What were you most afraid of throughout the development of your academic careers?

In summary: I know from personal experience that it definitely can be. But, ultimately, it's a journey, and you can't control everything. Just keep at it and don't give up!In summary, the author of this post has a fear of not doing well in their academic career. They overcame this fear by working hard and following their heart. They provide helpful advice for other students who are having doubts about their academic career.
  • #1
I know everyone's had a big fear during their academic careers; mine currently is the fear of which field to take. I'm a current 2nd year physics major at the University of California, Davis and I am having doubts about physics being the right path for me. I do well in both physics and mathematics field but I don't know if I want to be an engineer, physicist, or something completely different but reliant on mathematics and physics.

Tell me your biggest academic fear as you went through life? Did you overcome it? Is there any helpful advice you can give to me or anyone that comments on this post.
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  • #2
My biggest fear was not getting a top-tier job after graduation, and having all my extra hard work and community involvement go for naught. I actually had a very painful job search, but ended up with a fantastic job I am very happy with.
  • #3
KingNothing said:
My biggest fear was not getting a top-tier job after graduation, and having all my extra hard work and community involvement go for naught. I actually had a very painful job search, but ended up with a fantastic job I am very happy with.

Glad to hear that man. I would love to pick a path and put all my effort into it but I'm still deciding which path to take. Once I do I'd put a lot of effort into it just as you did.
  • #4
Worst fear is spending so much time and money at school for no reason
  • #5
Worst fear was that I would be wasting my time getting a degree and slowing myself down. I've wasted sooooo much time in university its rather sad to think about all the amazing things I could have accomplished.
  • #6
I was worried about getting the next assignment completed.
  • #7
My worst fear was not admitting by any graduate school and continuing living in China
  • #8
rebork said:
I know everyone's had a big fear during their academic careers; mine currently is the fear of which field to take. I'm a current 2nd year physics major at the University of California, Davis and I am having doubts about physics being the right path for me. I do well in both physics and mathematics field but I don't know if I want to be an engineer, physicist, or something completely different but reliant on mathematics and physics.

Tell me your biggest academic fear as you went through life? Did you overcome it? Is there any helpful advice you can give to me or anyone that comments on this post.

At the beginning of my third year, I was having serious doubts about getting my physics degree due to the practical considerations - post-graduation marketability and starting incomes. Everyone knows an EE is much easier to market than a physics degree. And I came very close to changing to an EE, but just couldn't bring myself to do it. I knew I would likely be working as an engineer but I couldn't stand the thought of not taking the upper division series in physics. My love of physics was what drove me back to college in the first place.

So for me, it became a matter of having a little faith in myself and following my heart. When push comes to shove, that has always served me well. And in spite of virtually insurmountable odds, I have managed to make a decent living with a physics degree, working as a private engineer and consultant, while living in the backwoods of Oregon! Now who would have thought that possible! It wasn't easy, but a lot of hard work can do wonders. :biggrin:
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  • #9
Ivan Seeking said:
At the beginning of my third year, I was having serious doubts about getting my physics degree due to the practical considerations - post-graduation marketability and starting incomes. Everyone knows an EE is much easier to market than a physics degree. And I came very close to changing to an EE, but just couldn't bring myself to do it. I knew I would likely be working as an engineer but I couldn't stand the thought of not taking the upper division series in physics. My love of physics was what drove me back to college in the first place.

So for me, it became a matter of having a little faith in myself and following my heart. When push comes to shove, that has always served me well. And in spite of virtually insurmountable odds, I have managed to make a decent living with a physics degree, working as a private engineer and consultant, while living in the backwoods of Oregon! Now who would have thought that possible! It wasn't easy, but a lot of hard work can do wonders. :biggrin:

Glad it worked out for you! Must have been hard but I think if you really love something its worth all that hard work you went through.
  • #10
I am a finalist and my biggest fear have always been my results. But i thank God that I'm now scalling over.
  • #11
rebork said:
Glad it worked out for you! Must have been hard but I think if you really love something its worth all that hard work you went through.

When I finished college, I started a business [based on a grant awarded from the National Endowment for the Humanities] that was killed by a major flood, in 1996. At that time we were out of options and I had to take a job in the city, so we had to leave for a few years. Meanwhile, we had our farm [a little over 5 acres] rented out. Leaving this place was one of the hardest things that either one of us has had to do. Our hearts are here and we would always miss it. Three years later, my wife would still cry whenever the subject came up. But how can I make a living in the sticks with a physics degree?! It just isn't going to happen, thought I. We had to move on.

We were literally within days of selling this place and buying another when the situation changed - I had fallen into a new business without meaning to - and we were able to return. The internet had changed everything.

Good luck to you. I don't know if I was smart or lucky, maybe a little of both, but I hope things work out well for you, whatever choices you make. I will say this: There is no doubt in my mind that hard work is the great equalizer when it comes to life choices.

...and it's easy to work hard when you love what you do.
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  • #12
i was afraid it would become obvious i was a moron before i got tenure.

Related to What were you most afraid of throughout the development of your academic careers?

1. What challenges did you face in your academic career that made you fearful?

As a scientist, I have faced numerous challenges throughout my academic career. Some of the most common challenges include balancing coursework with research, dealing with failures and rejections, and managing a heavy workload. These challenges can be overwhelming and create a sense of fear and uncertainty about my future in the field.

2. What strategies did you use to overcome your fears and challenges in your academic career?

In order to overcome my fears and challenges, I have implemented various strategies throughout my academic career. These include setting realistic goals, seeking support from mentors and peers, and developing time management and organizational skills. Additionally, I have learned to accept failures as a part of the learning process and use them as opportunities for growth and improvement.

3. Were there any specific moments or events that caused you to feel fearful in your academic career?

Yes, there have been several moments and events that have caused me to feel fearful throughout my academic career. These include presenting my research at conferences, submitting manuscripts for publication, and defending my thesis. Each of these experiences brought a sense of pressure and uncertainty, but ultimately helped me grow and develop as a scientist.

4. How did you balance your fears with your passion for your research and scientific pursuits?

Balancing fear with passion is an ongoing process for me. I have learned to acknowledge my fears and use them as motivation to work harder and push myself further. My passion for science and research has always been my driving force, and it has helped me overcome my fears and continue pursuing my goals and aspirations.

5. What advice do you have for other scientists who may be facing fears and challenges in their academic careers?

My advice for other scientists facing fears and challenges in their academic careers is to seek support and guidance from mentors and peers, set realistic goals, and maintain a balance between work and personal life. It is also important to remember that failures and challenges are a natural part of the scientific process, and to use these experiences as opportunities for growth and improvement. Lastly, never lose sight of your passion for science and let it guide you through any fears or challenges that may arise.

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