What is the ratio test and how does it relate to geometric series?

In summary, the ratio test is being used to determine if a series of numbers is convergent or divergent. If the limit of the series is less than one, then the series is convergent. If the limit of the series is greater than one, then the series is divergent.
  • #1
Can anyone explain what exactly the ratio test is comparing?

undefinedSome say it is being compared to a geometric series...I love geo. series and I don't see how the test involves them.

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  • #2
Ok, I`m a bit rusty onseries, but let's see if I remember why the ratio test works.

Ratio test:

If [itex]\limsup \left| \frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}\right| <1[/itex] then the series [itex]\sum a_n[/itex] converges absolutely.
If [itex]\limsup \left| \frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}\right| >1[/itex] then the series [itex]\sum a_n[/itex] diverges.

I`ll just take the case where the limit < 1. And see why it converges absolutely in that case.
Suppose [itex]\limsup \left| \frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}\right| =\rho<1[/itex]
Then for all [itex]\epsilon >0[/itex], there is an N, so that for n>N:
[tex]\left| \frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}\right-\rho|<\epsilon[/tex]
[tex]-\epsilon + \rho < \frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n} < \epsilon +\rho[/tex]
Since [itex]\rho[/itex] is smaller than 1, we can choose an epsilon small enough so that [itex]\epsilon +\rho=r<1[/itex]. Then if N is big enough:
[tex]|\frac{a_{n+1}}{a_n} |< r[/tex]
[tex]|a_{n+1}| < |a_n|r[/tex]
and also
[tex]|a_{n+2}| < |a_{n+1}|r<|a_n|r^2[/tex]
and so on...
[tex]|a_{n+k}| < |a_n|r^k[/tex]
for n>N.
[tex]\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}|a_n|\leq \sum_{n=N}^{\infty}|a_n|<\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}|a_N|r^n[/tex]
So the series is smaller than a convergent geometric series.
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  • #3
same thing in words,

tests of convergence are usually comparisons. i.e. if a series of positive terms is smaller term by term than some convergent series, then it is also convergent.

This is true even if it only holds from some finite point onward.

The best series to compare with is the geometric series. A geometric series is a series in which the ratio of each term divided by the previous term is the same number. if that number is less than one it converges.

hence if a series has the property that the ratios of each term divided by the previous term eventually all become less than some number r with 0<r<1, then that original series is eventually smaller than the geometric series with ratio r, hence also convergent.

the best possible treatment of convergence of series is in richard courants calculus book.
  • #4
Thanks...So may I assume that the ratio of successive terms of a power series ,
/ cn(x-a)^n, near infinity is constant? Because when we do the ratio test, we are basically testing the ratio of successive terms at infinity.
  • #5
you do not need them to be constant, just for all of them eventually i.e. near infinity) to be less than some number which itself is less than one. the easy case is where these ratios converge to a limit less than one.

bewst npossible example: exponential series: the nth term is

x^n/n! so the ratio of the nth by the n-1st term is x/n. as n goes to infinity this approaches 0, no matter what x is. so it converges no matter what x is.
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FAQ: What is the ratio test and how does it relate to geometric series?

1. What is the Ratio Test?

The Ratio Test is a mathematical test used to determine the convergence or divergence of an infinite series. It involves taking the ratio of consecutive terms in a series and determining the limit as the terms approach infinity. If the limit is less than 1, the series converges. If the limit is greater than 1, the series diverges. If the limit is equal to 1 or the limit does not exist, the test is inconclusive.

2. How is the Ratio Test performed?

The Ratio Test involves taking the ratio of consecutive terms in a series and determining the limit as the terms approach infinity. This limit can be found by using algebraic manipulation or by using the L'Hopital's rule for indeterminate forms. The resulting limit will determine the convergence or divergence of the series.

3. What is the purpose of the Ratio Test?

The Ratio Test is used to determine the convergence or divergence of an infinite series. It is an important tool in mathematical analysis and is used to evaluate the convergence of many important series, such as power series, Taylor series, and Fourier series.

4. How is the Ratio Test different from other convergence tests?

The Ratio Test is a powerful convergence test that can be used to determine the convergence or divergence of many series. It is more versatile than other tests, such as the Comparison Test or the Integral Test, as it can be applied to series with both positive and negative terms. However, the Ratio Test is not always conclusive and may require additional tests to determine the convergence of a series.

5. What are the limitations of the Ratio Test?

The Ratio Test may not always provide a definitive answer on the convergence or divergence of a series. In some cases, the limit may be equal to 1 or the limit may not exist, making the test inconclusive. In these cases, additional tests, such as the Alternating Series Test or the Root Test, may be needed to determine the convergence of the series. Additionally, the Ratio Test may not be applicable to series with complex terms or series that do not have a clear algebraic expression.
