The Dangerous Influence of Far-Right Talk Radio on American Politics

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  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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In summary: And it's scary to think that there are people out there who actually believe and support his extreme views. It's also concerning that this type of rhetoric is influencing and shaping the political landscape in our country. In summary, Michael Savage, host of a popular right-wing talk radio show, is known for making outrageous and controversial statements. He has a large following, but his extreme views and fear-mongering tactics are concerning and have the potential to negatively impact our society and political climate.
  • #141
seycyrus said:
Answer the simple question. Would you let your kids go play in the neighbors front yard?

(I am now waiting for you come forth with several responses indicating that you don't have kids, your neighbor doesn't have a front yard, don't let them play alone unsupervised anyway etc. etc. without addressing the spirit of my question).

...why would I let my kids play in the neighbor's front yard? I've never seen kids playing in someone else's yard unless they were playing that that other person's kids as well.

If they were playing with other kids, then sure. If they were going to go play for the hell of it, I'd give out a LOL and tell them to go somewhere else.

Honestly, why would I?
Why do insist on asking questions when you already know the answer? The IAEA is the one that is pressing Iran on the Nuclear issues.

Do you think the IAEA's case against Iran is legitimate or illegitimate?

I thought the nuclear issue was all but resolved, i.e. they don't have any nukes or a program and they want nuclear power. That's hardly the same issue as them supplying weapons to Iraq.

Go take a flying leap. I didn't *cite* it. I said I heard it on the radio, on NPR. I did not present my information in any way that can be construed otherwise. People on PF talk about stuff they heard or saw all the time without being asked to produce a timestamp.

I heard George W. Bush tell me he wants to date Ahmadinejad.

You are being dishonest and deceptive. You asked me what *my* feelings on the matter were. I explained the origin of the *no matter what* part in earlier posts.

And it will kill you to repeat it for people who don't want to wade through the last few pages?

Watch out for the BIG dose of reality coming your way! Sometimes the consequences of not going to war are WORSE!

Oh noes! Sometimes! The dreaded sometimes! What about that deceitful most of the time huh? I guess you're not into gambling much.
That's another example of spin. the ORIGINAL controversy was because people were being forced to REMOVE their lapel pins. Not the other way around.

LOL Spin? The irony is delicious.,2933,299439,00.html

The entire issue was him not wearing a pin.

Exscuse me? Can you participate in an argument without the introduction of fourteen strawmen?

I guess I'm just trying to one-up you. I'm sorry.

*IF* we invaded Myanmar it WOULD be a war, (at least for a few moments) wouldn't it?

No, because we wouldn't have any declared enemy. Even in Iraq we said "SADDAM BAD! GO BOOM!" The people fighting against us would be an annoyance more than anything. We have no reason to try and kill them unless they shoot first. We are not trying to overthrow the government or anything of the sort.

The point is that the editorial raised the question whether the pros of invading Myanmar would outweigh the cons.

The fact that such a question can even be raised indicates that it is not such a cut and dried issue as you propose.

Hold on, I seem to have all of your words in my mouth. Would you like them back?

The fact that the NYT(The holiest bastion of clear and correct thinking!) posits a line, that once crossed, would merit an invasion is a clear indication that being *Already against the next war* is a simple-minded viewpoint that does not adress the realities and complexities of the world today (or anytime in the past or present).

You're insulting the NYT and then using them as support for your claim?
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  • #142
Poop-Loops said:
...why would I let my kids play in the neighbor's front yard? I've never seen kids playing in someone else's yard unless they were playing that that other person's kids as well.

If they were playing with other kids, then sure. If they were going to go play for the hell of it, I'd give out a LOL and tell them to go somewhere else.

Honestly, why would I?

Either you are lying or you don't know what you are talking about.

Poop-Loops said:
I thought the nuclear issue was all but resolved, i.e. they don't have any nukes or a program and they want nuclear power.

A quick glance at the current issues regarding the IAEA and Iran would show that you thought wrong.

Poop-Loops said:
That's hardly the same issue as them supplying weapons to Iraq.

I did not try to equate the two. It was a separate point in the discussion. *Again* you go with the logical fallacy.

Poop-Loops said:
And it will kill you to repeat it for people who don't want to wade through the last few pages??

I'm sorry, at this point I feel that you are being intentionally deceptive. My explanation was given directly to YOU in replies to your posts. You asking me to repeat it every few posts has gotten old. Furthermore, your argument against my position indicates that you at the least have a rough inkling about what it is and are just trolling.

Poop-Loops said:
...Oh noes! Sometimes! The dreaded sometimes! What about that deceitful most of the time huh? I guess you're not into gambling much.

Maybe your bumper sticker should say "I'm PROBABLY against the next war."

But wait, that wouldn't have quite the *fighting against the man* appeal, would it?

Poop-Loops said:
...LOL Spin? The irony is delicious.
The entire issue was him not wearing a pin.

Uhm, okay. An honest person might have concluded that I was referring to another incident besides the RECENT Obama flap, when I used the word ORIGINAL. I was referring to back in '03 (?) when news stations were having their personnel remove their American flag lapel pins on air, so they wouldn't offend anyone.

Do you need to win an argument SO MUCH that you will ignore what I am saying and create one of your own choosing? Okay, the Obama lapel pin thing was stupid. there, happy?

Poop-Loops said:
No, because we wouldn't have any declared enemy.

The declared enemy would be the government troops trying to stop us from entering their country.

Poop-Loops said:
We are not trying to overthrow the government or anything of the sort.

We would be engaged in a shooting war with government troops that opposed our forced relief efforts. Why do you keep using the present tense? We are discussing a hypothetical situation. One that was proposed by the NYT.

Poop-Loops said:
Hold on, I seem to have all of your words in my mouth. Would you like them back??

That's your foot, and no, keep it there.

Poop-Loops said:
You're insulting the NYT and then using them as support for your claim?

Yeah, if you're smart you can do stuff like that. I was using it as an illustration.

How about you try to counter the illustration I provided?
  • #143
seycyrus said:
Either you are lying or you don't know what you are talking about.

I am lying about what exactly? That I wouldn't let my kids play in any neighbor's front yard because it is THEIR property? Or what?

Nothing else currently matters in the thread. If you are having troubles understanding this, then any other discussion with you is pointless.

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