Solutions of second order linear PDEs

In summary, the existence of a separable solution for a second order linear PDE depends not only on the PDE itself, but also on the boundary conditions and the choice of coordinate system. While the PDE can always be separated into a system of single variable equations, finding a solution that satisfies all of the conditions may require a specific coordinate system and a specific choice of parameters.
  • #1
Question about Solutions of second order linear PDEs

I don't have very much formal knowledge of this topic, this is something I have been thinking about, so excuse me if my notation is off. I have a question about second order linear PDEs, do all have a separable solution? It seems that we can create a general separated system of operators that will mesh together to form any given second order linear equation.

Assume that [itex]u(x,t,y,...)=f_{1}(x)f_{2}(t)f_{3}(y)...[/itex]




so on and so forth. Then we solve each resulting single variable equations.




So here is one example...


I work backwards, assume [itex]u(t,x,y)=G(t)f_{1}(x)f_{2}(y)[/itex]


I use two constants to separate [itex]\lambda , v[/itex]

And work it out to three equations...

[itex]G''(t)+\lambda G(t)=0[/itex]

So, my question is, did I come to the right assumption in that all second order linear equations have a separable solution?
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  • #2
saminator910 said:
I don't have very much formal knowledge of this topic, this is something I have been thinking about, so excuse me if my notation is off. I have a question about second order linear PDEs, do all have a separable solution?

No. Whether a PDE has a separable solution doesn't just depend on the PDE; it also depends on the boundary of the region in which the PDE is to be solved.

A practical criterion is that the boundary must consist of coordinate surfaces in a coordinate system in which the PDE is separable.

For example, Laplace's equation [itex]\nabla^2 u = 0[/itex] does not have a separable solution if it is to be solved in a region [itex]A \subset \mathbb{R}^2[/itex] whose boundary is an arbitrary simple closed curve. Only if the boundary consists of coordinate surfaces in one of the systems listed here is there a separable solution.
  • #3
Ok, so what you are saying is that the coordinate system which the PDE is defined on will also effect whether it is separable. So, where the wave equation may be separable in Cartesian coordinates, it may not in Spherical coordinates?
  • #4
I would put what pasmith was saying a slightly different way. Of course your PDE has an infinite number of separable solutions, because you just found them in terms of two arbitrary parameters ##\lambda## and ##\nu##.

But if you want to find a solution with a given set of boundary conditions, somehow you have to find equations for ##\lambda## and ##\nu## in terms of those boundary conditions.

You can only do that easily if the form of your solutions has a simple relationship to the shape of the boundary.

Often, to satisfy some part of the boundary conditions means that ##\lambda## etc can only take a discrete set of values ##\lambda_i, i = 0, 1, 2, \dots##, so your can write a general solution as the sum of an infinite series of functions, similar to a Fourier series. The unknown coefficients in the series are found by using the rest of the boundary conditions.

A PDE like the the wave equation will be separable in almost any "useful" coordinate system, but you need to use a coordinate system that matches the geometry of the problem and the symmetry that you expect in the solution - for example rectangular, cylindrical, spherical, elliptic-hyperbolic, or something even more specialized.

The form of the solutions you get will depend what coordinate system you use. If you separate the variables for the wave equation in rectangular coordinates, you will get solutions that look like plane waves, not spherical waves. In principle you could define a spherical wave as an infinite sum of plane waves, but it's much easier to sidestep that problem by using spherical coordinates.
  • #5
Oh, alright, let me get this straight. The equation itself will always be separable, but that does not necessarily imply that it will have a solution on any given boundary conditions. For that we must have the right combination of coordinate system and boundary?

But I will be able to separate out any given second order linear PDE into a resulting system of single variable equations, correct? But again, that doesn't necessarily imply a solution.

Related to Solutions of second order linear PDEs

1. What is a second order linear PDE?

A second order linear partial differential equation (PDE) is a mathematical equation that involves partial derivatives of a function with respect to two or more independent variables. It is considered linear if the dependent variable and its derivatives appear only to the first power and are not multiplied by each other.

2. What is the general form of a second order linear PDE?

The general form of a second order linear PDE is: a(x,y)uxx + b(x,y)uxy + c(x,y)uyy + d(x,y)ux + e(x,y)uy + f(x,y)u = g(x,y), where u is the dependent variable and a, b, c, d, e, f, and g are functions of x and y.

3. What are the steps to solve a second order linear PDE?

The steps to solve a second order linear PDE are:

  • 1. Identify the type of PDE (elliptic, parabolic, or hyperbolic) and the boundary conditions.
  • 2. Rewrite the PDE in its standard form.
  • 3. Use separation of variables to find a general solution.
  • 4. Apply boundary conditions to find specific solutions.
  • 5. Check the solution for consistency and accuracy.

4. What are the applications of solutions of second order linear PDEs?

Solutions of second order linear PDEs have many real-world applications, including:

  • 1. Heat and mass transfer problems.
  • 2. Wave propagation and vibration analysis.
  • 3. Fluid flow and aerodynamics.
  • 4. Electromagnetic fields and circuit analysis.
  • 5. Financial modeling and option pricing.

5. Can all second order linear PDEs be solved analytically?

No, not all second order linear PDEs can be solved analytically. Some PDEs may have complex boundary conditions or non-constant coefficients, making it difficult to find an explicit solution. In these cases, numerical methods may be used to approximate the solution.

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