Recent content by Andre

  1. Andre

    A Presentation: Venus hot break hypothesis

    The idea will be presented at the ancient Venus conference Houston 25 Jul. The abstract: Some of the earliest members may remember a thread about...
  2. Andre

    What Do These Famous Quotes Reveal About the Minds of Great Scientists?

    ...the central mystery of climate science. It is not a scientific mystery but a human mystery. How does it happen that a whole generation of scientific experts is blind to obvious facts? Freeman Dyson (Foreword to GWPF report #18 Goklany, I.M. 2015, Carbon dioxide, The good news)
  3. Andre

    Australia's drought and bushfires, a personal view

    Closer examination seem to relate the variation of rainfall and lack thereof to the ENSO. Moreover, specialists attribute the intensity of the wildfires to the specifics of Eucalyptus, for instance...
  4. Andre

    Are there other variables that control climate change?

    Certainly, maybe take note of the work of Sybren Drijfhout on the role of oceans for instance. Some elaboration here
  5. Andre

    A Estimation of Hurst Exponent Using Rescaled Range

    @Tom Mattson Just in case you want to reconsider, or for anybody else stumbling upon this thread. The element missing here is stationarity. Your data series may not be stationary. Without that random walks typically generate a H of 1. Also the method used to achieve stationarity may affect the...
  6. Andre

    Who is the artist of this religious painting?

    The last one is the Colony hotel in Maine It had been used by Turbo1 in one of the first pages of the now lost part I of the landmarkgame in 2008-something.
  7. Andre

    Chess position computers cannot solve

    no it's Ba4+ Kxa4 b3+ Kb5 c4+ Kc6 d5+ Kd7 e6+ Kxd8 f5 fortress ready
  8. Andre

    Chess position computers cannot solve

    1. c4+ Kc6 2. d5+ Kd7 3. e6+ Kxd8 4. b3 job done 4 ... gxf4 5. Kxf4 ... 6. Bf5 fortress closed and locked
  9. Andre

    Insights Digital Camera Buyer's Guide Introduction - Comments

    A sunset over daffodils. Left: out of camera jpg. Right: heavy post-processed RAW
  10. Andre

    Photo Contest - Games People Play (4/17-4/23)