Finding Area Vectors for Paraboloid Surfaces

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of "area vectors" and how they relate to calculating the "vector differential of area" for a given surface. The "vector differential of area" is used in integration, particularly for electric vector fields for flux. The method for finding the "vector differential of area" depends on the given surface and can involve finding the gradient of a function or using parameters and the fundamental vector product.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am wondering what the set of area vectors for a surface would be. For a plane on the xy-plane, I know the set of area vectors is <0,0,dx*dy>.

Homework Equations

So, for a set of points (x,y,z) that make a paraboloid, if F(x,y,z)=0 then [grad(F)•<dy*dz, dx*dz, dx*dy>]/mag(grad(F)) would be the set of area vectors?
(i'm not sure if I'm correct in assuming the area vector needs to be a unit vector)
grad(F) is the gradient of F
mag(grad(F)) is the magnitude of the gradient field of F

The Attempt at a Solution

So for paraboloid x^2+y^2+z=0, the area vectors would be <(2x/sqrt(4x^2+4y^2+1))*dydz, (2y/sqrt(4x^2+4y^2+1))*dxdz, (1/sqrt(4x^2+4y^2+1))*dxdy>
yea, I am very confused. I would like to know this for integrating electric vector fields for flux.
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  • #2
First, there is no such thing as an "area vector" (except for planes). You are talking about the "vector differential of area". Second, it can't be a unit vector- all the information about the area is contained in its length.
One thing you haven't said is how you are reducing this to two dimensions.
If you are given the surface as a function z= f(x,y), then it would make sense to reduce to the xy-plane. Write the function as F(x,y)= z- F(x,y)= 0 and find the gradient: here Fxi- Fyj+ k. That, times dxdy is the "vector differential of area"- its length is the "scalar differential of area" and it is perpendicular to the surface at each point.

In the paraboloid case, z= x2+ y2, F(x,y)= z- x2- y2 and the gradient is -2xi- 2yj+ k. The "vector differential of area" is (-2xi- 2yj+ k)dxdy and the "scalar differential of area" is its length, [itex]\sqrt{4x^2+ 4y^2+ 1}dxdy[/itex].

If the surface is given in a more general form, F(x,y,z)= constant, then, again, take the gradient of F but now divide by the k component in order to integrate in the xy-plane, by the j component in order to integrate in the xz-plane, or by the i component in order to integrate in the yz-plane.

A more general method is to find the "fundamental vector product". Suppose you are given the surface as a vector equation depending on two parameters, u, and v: r(u,v)= x(u,v)i+ y(u,v)j+ z(u,v)k. (In z= F(x,y), you could use x and y themselves as parameters- x= u, y= v, z= F(u,v)). r(u,v)= ui+ vj+ F(u,v)k. Differentiate with respect to u getting on vector in the tangent plane and wth respect to v to get another vector in the plane. Their dot product is perpendicular to the plane, multiplied by dudv, is the "vector differential of area".

Again for the paraboloid, z= x2+ y[/sup], we could take x and y as parameters and write r(x,y)= xi+ yj+ (x2+ y[/sup]2[/sup] as its vector equation. Differentiating with respect to x gives rx[/sup]= i+ 2xk and with respect to y gives ry= j+ 2yk. The cross product of those two vectors is -2xi- 2yj+ k just as before.
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Related to Finding Area Vectors for Paraboloid Surfaces

1. How do you find the area vector for a paraboloid surface?

To find the area vector for a paraboloid surface, you can use the formula: A = ∫∫ √(1 + (∂z/∂x)^2 + (∂z/∂y)^2) dA, where A is the area vector, and ∂z/∂x and ∂z/∂y are the partial derivatives of the paraboloid surface equation.

2. Can you explain the concept of area vector for paraboloid surfaces?

Area vector for paraboloid surfaces refers to the vector that is perpendicular to the surface at a given point and has a magnitude equal to the area of the infinitesimal patch of the surface at that point. It is commonly used in calculating the flux of a vector field through a paraboloid surface.

3. What is the significance of finding area vectors for paraboloid surfaces?

Finding area vectors for paraboloid surfaces is important in many applications, such as in fluid mechanics, electromagnetism, and engineering. It allows us to calculate the flux of a vector field through the surface and determine the direction and magnitude of the flow of a fluid or the electric field strength at a given point.

4. Are there any special cases when finding area vectors for paraboloid surfaces?

Yes, there are special cases when finding area vectors for paraboloid surfaces. For example, when the paraboloid surface is a perfect hemisphere, the area vector at any point on the surface will be perpendicular to the surface and have a magnitude equal to the area of the hemisphere at that point.

5. How are area vectors for paraboloid surfaces used in real-world applications?

Area vectors for paraboloid surfaces have various real-world applications, such as in calculating the force exerted by a fluid on a curved surface, determining the electric field strength near a parabolic antenna, and designing structures with curved surfaces, such as domes or arches.

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