action Definition and 8 Threads

ACTION (Australian Capital Territory Internal Omnibus Network) is a bus operator in Canberra, Australia, and is owned by the Government of the Australian Capital Territory.

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  1. redtree

    I Definition of the special unitary group

    In matrix representation, the special unitary group is distinguished from the more general unitary group by the sign of the matrix determinant. However, this presupposes that the special unitary group is formulated in matrix representation. For a unitary group action NOT formulated in matrix...
  2. ergospherical

    A Diffeo-invariant action for a matter covector field

    I just need a hint to get started, and then I reckon the rest will follow... We consider a theory where matter is a covector field ##\omega_a## which is described by a diffeomorphism-invariant action ##S_m##. Define:$$E^{a} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{-g}} \frac{\delta S_m}{\delta \omega_a}$$Also, ##T^{ab}...
  3. Kostik

    A Boundary conditions in ##\delta I=0## to derive Einstein's equations

    Dirac derives Einstein's field equations from the action principle ##\delta I=0## where $$I=\int R\sqrt{-g} \, d^4x$$ (##R## is the Ricci scalar). Using partial integration, he shows that $$I=\int L\sqrt{-g} \, d^4x$$ where ##L## involves only ##g_{\mu\nu}## and its first derivatives, unlike...
  4. LarryS

    I Is Relativistic Action for a beam of light = zero?

    Under the RELATIVISTIC definition of Action, is the Action for a beam of light always zero? Thanks in advance.
  5. ergospherical

    I Ricci tensor from this action

    Here is an action for a theory which couples gravity to a field in this way:$$S = \int d^4 x \ \sqrt{-g} e^{\Phi} (R + g^{ab} \Phi_{;a} \Phi_{;b})$$I determine\begin{align*} \frac{\partial L}{\partial \phi} &= \sqrt{-g} e^{\Phi} (R + g^{ab} \Phi_{;a} \Phi_{;b}) \\ \nabla_a \frac{\partial...
  6. D

    P&S Exercise 3.4 Majorana Fermions Derivative of ##\chi##

    I am stuck at the final part where one is supposed to show that the derivative of the second term of the action gives the mass term in the Majorana equation. For $$\chi^T\sigma^2\chi = -(\chi^\dagger\sigma^2\chi^*)^*$$ we get $$\frac{\delta}{\delta\chi^\dagger}(\chi^\dagger\sigma^2\chi^*)^*$$...
  7. P

    I How does the quantum of action cause indeterminism?

    How and/or why does the existence of the quantum of action (Planck's constant) cause indeterminism?
  8. ergospherical

    A Extra (boundary?) term in Brans Dicke field equations

    Here is the action: ##S = \frac{1}{16\pi} \int d^4 x \sqrt{-g} (R\phi - \frac{\omega}{\phi} g^{ab} \phi_{,a} \phi_{,b} + 16\pi L_m)## the ordinary matter is included via ##L_m##. Zeroing the variation ##\delta/\delta g^{\mu \nu}## in the usual way gives ##\frac{\delta}{\delta g^{\mu \nu}}[R\phi...