Recent content by a.powell

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    Proving Injectivity of Group Homomorphism Given Relations

    Homework Statement Let G = \langle x,y \ | \ x^2, y^3, (xy)^3 \rangle, and f: G \rightarrow A_4 the unique homomorphism such that f(x) = a, f(y) = b, where a = (12)(34) and b = (123). Prove that f is an isomorphism. You may assume that it is surjective. Homework Equations N/A The...
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    Misbehaving Imaginary Fractions

    So it really was a case of the taught rule not applying everywhere, I'm a little disappointed it was that simple to be honest. Oh well, thank you both for saving me, back to bed for more thoughts on isospin.
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    Misbehaving Imaginary Fractions

    Homework Statement Why is \sqrt{\frac{1}{-1}} \neq \sqrt{\frac{-1}{1}} when quite obviously \frac{1}{-1} = \frac{-1}{1} Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution By the above inequality, I mean when one calculates \sqrt{\frac{1}{-1}} as \frac{\sqrt{1}}{\sqrt{-1}}, and...
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    Maths Options for Theoretical Physics Path

    I usually hate to bump, but..anyone?
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    Maths Options for Theoretical Physics Path

    Yeah I'm taking physics options as well, namely ones on general relativity, the Standard Model, relativistic quantum mechanics, gauge theories in particle physics, and cosmology. Thanks for the advice, it's good to have confirmation that the maths options I've listed so far fit my intended path...
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    Maths Options for Theoretical Physics Path

    Oh, and I can give any information on my background if it'll help such as what I've already studied.
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    Maths Options for Theoretical Physics Path

    I'm about to go into my final(3rd) year of a maths BSc in the UK at Warwick university, and am currently looking at what options I'd like to take given that I'm hoping to go down the path into theoretical physics academia. I currently hold offers for Imperial College's "Quantum Fields and...