McCain is Aware of and Concerned About the Hope of Americans

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In summary, Obama lost some of his support by not picking Hilary as his vice president. McCain made a brilliant pick of Palin and revived Obama's message of hope.
  • #36
When a congressional sponsor and his entourage leave a a casino counting their "winnings" please expect a payoff. Casinos do not pay off for groups of visitors, unless they are somehow "predisposed" to winning.
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  • #37
With the exception of fast tracking a few government deals for his millionaire AZ buddies, McCain has done nothing for this state.

In one outlandish deal he pulled off for local land speculator Donald Diamond, McCain wrote legislation that allowed Diamond to trade 360 acres of worthless land for 4,200 acres of BLM land in a prime location.

He helped Diamond secure the purchase of Ft Ord when it closed in California. The military post had a golf course that overlooked the ocean. Diamond made over $200,000,000 on the deal.
  • #38
McCain makes another Fool of himself accusing Obama of "phoning it in".

What has McCain being doing this past week of the financial crisis? Has he been in the senate? Has he been in Face to Face leadership, driving the Republicans? Noooooo. He's been on the phone talking to people he says.

He accuses Obama of phoning it in and that's all he's been doing.

As an interesting side note none of Arizona's delegation in the House voted for it. Only 4 of Texas 19 Republican Congressmen voted yea, leaving him not even as influential as a totally incompetent lame duck President.
  • #39
With money like that - I have to wonder about those off-shore bank accounts.

And I have to wonder if anything gets passed along to Cindy McCain or the family business.
  • #40
Yeah, so I think that the campaign suspension gambit showed that McCain is aware of and concerned about the hope of Americans, and the resounding failure of his intervention showed that he isn't entirely well-equipped to lead the country towards achieving those hopes.

Palin was definitely a cagey gamble on his part, though - in the end she will have either been a great asset or a great liability. (If she keeps blowing interviews and they have to continue keeping her away from the press, they're sunk; if she was to shape up and nail an interview or two, or do something else that shows deftness and acumen outside of the coaching and setpiece speeches, she'll be formidable.) But I think that picking her is more about understanding of the hopes of her fellow Creationist and Evangelical members of the Republican party; who are definitely Americans but I wouldn't say he was aiming at the hopes of Americans in general.
  • #41
NeoDevin said:
Care to elaborate on this point?

I mentioned this earlier on this thread ... his message of hope and change is that by electing him we are going to have the first African American president and by this we are taking a historic step toward better equality for all which is conducive to the future maturation of the US.

He is a hypocrite because by not picking Hilary he disregarded the fact that the same situation was at hand for women , if he had believed this message of equality in association with change then he needed to be the hero to make reality the dreams of many women.
  • #42
Obama's message of hope and change is "vote for me because I'm black", huh?

GCT I think you may be participating in electing as president the first straw man in history.
  • #43
GCT said:
I mentioned this earlier on this thread ... his message of hope and change is that by electing him we are going to have the first African American president and by this we are taking a historic step toward better equality for all which is conducive to the future maturation of the US.

Funny, I thought it was because he's a newcomer in Washington who wants to do things differently than they have been in the past and skip through the BS like partisanship, cronyism, etc.

Of course, if he will or not remains to be seen, but if you have sources where he says "Vote for me because I'm black." then I'd like to see them, because that's a pretty huge leap in logic.
  • #44
GCT said:
I mentioned this earlier on this thread ... his message of hope and change is that by electing him we are going to have the first African American president and by this we are taking a historic step toward better equality for all which is conducive to the future maturation of the US.
That's not Obama's message. That's a message from some in the media, which likes to mention 'first black', 'first hispanic', 'first woman', . . . . They are still hung up on race, ethnicity and gender.
  • #45
GCT said:
He is a hypocrite because by not picking Hilary he disregarded the fact that the same situation was at hand for women , if he had believed this message of equality in association with change then he needed to be the hero to make reality the dreams of many women.
Hypocrite? Why should he have saddled himself with a VP pick that repeatedly compared him unfavorably to McCain, and whose husband is STILL trying to scuttle his candidacy? The Clintons are venomous, and he was wise to avoid them. They both carry so much baggage that the Rove machine would constantly have Obama on the ropes trying to defend them. Picking her as VP would have been suicide.
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  • #46
McCain is Aware of and Concerned About the Hope of Americans

And the answer is Sarah Palin?

Can anyone still say that aloud with a straight face?

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