How do I balance this redox equation for my homework?

  • Thread starter xpatelsxownage
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In summary, the conversation discusses the process of balancing a redox equation in aqueous solution. It involves determining the half reactions based on the changes in oxidation states and then balancing them using acids, bases, and electrons. The final equation is then obtained by combining the two half reactions and cancelling out any excess elements. The use of HCl to balance the equation is also mentioned.
  • #1

Homework Statement

For those who have mastered the balancing of any type o redox equation, an extra challenge is provided below. Balance each of the following equations. Note: all of the reactions take place in aqueous solution.

Homework Equations

HIO3 + FeI2 + HCl ====> FeCl3 + ICl + HOH

The Attempt at a Solution

The oxidation numbers that is got in order of equation

H +1
I +5
O3 -6 (-2each)
Fe + 2
I -2 (-1each)
H +1
Cl -1

Fe +3
Cl3 -3 (-1each)
I +1
Cl -1
H +1
O -2
H +1
The two half reactions (I'm not sure about these, though this is only thing that comes to my head)

1. FeI2 ===> FeCl3 (I don't get how i would balance these) do i add HCl to the right side and ICl and HOH to the left?
2. HIO3 ===> ICl Do I add HCl to the right and HOH to the left?

i asked all my friends but none seem to know how to do these. i have more like this but if i know how to do this i would get the rest.

Do i balance it first? 5HIO3 + 4FeI2 + 25HCl ==> 4FeCl + 13 ICl + 15HOH
All help Appreciated Thanks!
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  • #2
Well first you want to balance the equation. Then you carrry out the two half reactions. Which is separated into the substance being reduced and the substance that's being oxidized. Think you can do it now? Also the only way you balance in half reactions is by adding electrons or H+ or H20
  • #3
i don't get what the two half reactions would be like the fe loses an electron and the iodine gains an electron.
so i got the two half reactions a
FeI2 ==> FeCl3
HIO3 ===> ICl
i don't get how to balance these because in the first one where does the iodine go.
so far in class all we did was when there are two reactants and two products so I am stumped
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  • #4
What is the question specifically asking?
  • #5
its asking to balance the redox equation
HIO3 + FeI2 + HCl ====> FeCl3 + ICl + HOH
  • #6
Well the only way i can see you doing it is this way FeI2 +HCl====> FeCl3 + H2O as one reaction and FeI2 ==> FeCl3. Balance using acid, bases, and electrons. If you get stuck just ask. You don't need to balance the equation into this 5HIO3 + 4FeI2 + 25HCl ==> 4FeCl + 13 ICl + 15HOH. The whole point is that redox will balance it.

Edit: I misread part of you problem. Guy below me did it right
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  • #7
KEY STEP: To determine the half reactions, look at the oxidation states and what is losing and what is gaining electrons

HIO3 (I = +5) --> ICl (I = +1) reduction
FeI2 (Fe=+2) (I = -1) ---> ICl (I = +1) + FeCl3 (Fe = +3) oxidation;

balance Cl by adding HCl, H+ for H and H2O for O

you will need to multiply both reactions to get the electrons to cancel out

but when they do, and you add the two half reactions and cancelling H+ where needed, you do get back the balanced equation

25HCl + 4FeI2 + 5HIO3 ---> 13 ICl + 15H2O + 4 FeCl3

that IS a good problem
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  • #8
Your not supposed to do it for him just help him get to it himself. And it's not a good problem because your not really allowed to add acids like hcl. You can acids as H+ and bases as OH-
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  • #9
what do you think H+ is in the form of? HCl can be put in the half reactions as well.

with the other half reactions suggested, not sure how the I would have been balanced

the key step is to look at the oxidation states, well, yes maybe I did give a little too much info..
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  • #10
nvm, I misread part of his problem. I didn't see the charge of I also changed
  • #11
:smile:come on, you have to admit, it was GOOD problem
  • #12
It wasn't as good as I thought at first. Now it's just a regular redox equation. Before I thought it was something I've never seen.

Edit: I wonder if he understood
  • #13
i do understand it now. the problem was i didnt know you could add hcl. that helps alot. thank you both for your help and effort.
  • #14
Adding HCl to balance redox titration is not normal procedure but it works in this case because Cl- charge does not change, essentially a spectator ion, so its going to be there anyway in that form. Just some different thinking - I haven't done many of these. You did assign the oxidation states well, keep them in mind before and after.

Related to How do I balance this redox equation for my homework?

1. What is a redox reaction?

A redox reaction is a type of chemical reaction where the transfer of electrons occurs between two reactants. One reactant gains electrons (reduction) while the other loses electrons (oxidation).

2. How do you balance a redox equation?

To balance a redox equation, you need to first separate the equation into two half-reactions: the oxidation half-reaction and the reduction half-reaction. Then, balance the atoms in each half-reaction by adding coefficients to the reactants and products. Finally, balance the charges by adding electrons to one side of the equation. Once the charges are balanced, combine the two half-reactions and simplify the coefficients to their lowest whole number ratio.

3. What is the purpose of balancing a redox equation?

The purpose of balancing a redox equation is to ensure that the number of atoms and the charge are conserved on both sides of the equation. This is necessary in order to accurately represent the reactants and products of a chemical reaction.

4. Can a redox equation be balanced in acidic or basic solution?

Yes, a redox equation can be balanced in either acidic or basic solution. However, the method for balancing the equation will differ depending on the solution. In acidic solution, H+ and H2O are used to balance the equation, while in basic solution, OH- and H2O are used.

5. How is oxidation number used to balance a redox equation?

Oxidation number, also known as oxidation state, is a number assigned to each atom in a compound to determine the distribution of electrons. In a redox reaction, the change in oxidation number of each atom can help identify which atoms are being oxidized and reduced. This information is used to balance the redox equation by ensuring that the total change in oxidation number is equal on both sides of the equation.

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