Correct interpretation of double slit experiment?

In summary, the professor attempts to explain the phenomenon of interference without explicitly mentioning the wave-particle duality. This explanation relies on quantum principles and the wavefunction.
  • #1

Another me trying to grasp some physical experiment. I'm working myself through a Dutch popular science book "Snaartheorie" (String Theory) by 'our' professor Marcel Vonk: it's meant to give the reader a maths-less impression of the theories behind string theory.

Vonk starts with an explanation of quantum principles: after giving an argumentation to prove the particle-wave duality, he moves on to trajectories in the quantum world. He explains that when we know the start and end position of a particle, we can't know its trajectory (he explains it without argumentation - I'm assuming none exists).

Vonk then explains how a double slit experiment (which was previously covered) in which one particle at a time would still cause a pattern of interferention. This is how I think his reasoning works:

When the particle arrives, we do not know what trajectory it took: there are equal possibilities of left and right slit. One could therefore interpret, since the trajectory cannot be recovered, that the interpretations of the particle traveling to both slits are equally likely, thus equally valid truths (which reminds me of the different valid truths of SR). The particle therefore travels through both, and interferes with itself.

My questions are these:
1. Is my interpretation correct and a valid explanation of what happens when we send individual particles towards the two slits?
2. Other threads on PF show signs that this phenomenon cannot be explained - I have assumed it can be since Vonk makes an attempt. What about this?
3. If I want to get a better grasp on this phenomenon, are there any terms or phenomena I should check out on wikipedia or youtube? Other threads speak of quantum superposition but so far that's just another word for me.

Thanks for thinking along!
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  • #2
Heatherfield said:
He explains that when we know the start and end position of a particle, we can't know its trajectory (he explains it without argumentation - I'm assuming none exists).
Physics cannot answer "why" questions a fundamental level. Even the existence of a fixed trajectory would be in disagreement with observations. And you cannot know something that does not exist.
Heatherfield said:
The particle therefore travels through both, and interferes with itself.
Heatherfield said:
Other threads on PF show signs that this phenomenon cannot be explained
What exactly would be an "explanation"?
Heatherfield said:
If I want to get a better grasp on this phenomenon, are there any terms or phenomena I should check out on wikipedia or youtube?
Quantum mechanics in general. Wave functions and their resulting effects are quite fundamental in quantum mechanics.
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  • #3
mfb said:
What exactly would be an "explanation"?
What I'm generally looking for is some more fundamental principles than just the observation made during the experiment (like when most people learn SR, they start with the postulates and work out the rest from thought experiment). Some people in this thread made it appear like there is no reason why particles would interfere with themselves.

In summary, is this statement true?

"As quantum mechanics makes it impossible to determine what slit the particle travels through, and the odds are equal, we must assume that it travels through both simulteanously."
  • #4
There are no odds that could be equal. It goes through both slits.

The observation that wavefunctions can describe particles doesn't have a known deeper explanation. Interference with itself follows from this fundamental concept.
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  • #5
Heatherfield said:
The particle therefore travels through both, and interferes with itself.
This is not universal explanation as photons from two independent lasers can interfere as well.
  • #6
mfb said:
The observation that wavefunctions can describe particles doesn't have a known deeper explanation. Interference with itself follows from this fundamental concept.
Yeah I get that concept, and I understand how experimental evidence leads us to believe in the wave-particle duality.

But how could one take that 'law' (that particles can be interpreted as wavefunctions) and describe how a particle may interfere with itself? How would you, for example, write a text/thought experiment explaining that a particle interferes with itself, making use of a few fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics without taking this self-interference as a fundamental concept?
  • #7
The evolution of the wave function automatically includes things that are called "interference".
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  • #8
Heatherfield said:
If I want to get a better grasp on this phenomenon, are there any terms or phenomena I should check out on wikipedia or youtube? Other threads speak of quantum superposition but so far that's just another word for me.

I think you will find the following enlightening:

Then you can read:

It's not not quite what the popularisations say. But you need to reach that conclusion yourself.

The interesting thing is once you become familiar with it starts to make a sort of sense:

You may even come to believe, as I do, it's not weird unless present as such.

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Likes vanhees71
  • #9
Heatherfield said:
"As quantum mechanics makes it impossible to determine what slit the particle travels through, and the odds are equal, we must assume that it travels through both simulteanously."

Or not ascribe any property such as traveling through slits unless you observe such. That's the real key to QM - don't ask classical questions or make classical assumptions. You go down a rabbit hole if you do.

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  • #10
bhobba said:
Or not ascribe any property such as traveling through slits unless you observe such. That's the real key to QM - don't ask classical questions or make classical assumptions. You go down a rabbit hole if you do.


That was Bohr's attitude. "There is no quantum world. There is only an abstract quantum physical description. It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about nature." Of course, that doesn't mean it didn't strike him as strange. He also said, "Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it." Whether or not something is "strange" depends on the perceiver.
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  • #11
There is a lecture given by Feynman that explains this quite nicely. It's part of the 'Charatcer of Physical Law' lectures he gave at Cornell.
The link: .
It's also worth watching the rest of the series. They're absolutely brilliant.

Related to Correct interpretation of double slit experiment?

What is the double slit experiment?

The double slit experiment is a classic experiment in physics that demonstrates the wave-particle duality of light. It involves shining a beam of light through two parallel slits and observing the resulting pattern on a screen behind the slits.

What is the significance of the double slit experiment?

The double slit experiment is significant because it provides evidence for the wave-particle duality of light, which means that light can behave as both a wave and a particle. This concept is important in understanding the behavior of subatomic particles and has implications for quantum mechanics.

How does the double slit experiment work?

In the double slit experiment, a beam of light is shined through two parallel slits and then hits a screen behind the slits. The light passing through the slits diffracts, or spreads out, creating an interference pattern on the screen. This pattern is created by the overlapping of the waves from the two slits, demonstrating the wave-like behavior of light.

What is the role of the observer in the double slit experiment?

The role of the observer in the double slit experiment is to measure or observe the behavior of the light particles. This interaction with the particles can affect their behavior, causing them to act more like particles or more like waves. This is known as the observer effect and is a key concept in quantum mechanics.

What are the practical applications of the double slit experiment?

The double slit experiment has practical applications in fields such as optics, electronics, and quantum computing. Understanding the wave-particle duality of light has also led to advancements in imaging technology and the development of devices like the laser. Additionally, the principles of the double slit experiment have been used to improve communication and encryption methods.

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