Recent content by Adeel Ahmad

  1. Adeel Ahmad

    Partial Derivatives: Solve Homework Quickly

    Ohh ok I got it now. Thank you so much for bearing with me.
  2. Adeel Ahmad

    Partial Derivatives: Solve Homework Quickly

    Like, wouldn't I differentiate the entire function in terms of x?
  3. Adeel Ahmad

    Partial Derivatives: Solve Homework Quickly

    I think my confusion lies in splitting the function into two parts. So for the first part of the function differentiating wrt x gives 0 but that's not the case for the second part of the function. Why do I ignore that second part for x?
  4. Adeel Ahmad

    Partial Derivatives: Solve Homework Quickly

    But we haven't taken the partial derivative wrt y. Don't you have to go in order taking the partial derivative of x, y, then z?
  5. Adeel Ahmad

    Partial Derivatives: Solve Homework Quickly

    So for the second term, differentiating to z is 0 as well
  6. Adeel Ahmad

    Partial Derivatives: Solve Homework Quickly

    So that differentiates to 0 then
  7. Adeel Ahmad

    Partial Derivatives: Solve Homework Quickly

    Isn't that what you would get if you differentiate with respect to x?
  8. Adeel Ahmad

    Partial Derivatives: Solve Homework Quickly

    I did take the other variables as constant. I'm saying that by keeping everything constant but x, the x term differentiates to 1 if you look at the function.
  9. Adeel Ahmad

    Partial Derivatives: Solve Homework Quickly

    So I split the function like you said and I got xln(y100+37z11 / xz rad(y2+1 and when I take the partial derivative of that term wrt x, x is no longer in that term
  10. Adeel Ahmad

    Partial Derivatives: Solve Homework Quickly

    So if I take the partial derivative wrt x and the result has no x term what does that mean?
  11. Adeel Ahmad

    Osculating Circle Homework: Solving for Curvature Limit

    Homework Statement I know I would use the curvature equation |f''| / [1-(f')^2]^3/2 and then take the limit of that to -1. I just don't understand why I have to take the limit of the curvature and when I take the limit of the curvature I get |-1| / (13)^3/2 when the answer should be 2.
  12. Adeel Ahmad

    Partial Derivatives: Solve Homework Quickly

    Homework Statement So I know I have to take the derivative with respect to x, then respect to y, then respect to z, but I am not getting the right answer. I know that the answer is 0 and my professor did it with very few steps that I do not understand. Can someone please guide me through it?
  13. Adeel Ahmad

    Electricity, finding voltage and resistance

    Using that then, I do V = (12V)(40 ohms) / (70 ohms + 40 ohms) = 4.36 V and that doesn't appear right