z)},$$
which introduces a new field, namely the gauge field ##A_\mu##. See e.g. Peskin & Schroeder Chapter 15 for more detail.

However.. Where the interaction term ##\bar{\psi} A_\mu \psi## emerged in a natural way, I totally don't see how the kinetic terms emerge. The standard way to proceed, is to consider a Wilson loop (a Wilson line on a closed path), and use Stokes' theorem:
$$\text{exp}\left\{ig\oint_\mathcal{C}dx^\mu\, A_\mu \right\} = \text{exp}\left\{ig\int_\Sigma dx^\mu \wedge dx^\nu\,\left(\partial_\mu A_\nu - \partial_\nu A_\mu \right)\right\},$$
where of course ##\partial_\mu A_\nu - \partial_\nu A_\mu \equiv F_{\mu\nu}##. In Peskin & Schroeder, they then consider a small rectangular loop, and see that in the limit ##\epsilon\rightarrow 0##, ##F_{\mu\nu}## is invariant. But what's the point? I mean, the transformation law for ##A_\mu## is easily calculated from the definition of the Wilson loop:
$$A_\mu\rightarrow A_\mu+\partial_\mu \alpha,$$
making ##F_{\mu\nu}## invariant by definition:
$$F_{\mu\nu}\rightarrow \partial_\mu A_\nu - \partial_\nu A_\mu +\square \alpha-\square \alpha. $$

I would have liked to see a calculation, starting from a particular loop parameterisation, that naturally leads to the correct kinetic terms in the Lagrangian, as was the case for the interaction term. In other words
$$\text{exp}\left\{ig\oint_\mathcal{C}dx^\mu\, A_\mu \right\} \leadsto -\frac{1}{4}\left(F_{\mu\nu}\right)^2,$$
but I have no idea how to do it.

Or is the idea simply 'look I have found some quadratic derivative terms that are invariant, now let me fiddle a bit and put its square in ##\mathcal{L}##'? If yes, then why do Peskin & Schroeder bother calculating a loop parameterisation (p484), if using Stokes' theorem would have been enough to find ##F_{\mu\nu}## somewhere?
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  • #2
Freddieknets said:
In Peskin & Schroeder, they then consider a small rectangular loop, and see that in the limit ##\epsilon\rightarrow 0##, ##F_{\mu\nu}## is invariant. But what's the point?

The point is just to show you the geometrical meaning of the field strength tensor. This construction demonstrates that the field strength tensor is a measure of curvature, in the differential geometry sense.

Freddieknets said:
I totally don't see how the kinetic terms emerge.
I would have liked to see a calculation, starting from a particular loop parameterisation, that naturally leads to the correct kinetic terms in the Lagrangian

The justification for the kinetic term is this: if you want the new field ##A_\mu## to be dynamical, then you have to add to your Lagrangian all dimension-4 operators that involve ##A_\mu## and are consistent with gauge symmetry and all the other symmetries. There are two terms that satisfy these requirements: ##\bar \psi \gamma^\mu D_\mu \psi## and ##F_{\mu \nu} F^{\mu \nu}##. Both of these terms must appear or else your theory will not be renormalizable.

FAQ: Gauge Field Tensor from Wilson Loop

1. What is a gauge field tensor?

A gauge field tensor is a mathematical object that describes the interactions between particles in a gauge theory, such as the electromagnetic force. It is represented by a matrix of numbers that specify the strength and direction of the force at each point in space.

2. How is the gauge field tensor calculated from a Wilson loop?

The gauge field tensor is calculated by taking the derivative of the Wilson loop with respect to the components of the gauge field. This derivative is then combined with a gauge transformation to obtain the gauge field tensor.

3. What is the significance of the Wilson loop in gauge theory?

The Wilson loop is an important quantity in gauge theory as it represents the path that a particle takes in space and how it interacts with the gauge field along that path. It allows us to calculate the gauge field tensor and thus understand the behavior of particles in a gauge theory.

4. How does the gauge field tensor relate to the curvature of space-time?

In general relativity, the gauge field tensor is related to the curvature of space-time through Einstein's field equations. In this context, the gauge field tensor is known as the stress-energy tensor and describes the energy and momentum distribution in space-time.

5. Can the gauge field tensor be used to predict the behavior of particles?

Yes, the gauge field tensor is an essential tool for predicting the behavior of particles in a gauge theory. By calculating the gauge field tensor from the Wilson loop, we can determine the strength and direction of the force acting on a particle and use this information to make predictions about its trajectory and interactions with other particles.

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