Recent content by AdamA0

  1. A

    Programs Second Bachelors in Physics, Masters or PhD?

    Many good reasons, and some personal ones, beside the fact that my college doesn't offer a double major. I think I'll have to look more into the matter, and directly contact my, and other, colleges. But to sum up, you think I'm better off (by far) doing a bachelors, correct?
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    Programs Second Bachelors in Physics, Masters or PhD?

    Don't you think that there are some colleges that would credit some courses from my first degree? (e.g. Introductory physics, calculus, ODEs, PDEs.. etc) Anyway, thanks a lot for your helpful input.
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    Programs Second Bachelors in Physics, Masters or PhD?

    What better background could I have than a bachelors in physics? And if you think doing a bachelors isn't my best option. what do you think is? I'm assuming that I won't have to take courses I previously did in my engineering degree. I'm pretty sure most (or at least some) universities will...
  4. A

    Programs Second Bachelors in Physics, Masters or PhD?

    4 semesters (2 years), which I don't really mind, but I'd rather not stay in my current university. Would it be any different if I go somewhere else? I guess it's almost impossible to get financial aid or a scholarship for a second degree as well, right? but say I pay for these two years...
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    Programs Second Bachelors in Physics, Masters or PhD?

    How about financially? is there any difference? keeping in mind that, I think, all three options will require roughly the same amount of time (i.e. from beginning until earning a PhD)
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    Programs Second Bachelors in Physics, Masters or PhD?

    Hello, I'm a mechanical engineering student, graduating next year. But I'm interested in getting a PhD in physics. I know this has been asked a lot, I read through ZapperZ's excellent essay on the subject, his post, and many other related threads. But I'm still somewhat confused. Now I know for...
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    Engineering Switching from mechanical engineering to physics

    I was also wondering if "average" grades in engineering courses would hurt my chances in better colleges? or would they focus more on how I did in the extra physics courses that I took? P.S. Any extra courses do not count towards my final GPA according to my college's policy.
  8. A

    Other Which of these should I begin with?

    Is Baos' chapter on linear algebra enough?
  9. A

    Other Which of these should I begin with?

    I have these two textbooks: Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences And Elementary Linear Algebra Which should I begin with? And for the linear algebra textbook, is it all useful...
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    Engineering Switching from mechanical engineering to physics

    Thank you everyone for your suggestions. After giving it a lot of thought and consulting some professors at my college, I made up my mind on completing the 2 remaining years of my engineering degree, after that I'll be going to physics grad school. I'll do my best to make necessary preparations...
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    Engineering Switching from mechanical engineering to physics

    You are absolutely correct. Please note that I'm not in any way undermining the role of engineers or anything. It's just that, things like "improving/designing a product" do not seem to interest me as much. Funny pic. BTW.
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    Engineering Switching from mechanical engineering to physics

    And What's wrong with that? I didn't claim I'm going be the next Einstein! or make any fundamental discovery. The mere fact that I would be working (weather in a team or not) on a problem concerning physics itself, is rather pleasing to me.
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    Engineering Switching from mechanical engineering to physics

    I'm aware of that, but in that case I would still be satisfied "Applying" them as a physicist. Because, and correct me if I'm wrong, even when physicists work in a field where they apply the laws, it is still quite different than engineering, in the sense of purpose. Also, in getting a physics...
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    Engineering Switching from mechanical engineering to physics

    I couldn't have said it better.
  15. A

    Engineering Switching from mechanical engineering to physics

    Well, let's just say, I'm more interested in the scientific principles themselves rather than applying them.