Super nerd poll: Kirk or Picard?

  • Thread starter Galteeth
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In summary, the conversation discussed the attractiveness of Star Trek characters Kirk and Picard, with some participants expressing a preference for one over the other. Some mentioned other characters like Spock and Data, and there was also some discussion about the actors who played them. Ultimately, there was a general consensus that Picard was the more attractive and well-rounded character, while Kirk was seen as more of a stereotypical hero type. The conversation also briefly touched on the new Kirk actor, who was deemed too young to be included in the discussion.

Who's hotter, Kirk or Picard

  • Kirk

    Votes: 16 37.2%
  • Picard

    Votes: 27 62.8%

  • Total voters
  • #1
For the ladies or gay dudes, who is hotter (character, not the actor) and why?

Could be a fun topic.

Note: Mods, if the post is too nerdy/silly feel free to delete, i won't be offended.
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  • #2
My vote goes to Kirk in this contest.

(But actually Mr. Chekov was my first Star Trek crush.)
  • #3
oh boy kirk by far.
  • #5
  • #6
Reason being for kirk?: He just 'does it for me' haha -no homo (can I say that?)
  • #7
Kirk is way cuter! Picard, well... he's just too old for my taste.
  • #8
Oops... I voted before I realized what exactly the poll is. Its one of those geek knee jerk answers: Kirk or Picard, Star Wars or Star Trek, Marvel or DC...

I would still consider Picard an attractive man though. He has certainly aged better than Kirk in my opinion.
  • #9
Definitely Kirk! Younger and cuter. Picard is more the grandfatherly type.
  • #10
Moonbear said:
Definitely Kirk! Younger and cuter. Picard is more the grandfatherly type.

That doesn't seem very fair. How about we compare them at the same approximate ages. Stewart is nine years younger. So The Search for Spock[1984] vs Generations[1994]?

Sorry I couldn't find a pic from that movie without Kirk in it too. One may want to note that Kirk had supposedly taken to wearing toupees and girdles by the point the first picture was taken.

Or we could go the other direction.

I could not find what year that pic of Stewart was taken. Shatner was about 35 when Star Trek started.
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  • #11
Comparing Picard with old Kirk, Picard is the hands down winner.
  • #12
Am I missing something here?:-p

"For the ladies or gay dudes, who is hotter (character, not the actor) and why?"

Sorry! said:
oh boy kirk by far.

Greg Bernhardt said:
kirk, but i'd rather picard as my dad

TheStatutoryApe said:
Oops... I voted before I realized what exactly the poll is. Its one of those geek knee jerk answers: Kirk or Picard, Star Wars or Star Trek, Marvel or DC...

I would still consider Picard an attractive man though. He has certainly aged better than Kirk in my opinion.


Oh and as for the question of the OP:Kirk!
  • #13

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  • #14
I already posted the votes for the people that voted before my post #5 when I added the poll. If you didn't realize this and voted again, please let me know.
  • #15
I have no preference, but I can tell you that my sisters watched Star Trek for Kirk. Just like Gunsmoke, but set in space with a randier "sheriff".

They watched cowboy shows for the leading males, too. Sugarfoot, Rawhide, Bonanza...
  • #16
I watched Star Trek for Spock.
  • #17
Evo said:
I watched Star Trek for Spock.
Me too :biggrin: Spock was my favorite character, and it was my nickname in elementary school and junior high.

I like the early Kirk and Picard.
  • #18
I have no problem saying that I believe Picard is the more attractive male. I don't think one has to be homosexual or a member of the opposite sex to make such a declaration without awkwardness.
  • #19
Evo said:
I watched Star Trek for Spock.

For me, Spock ran a close second to Data; but most (if not all) of my Star Trek experience is with The Next Generation era: I'm biased. :biggrin:
  • #20
Dembadon said:
For me, Spock ran a close second to Data; but most (if not all) of my Star Trek experience is with The Next Generation era: I'm biased. :biggrin:
It was Spock in the original Star Trek, and Data in TNG. Picard was much more intelligent and intellectually well rounded than Kirk.
  • #21
Evo said:
Dembadon said:
For me, Spock ran a close second to Data; but most (if not all) of my Star Trek experience is with The Next Generation era: I'm biased.
It was Spock in the original Star Trek, and Data in TNG. Picard was much more intelligent and intellectually well rounded than Kirk.

That's actually what I meant to say despite how confusing I made my post. :redface:

Of the few episodes I've seen of The Original Series, I've really enjoyed Spock's character. There is just something about him that makes you believe whatever he says. He could state 2+2=5 and I'd believe it, not to mention the almost suave, insouciant way in which he explains extremely technical issues/phenomena. Maybe I would have liked him more than Data had I been born 10 years earlier. I also agree that Picard fit the role of Captain much better; he just seemed wiser and more seasoned as a leader to me.
  • #22
Dembadon said:
That's actually what I meant to say despite how confusing I made my post. :redface:

Of the few episodes I've seen of The Original Series, I've really enjoyed Spock's character. There is just something about him that makes you believe whatever he says. He could state 2+2=5 and I'd believe it, not to mention the almost suave, insouciant way in which he explains extremely technical issues/phenomena. Maybe I would have liked him more than Data had I been born 10 years earlier. I also agree that Picard fit the role of Captain much better; he just seemed wiser and more seasoned as a leader to me.

I agree about Picard. I don;t know about his relative sexiness, but he always seemed like an actual formidable man, who you could easily seeing being a captain of the federation flagship if such a thing existed. Kirk came off like more of a cartoony hero type, not a realistic person.
  • #23
Does this include the new Kirk? (Since you said characters not actors)
  • #24
Matterwave said:
Does this include the new Kirk? (Since you said characters not actors)

It can't include this guy, because he's not even old enough to shave yet. He's automatically disqualified.

Picard is a man of intelligence and depth, someone who grows on you and morphs into someone more wildly attractive because of who he is. Picard is far more cerebral than Kirk and therefore far, far more interesting.
  • #25
Since we are talking about hotness, my vote is with Kirk since I find him more physically attractive. But if were were going for the 'whole package' I would go with Picard, hands down.

Kirk may be cute, but he is missing a hint of intellect that I go for (Picard plays flute, enjoys archeology), also, Kirk slept around a lot and didn't seem the type to settle down.

Although Picard never settled down, either, he seems more the type to do so if he were to meet "the one" and she (or he?) agreed to live on the Enterprise.

If I had a choice, though, it would be Spock for sure. I'm not sure what it is about him that drives the ladies wild. I think it's because he seems the most unattainable, and we always want what we can't have.
  • #26
I have to say Kirk absolutly, I always thought he was pretty fine, but Spock was hotter. That being said, my friends have said I have awful taste in boys because I don't really judje on looks, more on expression, if that makes sense.
Spock being so intelligent made him incredibly sexy.
  • #27
Picard's more classy, note that I consider them both to be completely unattractive.

Reed, Garak, Sato, T'Pol, Bashir, Ezri were more attractive.

Edit: Actually, make that Mirror Reed, Mirror Hoshi, Mirror T'Pol, OH HELL YES MIRROR EZRI and Mirror Bashir too.

Mirror Garak was just stupid, all the subtlety that made Garak awesome, gone.

Picard is also not that cerebral, he just flaunts a lot and thinks he is.
  • #28
Kajahtava said:
... Picard is also not that cerebral, he just flaunts a lot and thinks he is.

Could you please elaborate on that statement?

Oxford says:

flaunt |flônt; flänt|
verb [ trans. ]
display (something) ostentatiously, esp. in order to provoke envy or admiration or to show defiance : newly rich consumers eager to flaunt their prosperity.
• (flaunt oneself) dress or behave in a sexually provocative way.

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  • #29
Kajahtava said:
Picard's more classy, note that I consider them both to be completely unattractive.

Reed, Garak, Sato, T'Pol, Bashir, Ezri were more attractive.

Edit: Actually, make that Mirror Reed, Mirror Hoshi, Mirror T'Pol, OH HELL YES MIRROR EZRI and Mirror Bashir too.

Mirror Garak was just stupid, all the subtlety that made Garak awesome, gone.

Picard is also not that cerebral, he just flaunts a lot and thinks he is.
Garak was my favourite character from DS9. I'm not sure how attractive I would rate him though.

I would still say Picard is more cerebral. He was far more deliberate and thoughtful than Kirk. Sort of a function of the difference in genre though. Star Trek (TOS) was a space adventure and so Kirk was a 'flying by the seat of your pants' adventuring captain while in TNG they focused more on politics and a Federation evolved beyond its frontiersman era.

Dembadon said:
Could you please elaborate on that statement?

Oxford says:

flaunt |flônt; flänt|
verb [ trans. ]
display (something) ostentatiously, esp. in order to provoke envy or admiration or to show defiance : newly rich consumers eager to flaunt their prosperity.
• (flaunt oneself) dress or behave in a sexually provocative way.

I think he means that Picard was a pedagogue. He talked a lot about what he knew and what he'd read. He "flaunted" his knowledge.
  • #30
TheStatutoryApe said:
Garak was my favourite character from DS9. I'm not sure how attractive I would rate him though.

I would still say Picard is more cerebral. He was far more deliberate and thoughtful than Kirk. Sort of a function of the difference in genre though. Star Trek (TOS) was a space adventure and so Kirk was a 'flying by the seat of your pants' adventuring captain while in TNG they focused more on politics and a Federation evolved beyond its frontiersman era.
Well, maybe, but Picard simply said a lot of things that were wrong.

I like DS9 the most though, more subtlety.
I think he means that Picard was a pedagogue. He talked a lot about what he knew and what he'd read. He "flaunted" his knowledge.
Exactly. He just tries to make a show of his knowledge, which is often of dubious quality anyway.
  • #31
Kajahtava said:
... Exactly. He just tries to make a show of his knowledge, which is often of dubious quality anyway.

I wholeheartedly disagree. :biggrin:

One of Captain Picard's most admirable traits is his humility. Rarely, if ever, does one see him display knowledge for the sake of receiving praise or admiration. When Picard chooses to contribute to a conversation or situation, it is from a place of genuine interest for the integrity and well being of the ship and its crew.

Other cases, like when the Enterprise has visitors, he communicates a knowledge of the visitors' cultures and their traditions because he has a genuine interest in them as sentient beings and wants to make them feel welcome aboard the ship. It shows respect for their culture and values, not selfish pride.
  • #32
Dembadon said:
I wholeheartedly disagree. :biggrin:

One of Captain Picard's most admirable traits is his humility. Rarely, if ever, does one see him display knowledge for the sake of receiving praise or admiration. When Picard chooses to contribute to a conversation or situation, it is from a place of genuine interest for the integrity and well being of the ship and its crew.

Other cases, like when the Enterprise has visitors, he communicates a knowledge of the visitors' cultures and their traditions because he has a genuine interest in them as sentient beings and wants to make them feel welcome aboard the ship. It showed a respect for their culture and values, not selfish pride.
Absolutely, well said. :approve:
  • #33
Dembadon said:
I wholeheartedly disagree. :biggrin:

One of Captain Picard's most admirable traits is his humility. Rarely, if ever, does one see him display knowledge for the sake of receiving praise or admiration. When Picard chooses to contribute to a conversation or situation, it is from a place of genuine interest for the integrity and well being of the ship and its crew.
You know that it's part of the official character description and envisioned by Gene Roddenberry that his one flaw is his arrogance and being too assured of himself right?

It's a common theme too in TNG episodes and films that they almost die because he overestimated himself and humanity's capabilities, especially with Q, the Borg, or a combination of both involved.

Other cases, like when the Enterprise has visitors, he communicates a knowledge of the visitors' cultures and their traditions because he has a genuine interest in them as sentient beings and wants to make them feel welcome aboard the ship. It shows respect for their culture and values, not selfish pride.
You might be caught in the so-called 'narcissist web', 'self-confidence', and 'narcissism' is the same thing depending if you like a person or not, people for some reason find people that are self-absorbed 'charming', this of course has all its obvious evolutionary reasons, if your children are self-absorbed they will obviously have a higher chance of survival.

Now, the true nigh infallible character on the show was Odo, until they ruined it in that one episode with that neural link. But they should've kept him infallible, because he was infallible without people noticing it because he wasn't 'charming', he wasn't out to court people with his words, he didn't tell people what they wanted to hear, he told them the harsh truth, and as such he's a difficult man to like. He had no praetence, no faked modesty, from this episode:

"It's like stepping on ants, Odo!"
"I don't step on ants, Major."
- Kira and Odo, discussing destroying the small protouniverse

If you think about it, of course Odo doesn't step on ant, it perfectly fits his character to not do so, but did he ever mention it before this? Does he make a show about it? No, Picard would announce his intentions to sacrifice himself for the crew with a pompous flamboyance, Odo wouldn't tell any-one, sneak away and do it, not being interested in their admiration. He wasn't about words, but about actions.

Of course, until his love for Kira started to be a theme, it was shown to be his one weakness, his one breaking of his principles. But before that, it showed the very realistic situation that the girl doesn't fall for the guy who's there for her, is honest, and doesn't lie, the girl falls for the guy who tells her what she wants to hear, likewise for 'friendship', Odo isn't a popular guy I can imagine, because he tells the harsh truth, he doesn't tell people what they want to hear, unlike Picard.
  • #34
Odo was my other favourite DS9 character. Funny that Garak seemed to have more respect for Odo than he did anyone else. They're rather a pair; the stoic and the conniver. Garak replaced Quark as a proper compliment.
  • #35
TheStatutoryApe said:
Odo was my other favourite DS9 character. Funny that Garak seemed to have more respect for Odo than he did anyone else. They're rather a pair; the stoic and the conniver. Garak replaced Quark as a proper compliment.
I thought "The Die is Cast" was a good episode.

I also think a lot of criticism Odo had towards the Federation was well founded, but I don't really approve of his living outside of the rules, I don't like 'Dirty Harry' style policing. I didn't really like TNG's anthropocentric narcissism too, the typical 'Ohh, humans are good, other species are all evil.' repetitive, Gene kind of demanded it. DS9 was more realistic and showed that politics in practice is far from idealised politics in theory.

I also love the transition of Damar's character, because he didn't change at all, he was just put in a different situation, it was the same character, DS9's realistic portrayal of nuanced multidimensional 'bad guys' who really show that the 'bad guy' is just a 'good guy' on the other side of the fence enabled them to believably make him switch sides as soon as the Dominion's cause seemed hopeless.

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