What is the Breakdown of the Milky Way's Mass?

In summary, the conversation discussed the breakdown of the mass of the Milky Way, with one person providing a summary of their calculations and asking for feedback on the accuracy of their estimates. The other person pointed out errors and uncertainties in the calculations, particularly with the variables of solar mass and molecular cloud mass. The conversation also touched upon the concept of dark matter and how it was originally thought to be explained by massive compact halo objects, but further research has shown that they do not account for the mass deficit.
  • #1
I have never seen a breakdown of the mass of the Milky Way, so I attempted to do it myself.

My horrible estimates left me with 5x1040 mass of unknown origin, which is about 3% of the overall galaxy's mass. It appears the 3% could be explained if the estimates were a bit more accurate.

I'm just an amateur, so please let me know which variables cannot work and why. Thanks!--------------------------------------------------------------Here is my breakdown:


Solar Mass = 2 x 1030 kg
Averaged to 2 from 1.989

Solar Lifetime = 109 years = (3 x 1017) seconds
Used for every star

Solar Mass to Energy emitted = (4 x 109) kg/sec
Source: http://www.Newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/ast99/ast99441.htm

Milky Way Diameter = 100,000 light years

Milky Way Thickness = 1,000 light years

Milky Way Age = 13.2 x 1011 years = (4.17 x 1019) seconds

Milky Way Mass = 8.5 x 1011 solar masses = (8.5 x 1011) (2 x 1030) = (17 x 1041) kg

Milky Way Star Count = 200 to 400 billion stars = (300 billion midrange) = (3 x 1011) stars
300 billion seems safe to use

Milky Way Planet Count = 100 billion planets
from Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milky_Way#Stars_and_planets

Electromagnetic Radiation Mass

ER mass of all stars emitted per second = (4 x 109) (3 x 1011) = (4 x 109) (300 x 109) = (12 x 1020) kg/sec
Using our sun as an average for all stars

Total Energy Mass Emitted over galaxy lifetime = (4.17 x 1019) (120 x 1019) = (5 x 1040) kg

Energy Retained over lifetime of galaxy = 50% (random guess)
Energy is retained by sticking onto matter or just traveling through the galaxy, this number could be broken down properly, but still has a great significance even at 1%

ER Mass = (5 x 1040) (0.5) = (2.5 x 1040) kg

Milky Way Mass Breakdown

Stars Mass = (2 x 1030) (3 x 1011) = (6 x 1041) kg

Planets Mass = (1013) (6 x 1024) = (6 x 1037) kg

Molecular Cloud Mass = (60% of Milky Way mass) = (8.5 x 1011) (0.6) = (10.2 x 1041)
Source: http://www.paulruffle.com/molecularclouds.htm

Milky Way Mass – (Stars Mass + Planets mass + Molecular Cloud Mass + ER Mass)

=> (6 x 1041) + (.0006 x 1041) + (10.2 x 1041) + (.25 x 1041) = (16.5 x 1041)

=> (17 x 1041) – (16.2 x 1041) = (0.5 x 1041) kg

Remaining Mass = (5 x 1040) kg or 3% of total milky way mass
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
1. A bunch of those numbers have huge error bars on them, often with a variance of 50%-100% or more. How do you expect to get reasonable numbers from such poorly known estimates?

2. Your source on molecular clouds said 60% of the mass of the galaxy is not in stars, it did not say that 60% of the mass of the galaxy was in molecular clouds. You're going to have to come up with a better number for that.

Everything else is an order of magnitude smaller, so they don't matter much in comparison to the errors you have already incorporated in your calculations.
  • #3
Matterwave said:
1. A bunch of those numbers have huge error bars on them, often with a variance of 50%-100% or more. How do you expect to get reasonable numbers from such poorly known estimates?

I'm assuming you are talking about using Solar Mass across the board for each star, correct? In my reading, I noticed that stars and black holes come in many different sizes, with stars smaller than our sun being most popular; however, my thinking was that black holes and stars more massive than our sun would more than compensate in mass for the smaller stars, so I used our sun as an "average".

Matterwave said:
2. Your source on molecular clouds said 60% of the mass of the galaxy is not in stars, it did not say that 60% of the mass of the galaxy was in molecular clouds. You're going to have to come up with a better number for that.

I misinterpreted that part, thanks. The molecular cloud and ER mass are the two variables most unknown at the moment.

How exactly did we come to the conclusion of Dark Matter with so much inconclusive data?
  • #4
JoeOfTexas said:
I'm assuming you are talking about using Solar Mass across the board for each star, correct? In my reading, I noticed that stars and black holes come in many different sizes, with stars smaller than our sun being most popular; however, my thinking was that black holes and stars more massive than our sun would more than compensate in mass for the smaller stars, so I used our sun as an "average".

Many other numbers are quite uncertain. The mass of the milky way itself is anywhere between 850 billion solar masses to 1.5 trillion solar masses, for example. Also, as you mentioned in your post there are anywhere between 100 to 400 billion stars. Using 300 billion as "the middle of the range of guesses that we currently have" does not inspire very much confidence!
I misinterpreted that part, thanks. The molecular cloud and ER mass are the two variables most unknown at the moment.

How exactly did we come to the conclusion of Dark Matter with so much inconclusive data?

The Dark Matter conclusion was arrived at because although the luminous matter of the galaxy declines as we get to the outskirts of the galaxy, the rotation curve of galaxies stay constant. The constant rotation curves imply that there is much more unseen gravitational mass than we can account for by the luminous matter. Originally it was though that dark matter might be "MACHOs" or massive compact halo objects (e.g. dim white dwarves, or black holes), but a survey did not suggest enough of them existed to account for the mass deficit. I'm sure molecular clouds were considered at some point, but I think the percentage they actually account for is maybe a few percent...but a quick google did not turn up anything very promising for me. Perhaps someone else knows the % for molecular clouds.
  • #5

I appreciate your effort to breakdown the mass of the Milky Way. However, it is important to note that many of the variables and estimates used in your breakdown are not accurate or applicable to the entire galaxy. For example, using the average solar mass for all stars in the Milky Way is not accurate as stars can vary greatly in mass. Additionally, the amount of energy emitted by stars and retained by the galaxy over its lifetime is not a constant value and can vary greatly depending on the location and age of the stars.

Furthermore, your breakdown does not take into account the mass of dark matter, which is estimated to make up about 85% of the total mass of the Milky Way. This is a significant factor that cannot be ignored in any mass breakdown of the galaxy.

In order to accurately determine the mass of the Milky Way, scientists use a variety of methods such as measuring the rotational velocity of stars and gas, studying the gravitational effects of the galaxy on its surroundings, and analyzing the distribution of dark matter. These methods provide a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of the mass of the Milky Way.

Overall, while your attempt to breakdown the mass of the Milky Way is admirable, it is important to rely on scientific data and methods to accurately determine such a complex and vast concept.

1. What is the mass of the Milky Way?

The mass of the Milky Way is estimated to be around 1.5 trillion solar masses, or 1.5 x 10^12 solar masses. This includes all of the stars, planets, gas, dust, and dark matter within the galaxy.

2. How is the mass of the Milky Way determined?

The mass of the Milky Way is determined by studying the motion of stars and gas within the galaxy. Scientists use techniques such as stellar kinematics, rotation curves, and gravitational lensing to measure the mass of the Milky Way.

3. What is the breakdown of the mass of the Milky Way?

The mass of the Milky Way is mostly made up of dark matter, which accounts for about 85% of the total mass. The remaining 15% is made up of stars, gas, and dust.

4. How does the mass of the Milky Way compare to other galaxies?

The mass of the Milky Way is considered to be on the lower end of the scale for spiral galaxies. It is smaller than galaxies like Andromeda and the Triangulum Galaxy, but larger than dwarf galaxies. However, the exact mass of galaxies can vary greatly depending on their size and composition.

5. How does the mass of the Milky Way affect our understanding of the universe?

The mass of the Milky Way is an important factor in understanding the structure and evolution of the universe. It helps us to understand the distribution of dark matter and the formation of galaxies. Additionally, studying the mass of the Milky Way can provide valuable insights into the cosmological models and theories that explain the origin and evolution of the universe.

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