Are Elephants Capable of Intentional Killing?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary, there is a problem with elephants because they are rebelling against oppression and slave labor. They are taking out their aggressions inappropriately on the rhinos.
  • #36
Probably eat it.
Biology news on
  • #37
Anyone read this book?

It's about an elephant that was continually abuse until it finally cracked and went on a killing spree. After killing it's last owner, the elephant would go into villages to find specific houses and kill the owners. Turned out the elephant was an alcoholic, as was his last owner. The elephant was killing alcoholics because it associated them with his owner, then stealing their booze.

The telling of the actual hunt will end any question as to how quick a study elephants can be.
  • #38
There now an Endangering species.They have attacking people before hannibaal or before the wheel was invented humans hunted the mamoths during the Ice age and the Indian elephant is one the closest species to the mamoth.I also herd about elphants getting scared when they see another elephants bones when it dies because people used them for war for 100's of years and it became an instinct.
  • #39
Evo said:
Sad. :frown: These are beautiful, intelligent, social animals. There should be laws against their use as toys and slaves. :devil:

Yeah, it's no wonder that they lash out when they're beaten and chained on a regular basis.
  • #41
They are doing reruns on National Geographic on Elephants the Dark Side

Next show starts in 3 minutes :biggrin:
  • #42
lol that is sooo funny