Recent content by Abukadu

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    Vector Space Proof: A Complete Solution to α*f(-2) + β*f(5) = 0

    Hi, good morning! I'm having trouble with vector space. Let there be α and β some given numbers. Prove that the set of all the real numbers f(x) so that: α*f(-2) + β*f(5) = 0 is a vector space ! Could someone please write a full solution for he axiom scalar multiplication?
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    Converging Series Limit of pai: Proving Limit Not 1/2

    hi :) Quick questions: How can I write a series converging into the limit of pai ? Prove that the limit of the series zz (n+2) / (2n² +1) zz is not 1/2 when n->infinity (and bigger than 1) I came to the equation: zz |(-2n² + 2n +3) / (2n² +1) | >= ε zz (*)And I made the left...
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    What is the Formal Definition of a Series' Limit?

    the limit exists if for each ε > 0 there exists an R such that qqq |f(x) - L| < ε whenever x > R so the limit does not exists when |f(x) - L| < ε whenever x < R ?
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    What is the Formal Definition of a Series' Limit?

    thanks, but i didnt really understood (1) ..
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    What is the Formal Definition of a Series' Limit?

    hi :] a couple of questions: 1) Using epsilon and N, write in a formal manner the following statement: L is not a the limit of the general series {an} when n goes from 1 to infinity. 2) prove the next sentence: if a series an is converging into a final limit L, then the arithmetic...
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    Push Limits: Good Morning Questions

    Thanks mark, ill try solving 2 and see if I can get there. as to 3, I managed to prove it myself :-)
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    Push Limits: Good Morning Questions

    thanks for trying but your answers are regarded as "intuitive" at this point
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    Push Limits: Good Morning Questions

    Good morning :) I got a couple of question, hope I won't bother you guys too much.. its about function limits. 1) Homework Statement what I tried to do was to say that for all delta>x-(7/4) there is 3x/(4x-7)>M than I tried...
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    Can Function Limits Vary with Different Approaching Values?

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good morning from Israel :smile: I'm a first year student learning about function limits.. I need to prove / disprove the following statements which I got a bit tangled up with.. " Prove or disprove...
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    Proofs: Logarithm - Clues for Understanding

    I had to prove the equation, but I figured it out. Same for 2, I need to prove the equation and not just asume that it exists! That one I couldn't prove..
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    Proofs: Logarithm - Clues for Understanding

    ok i figured out 1.. bu still no clue as to .2 !
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    Proofs: Logarithm - Clues for Understanding

    Got no clue .. need some clues
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    Proving the Equality of Newton Binomial Coefficient Using the Summation Method

    hi marlon what do you mean by x=y=1? what is my x and y? the binomial theorem has r and y
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    Proving the Equality of Newton Binomial Coefficient Using the Summation Method

    Homework Statement I need to prove that the left part is equal to the right. I'm not sure how to approach the question. I know that (n over k)=n! : k!(n-k)! but how do I sum all the number from k=0...
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    Another mechanics question (a simpler one, I proimise)

    I am more than willing to help you with your hebrew :)