Calculating Heat Loss and Temperature Change in a Heated Object

Thanks for all the help guys!In summary, the conversation was focused on solving a physics problem involving calculating the net rate of heat loss due to radiation and estimating the temperature of an object after a certain amount of time. The individuals discussing the problem shared their attempts at solving the problem, and discussed the importance of correctly converting units and obtaining necessary information such as volume and shape of the object. The conversation ended with one individual finding a solution and expressing gratitude for the help provided.
  • #1
Right I am so stumped on part b of this question so I will post part a too so that you guys may check to see if I did that correctly.

a) object heated to 230 celius is placed inside a 25 celius room. Determine net rate of heat
loss due to raiation if object has surface area of 68 cm^2 and an emissivity of

b) estimate the temp of object after 1 min if its density is 3.60 *10^3 kg/m^3 and its
specific heat is 768 J/kg*degress celius.

My work for a)

Actually I used a simliar equation to solve the first problem

change in Q/time = q for limitations of kboard
bolstman constant= o
temp = T, Te= temp of environment To=temp of obj


so my quation for a was

q= -84.1 w/s

as for part b I have no idea how to work density into any of the equations I have at all... driving me mad
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  • #2
First of all, i am not really an expert so if this is very important maybe waiting for someone that knows more than me would be better.
For part a :
If the unit of the bolstman constant you are using is Watt/(m2.k4) then you made a mistake.
You see, 68 cm2 does not equal 0.68 m2, it actually equals 0.0068 m2.
Another thing, the final unit of the answer (since it is a rate of energy loose) will be Joule/S (or Watt) and not Watt/S in the SI system.
Now for part b:
I see now way to solve this part unless you are given one of two information :
1-The shape of the object (a cube, sphere ... etc)
2-The volume of the object
If you are given neither of those, i see no way to solve it
  • #3
ah yes quite right the units were actually a typo meant to say J/s so that would be a watt. As for the .68m^2 I guess you are correct there, I see how that would be done now. The boltsman constant was given as that value from my text, I did not calculate it but I did not bother with units. I thought perhaps I could get mass through something like this:

3.60*10^5kg/m^3 and .0068m^2, so .0068^.5 = m(meters)

m= 642006066.3 kg? well I guess not that mass is waaaay to huge... Can anyone tell me how to get mass given density, specific heat capacity and area?? Or any equations even involving density?

I have figured out how I could end up solving the final temp for b and my equation is this:

Let answer of part a= Q

Tf= ((Q*60)/(c*mass))+Ti

Came from:

cm(Tf-Ti)/t = eoA(Te^4-T^4) Note: I solved right side in part a and that equals Q.

Anyway if I get mass this will not be a hard problem however as you said I am missing vital info and this is driving me mad, I have a test on this unit on monday and a final on wensday.

So I have: Ti=230 celius (object), 25 celius room, surface area = 68 cm^2, emissivity = .78, time = 60 s, density = 3.60*10^3 kg/m^3 and specific heat capacity = 768 j?kg celius. Need mass...
  • #4
You see, the only connection between mass and density is volume.
If D=Density, M=Mass, and V=Volume then :
Now, you will either be given the volume, or given a clue that will lead u to what the volume is.
The only 'clue' that i can see is the area of surface, but this is not enough, since a certain area of surface does not lead to a certain volume unless you know the shape (i mean, you might have a cube with the area of suface 68 cm2 and a sphere with the same area of surface, but they will not both have the same volume !).

(ok, you already know all of the following in small font, i don't know why i typed it !)
Now, let's suppose you figured out the volume someway, and called it V. Then:
Also remmember that E(nergy)=P(ower)*t(ime)
P=Q in our question, and t=60 sec
so :
Now, the specific heat is : "the quantity of energy that 1kg of a certain material gains when it is heated 1 celsius degree"
Remember that the heat energy is proportional with mass, and with [del]T (where T is temprature)
So :
E = Sheat*M*[del]T (you can simply memorize this rule, or figure it out)
In our case :
60Q = 768*(D*V)*[del]T
(remember that E = 60Q (in our case) , M=D*V )
Solve for [del]T
[del]T = (60*Q)/(768*D*V)
T2 - T1 = (60*Q)/(768*D*V)
T2 = (60*Q)/(768*D*V) + 230
(since T1 = 230)

Good enough ?

Back to where we got stuck, the volume !
Let's suppose that the object is a cube.
The area of surface of a cube = 8*l2 where l is the length of any side.
The volume of the cube is l3
0.0068 = 8*l2
V=l3=~2.478154555309252e-5 m3
This is just an example, IF the object was a cube.
I figured out there is another mistake in your first answer (sorry). The temprature should be first converted to Kelvin before plugging it in the Boltsman Law.
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  • #5
Right I think this question is another of my teachers errors so I'm solivng as cube cause no toher shape is givin.

S=.02915 m

kg=0.089 approx

cm(Tf-Ti)=eo(Ti^4-Te^4)A*t note t=time

Tf= ((eo(Ti^4-Te^4)At)/c*m)+Ti
Tf= 313 k = 39.8 celius (Assumming obj is a cube)

And revised ans for part A was change in Q/s= 16.9 watts

Btw this forum was a good help, will come back here if I have trouble in the future.

Related to Calculating Heat Loss and Temperature Change in a Heated Object

1. What is thermal physics?

Thermal physics is a branch of physics that studies the behavior of matter at the microscopic level in relation to temperature and heat. It includes topics such as thermodynamics, kinetic theory, and statistical mechanics.

2. How does thermal physics relate to everyday life?

Thermal physics has many real-life applications, such as in heating and cooling systems, cooking, and refrigeration. It also helps explain phenomena like the expansion of materials when heated and the transfer of heat between objects.

3. What is the difference between temperature and heat?

Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules in a substance, while heat is the total energy transferred due to a temperature difference. In other words, temperature is a measure of the intensity of heat, while heat is a measure of the quantity of energy.

4. What is the first law of thermodynamics?

The first law of thermodynamics, also known as the law of conservation of energy, states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another. This means that the total energy of a closed system remains constant.

5. How does thermal equilibrium occur?

Thermal equilibrium occurs when two objects at different temperatures are in contact with each other, and there is no net transfer of heat between them. This means that the temperature of both objects will eventually become equal. It is a fundamental principle in thermal physics and is necessary for many practical applications.

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