Proof: $K[a]$ is a Field & if $K(a)=K[a]$, then $a$ is Algebraic Over $K$

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In summary, $K[a]$ and $K(a)$ are both fields. We show this by first showing that $K[a]$ is a field, and then proving that $K(a)$ is a field by showing that every element in $K[a]$ is invertible. This is done by constructing a homomorphism from $K[x]$ to $K[a]$, which maps every element to its evaluation at $a$. Since $K[a]$ is a minimal ring containing $K$ and $a$, it must be equal to $K(a)$, the minimal field containing $K$ and $a$. This also implies that if $K[a]$ is a field, then $a$ must be algebraic over $K
  • #1
Gold Member
Hey! :eek:

$K \leq L, a \in L$

I am looking at the proof that if $a$ is algebraic over $K$, then $K(a)=K[a]$.

We show that $K[a]$ is a field, then we have that $K \subseteq K[a] \subseteq K(a) \subseteq L$.

Let $0 \neq c \in K[a]$, then $c=f(a), f \in K[x]$.
Let $p(x)=Irr(a,K)$.
Since $p(a)=0$ and $f(a) \neq 0$, we have that $p(x) \nmid f(x)$, so we have that $(p(x), f(x))=1$.
Therefore, there are $h(x), g(x) \in K[x]$ with $h(x) \cdot p(x)+g(x) \cdot f(x)=1$.
For $x=a$: $h(a) \cdot p(a)+g(a) \cdot f(a)=1 \Rightarrow h(a) \cdot 0+g(a) \cdot f(a)=1 \Rightarrow g(a) \cdot f(a)=1$.
We have the following:
$K \leq L, a \in L$

$K[a]=\{f(a), \text{ with } f(x) \in K[x]\}$
$K(a)=\{f(a) \cdot g^{-1}(a), \ \ f(x), g(x) \in K[x], g(a) \neq 0 \}$

Why does it stand that $$K \subseteq K[a] \subseteq K(a) \subseteq L$$ ??Could you explain me the proof above?? How did we show that $K(a)=K[a]$?? (Worried)

Does the reverse also stand?? Does it stand that if $K(a)=K[a]$, then $a$ is algebraic over $K$?? (Wondering)
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  • #2
There are different definitions people start with.

$K(a)$ usually means the field generated by $K$ and $\{a\}$, in the following sense:

If $E$ is a field such that $K \subseteq E$ and $a \in E$, then $K(a) \subseteq E$.

$K[a]$ typically means the RING generated by $K$ and $\{a\}$, in an analogous fashion.

We have the standard "evaluation map": $\phi_a:K[x] \to K[a]$ given by:

$\phi_a(f(x)) = f(a)$. Since $x \in K[x]$, we have $a = \phi_a(x) \in \phi_a(K[x])$,

and certainly $K \subseteq K[a]$, so $\phi_a$ is onto.

It's not hard to show that no matter which $a \in L$ we choose, $\phi_a$ is a ring homomorphism.

(Basically we just write "polynomials in $a$" instead of "polynomials in $x$". Of course, in the larger field $L$ that $K[a]$ lives in, we may be able to simplify these).

If $a$ is algebraic, that means for SOME $p(x) \neq 0 \in K[x]$, we have $p(a) = 0$.

Another way to say this, is that $p(x) \in \text{ker }\phi_a$, so this homomorphism has a non-trivial kernel.

Now, we can proceed a couple of different ways, from this point. We can use the fact that $K[x]$ is a Euclidean domain (it has a division algorithm) to establish that the kernel of $\phi_a$ is generated by a single element, which must be irreducible. This, in turn, tells us the kernel is a maximal ideal in $K[x]$, and thus that the quotient ring $K[x]/(\text{ker }\phi_a) \cong K[a]$ is thus a field. Since $K[a]$ is a minimal ring, it must therefore be the minimal field $K(a)$, since it is a field.

This is a bit "abstract", and many people "don't get it".

Or, we can, as your text does, show that any non-zero $\phi_a(f(x)) = f(a)$ is invertible in $K[a]$. This also uses the fact that $K[x]$ is a Euclidean domain, where we assert we can find:

$g(x),h(x) \in K[x]$ such that $h(x)p(x) + g(x)f(x) = 1$

given that $\text{gcd}(f(x),p(x)) = 1$.

Basically, this shows that $g(a) = \dfrac{1}{f(a)}$, that is, every non-zero $f(a) \in K[a]$ is a unit.

The polynomial $p(x)$ is often taken to be MONIC, and is then called the minimal polynomial for $a$.


Now, you may have seen a definition of $K(a)$ as:

$Q(K[a]) = \left\{\dfrac{f(a)}{g(a)}: f(a) \in K[a],g(a) \in K[a]^{\ast}\right\}$.

Strictly speaking, this is incorrect, because it's "too big", we have to take equivalence classes under the equivalence relation:

$\dfrac{f(a)}{g(a)} \sim \dfrac{h(a)}{k(a)} \iff f(a)k(a) = g(a)h(a)$

This is known as the "field of fractions" of $K[a]$.

We can include $K[a]$ in $Q(K[a])$ for every $f(a) \in K[a]$ as the equivalence class of $\dfrac{f(a)}{1}$. This mapping is then an injective ring-homomorphism:

$K[a] \to Q(K[a])$, so the image of $K[a]$ is an isomorphic ring to $K[a]$. This essentially allows us to "cancel common factors" in the numerator and denominator, the image of $K[a]$ is comprised of those "fractions" that after said cancellation, have a denominator of 1.


About your second question: does the converse hold?

Suppose $a \in L$ is such that $K[a]$ is a field. Recall that $K[a] \cong K[x]/(\text{ker }\phi_a)$.

Note that $a$ is invertible in $L$, while $x$ is NOT invertible in $K[x]$. This tells us $\text{ker }\phi_a$ cannot be trivial, for if it was, we would have $K[a] \cong K[x]/(0) = K[x]$, an isomorphism, in which case $\phi_a$ would be invertible (and also a ring-homomorphism), and $x$ would thus be a unit of $K[x]$.

But if $\text{ker }phi_a \neq (0)$, there must be some non-zero polynomial IN it, say $k(x)$.

Thus $\phi_a(k(x)) = k(a) = 0$, that is: $a$ is algebraic.

In short: an extension ring $K[a]$ of $K$ made by adjoining $a \in L$ that is algebraic over $K$ is a field. For example:

$\Bbb Q[\sqrt{2}]$ is a field, since $\sqrt{2}$ satisfies the polynomial $x^2 - 2 \in \Bbb Q[x]$. In fact, given:

$a + b\sqrt{2} \in \Bbb Q[\sqrt{2}]$, with $a^2 + b^2 \neq 0$ we can compute explicitly that:

$\dfrac{1}{a + b\sqrt{2}} = \dfrac{a}{a^2 - 2b^2} - \dfrac{b}{a^2 - 2b^2}\sqrt{2} \in \Bbb Q[\sqrt{2}]$

(the only "tricky part" is showing the denominator $a^2 - 2b^2$ is never 0 for any rational numbers $a,b$).
  • #3
No point reinventing the wheel : have a look at my answer in

Related to Proof: $K[a]$ is a Field & if $K(a)=K[a]$, then $a$ is Algebraic Over $K$

1. What is a field?

A field is a mathematical structure that consists of a set of elements, along with two operations (usually addition and multiplication) that follow certain rules. These rules include closure, commutativity, associativity, identity elements, and invertibility.

2. What is the difference between $K[a]$ and $K(a)$?

$K[a]$ is the set of polynomials in the variable $a$ with coefficients from the field $K$. $K(a)$ is the field of fractions of $K[a]$, which consists of all rational functions in $a$ with coefficients from $K$. In other words, $K(a)$ is the smallest field containing both $K$ and $a$.

3. How is $K[a]$ related to $K(a)$?

$K[a]$ is a subset of $K(a)$, since every polynomial in $a$ with coefficients from $K$ can also be written as a rational function in $a$ with coefficients from $K$. However, not every element in $K(a)$ is in $K[a]$.

4. What does it mean for $a$ to be algebraic over $K$?

A element $a$ is algebraic over a field $K$ if there exists a nonzero polynomial $f(x) \in K[x]$ such that $f(a)=0$. In other words, $a$ is a root of a polynomial with coefficients from $K$.

5. How do we prove that $K[a]$ is a field and $K(a)=K[a]$ implies $a$ is algebraic over $K$?

To prove that $K[a]$ is a field, we need to show that it satisfies all the properties of a field. This includes showing that it is a commutative ring with unity, and that every nonzero element has an inverse. To prove that $K(a)=K[a]$ implies $a$ is algebraic over $K$, we use the fact that every rational function in $a$ can be written as a polynomial in $a$. If $K(a)=K[a]$, then every rational function must also be a polynomial, which means $a$ is algebraic over $K$.

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