Project Help - Distribution of AGN in a particular cluster

In summary, Navrit is seeking help in choosing a cluster for their project on AGN distribution. They prefer a cluster rich in AGN to have more data to work with. They mention using radio, optical, and x-ray telescope imaging data and are a 6th form student in the UK doing a Nuffield bursary project. They mention the Coma and Virgo clusters as potential options and ask for help from those familiar with their project. However, they later discover that they were supposed to focus on the Coma cluster and consider the thread closed. The speaker expresses interest in the results of Navrit's project.
  • #1
Hello everyone,

As you may have picked up by now, I need help choosing a cluster in order to analyse the distribution of AGN (Active Galactic Nuclei). Ideally I would prefer a cluster which is rich in AGN since I might be able to make a more meaningful analysis since I would have more data to work with. I will be using radio, optical and x-ray telescope imaging data in order to identify AGN and then analyse the results to see if there is any sort of pattern which I can find.

I'm a 6th form student in the UK and this is for a Nuffield bursary project in case anyone knows what that is... The reason why I am asking is because my supervisor is unable to respond at this point and I would greatly appreciate some help from people who know the sort of thing that I am looking for.

Thanks, Navrit.
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  • #2
Two nearby clusters that are likely to have the most data at optical, radio and X-ray wavelengths are the Coma and Virgo clusters. Coma is a richer system (i.e., it has more galaxies) and is more massive than Virgo. Both clusters are well studied and there is a large body of literature available for you to read up on. You should simply start with their wikipedia entries.
  • #3
My supervisor literally just responded, it turns out that I am looking at the Coma cluster and was supposed to all along, thanks anyway...

This thread can be considered closed now since my question has been answered.
  • #4
I am particularly interested in galaxy populations in clusters and would be interested to know what you find!
  • #5

Dear Navrit,

Thank you for reaching out for help with your project. It sounds like you have a very interesting and ambitious project ahead of you.

When it comes to choosing a cluster to analyze the distribution of AGN, there are a few factors to consider. First, you may want to look for clusters that are known to have a high concentration of galaxies, as this can increase the likelihood of finding AGN. Additionally, it may be helpful to look for clusters that have been previously studied and have data available, as this can save you time and resources.

Some potential clusters to consider could be the Coma Cluster, Virgo Cluster, or Abell 85 Cluster, as these are all known to have a high number of galaxies and have been studied extensively in the past. However, it may also be worth exploring lesser-known clusters as they may offer unique insights into the distribution of AGN.

I would also suggest reaching out to other researchers or astronomers who have studied AGN in clusters before. They may be able to offer valuable insights or point you towards relevant data sources.

Best of luck with your project!

Related to Project Help - Distribution of AGN in a particular cluster

1. What is the purpose of studying the distribution of AGN in a particular cluster?

The purpose of this project is to understand the spatial distribution of active galactic nuclei (AGN) within a specific galaxy cluster. AGN are compact and bright regions at the center of galaxies, powered by supermassive black holes. By studying their distribution, we can gain insights into the formation and evolution of galaxies and their central black holes.

2. How will the data be collected for this project?

The data for this project will be collected using telescopes that can observe the cluster in different wavelengths, such as X-ray, optical, and infrared. These observations will provide information about the AGN population and their spatial distribution within the cluster.

3. What techniques will be used to analyze the data?

The data will be analyzed using statistical methods and software tools specifically designed for analyzing astronomical data. These techniques will help us identify and characterize the AGN in the cluster and determine their spatial distribution.

4. What are the potential implications of this project?

Studying the distribution of AGN in a particular cluster can provide valuable insights into the process of galaxy formation and evolution. It can also help us understand the role of AGN in the growth and evolution of galaxies. Additionally, this project can contribute to our understanding of the large-scale structure of the universe and the relationship between galaxies and their surrounding environment.

5. How will the results of this project be shared with the scientific community?

The results of this project will be shared through scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at conferences and workshops. The data used in this project will also be made publicly available for other researchers to access and use for their own studies.

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