Presentation Definition and 172 Threads

  1. P

    I Resources on the Derivation of generalized Stokes' theorem

    Hello everyone, as part of my bachelor studies, I need to attend a seminar with the aim to prepare a presentation of about an hour on a certain topic. I have chosen the presentation about the generalized Stokes theorem, i.e. $$ \int_M d\omega = \int_{\partial M} \omega. $$ After hours of...
  2. Andre

    A Presentation: Venus hot break hypothesis

    The idea will be presented at the ancient Venus conference Houston 25 Jul. The abstract: Some of the earliest members may remember a thread about...
  3. J

    Physics presentation ideas please for a senior in high school

    Hi! I'm in my final year of high school and I need to present to a jury a 5 minute presentation on a physics question. I'm looking for a topic that would combine physics and everyday life , similar to explaining ball movement in a given sport through aerodynamics and movement trajectory. My...
  4. shivajikobardan

    MHB Read Access & Presentation Rate in Multimedia

    source-: Chapter 16.pdf page number 7 Questions-: 1) What is read access? 2) What is presentation rate? 3) In fast forward, some data units are skipped but the valid life span for each frame is not changed...
  5. M

    MHB Topic of presentation: Elementary Geometry vs Fibonacci & its sequences

    Hey! 😊 Between the following two topics: Elementary Geometry Fibonacci and its sequences which would you suggest for a presentation? Could you give me also some ideas what could we the structure of each topic? :unsure:
  6. Eclair_de_XII

    LaTeX For an informal presentation, would you use LaTeX to type this out?

    Is it possible to type into LaTeX, or should I just print out the thing as it is? If the former, I do not know how I would go about it; the matrices seem much too wide for me to fit onto a letter-size page. For the record, the...
  7. sams

    Questions Regarding my Supervising of an Undergrad Senior Project in Physics

    I’m currently supervising an undergraduate senior project in the Department of Physics. I’m responsible for supervising a last year physics student who will be graduating by the end of June. As a new lecturer and supervisor, I was wondering about several aspects and I would like to gain a deeper...
  8. R

    Testing PhD viva - Length of starting presentation

    I have my PhD viva in about a months time, part of it is to give an introductory presentation. Since I'm sure some members here examine PhD students in their viva, I would like to ask what they would consider a good lenth of time for the presentation? I don't want to annoy the examiner by having...
  9. Buckethead

    B Presentation of mass as a physical quantity

    I have started hosting a "scence open mic" and the first one last month was very successful so I'm doing it again. We had about 30 people show up and 5 presenters including myself giving up to an 18 minute talk on anything science. It was a great experience and I encourage others to try it in...
  10. Mr Davis 97

    Find the order of a presentation

    Homework Statement Show that ##M = \langle r,s \mid r^m = e, s^n = e, srs^{-1} = r^j \rangle##, where ##j## is a natural number satisfying ##\operatorname{gcd}(j,m) = 1## and ##j^n \equiv 1 \pmod{m}##, has ##mn## elements, Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I'm not sure how to start...
  11. Mr Davis 97

    I The quotient group of a group with a presentation

    Suppose that we know that ##G=\langle S \mid R\rangle##, that is, ##G## has a presentation. If ##N\trianglelefteq G##, what can be said about ##G/N##? I know that for example, if ##G=\langle x,y \rangle##, then ##G/N = \langle xN, yN \rangle##. But is there anything that can be said about the...
  12. cianfa72

    Exploring Physics Topics: A Welcome to the PF Community!

    Hi, I'm not an expert but I'm interested in physics topics (SR and GR in particular...) :smile:
  13. Fabrizio Vassallo

    Exploring Physics: A High School Student's Journey

    Hello everyone! I am Fabrizio Vassallo, 17 years old high school student in northern Argentina! I'm a physics enthusiast and would love to study that in the future. My idea is to study abroad, but I find that particularly difficult since money is a pretty big issue for me, not because I'm...
  14. A

    How Can New Members Begin Posting on PF?

    My name is Andrés and I am a Colombian mathematician, I would like to learn a lot in this forum, where can I start asking questions? Thank you very much.
  15. JorgeM

    What can I learn from other physicists around the world?

    Hi there! My name is Jorge. I am studying physics, and I have used this forum many times. I really like this kind of group all with the same area or interested in similar things. I hope we will exchange information about physics and all its areas. I joined here to learn more and to know people...
  16. BiGyElLoWhAt

    Other Research Proposal For Senior thesis - GR Solar System Model

    Hi All. On Tuesday I have to present my research proposal for my undergrad research. I intend to model our solar system using general relativity and compare and contrast my results with observations. Attached is my paper that I had to submit to my adviser. He suggested that I talk about some...
  17. hugo_faurand

    Hydrodistillation and (original) uses

    Homework Statement Hello ! I've to do a presentation about hydrodistillation. I've already done an experiment in class to extract essential oil of lavender with hydrodistillation. So, for this presentation I would like to do something original. By original I mean things that you're not used to...
  18. kyphysics

    What's a Good Visual Presentation Software?

    preferably free :biggrin: I used Prezi in high school and PowerPoint in middle, but haven't had to use anything since. thanks. edited to add: if it's a really great one...I would be willing to look into buying it.
  19. Cheesycheese213

    Tips for presenting under a time limit?

    I have a presentation with a 2 minute time limit, but I keep going over, and I'm a bit worried because I have to memorize it and I can barely fit it in just reading it aloud. I would really appreciate any tips to make it a bit faster! Thanks! P.S. also how would I read a quote with ellipses in it?
  20. I

    Synchronizing Two Threads w/Pthreads for Smooth Presentation

    Two threads share a common buffer (an image, say). One thread (visualization which has an almost fixed delay). The other, image generation can have a delay either much greater or much lesser than the fixed one. What is the best paradigm to synchronize these threads using pthreads in order to...
  21. saybrook1

    Physics Research Job Interview Presentation Advice

    Hello everyone! I'm soon flying out to several research facilities/companies that have invited me to give presentations, meet with staff, check out the towns etc... I have a few questions about what I should be including in the presentations. I understand that I need to include my past research...
  22. DoobleD

    I Perlmutter presentation : pb on the age of the Universe

    I just watched a presentation about the acceleration of the Universe by Perlmutter. At this moment in the video he points the correct line for the scale factor of the Universe. Aaaaand that lines starts around 15 billion years ago, not 14 billion. So I thought maybe the latest estimations of...
  23. W

    Segway for Presentation: SQl Server/Database and Data Mining

    Hi All, I need to do a presentation in the subject areas of SQL Server, general Database into the area of Data Mining for a job interview. Any Ideas? First thought is the use of SSAS ( Analysis Service) and SSDT ( Data Tools) from SQL Server in Data Mining. But this does not seem...
  24. A

    Is an Avocado Shaped Like an Airfoil?

    Homework Statement Hi everyone. Is an avocado technically an air foil? like if you cut an avocado in half, it wold be the right shape right? see and if so, would you leave the pit in or not? Why? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution I am pretty sure that they are. I am giving a...
  25. Bunny-chan

    Interesting physics topic for a presentation

    Homework Statement HI! I'm in need of some help to come with an interesting physics-related topic for a short, five-minute presentation. We'll be graded by our ability to speak well rather than our physics knowledge, so I want to talk about something simple, straight-to-the-point and not too...
  26. Schwarzenberger

    Exploring the Intersection of Forensic Anthropology and Physics

    Hi! I am a MSc. Forensic Anthropology student, in England. I am interested by Physics even though my knowledge is a bit limited on certain areas. Nice to meet you all.
  27. Ivanov

    I What Happens When a Photon Hits an Electron?

    Hello, I have a presentation tomorrow and in a segment, I talk about light absorption. It's more conceptual than technical. I did quite a bit of research on the topic but because of simplifying information I may have butchered the facts and written something wrong. Could anyone please confirm/...
  28. rodv92

    What Are the Latest Developments in High Voltage and Spark Gap Technology?

    I am currently fiddling with High Voltage, spark gaps. bak to hardcore science after years of "stasis" into computing / IT I'm happy to be back in the game.
  29. M

    MAC adapter and presentation pointer

    Hi PF! Every time I try to present something from my MacBook I never have an adapter and someone else provides one. Any suggestions on brands? I was thinking of a VGA adapter since that's what seems to be popular. Also, any brands regarding presentation pointers? Thanks!
  30. B

    B High School Physics Presentation Ideas?”

    Hey guys, I'm in high school and we have to do a presentation on any physics topic we like. The teacher is just trying to assess our class as it is only the beginning of the school year. It has to be a minimum of 3 min and maximum of 5 min. Are there any topics that aren't too complicated, but...
  31. L

    I How to bridge the gap between these approaches to SR?

    For quite a long time now I'm having some trouble to bridge the gap between two different approaches to Special Relativity. The first approach is the traditional one. It is the approach that Einstein presented in his paper and that is taught in most of the basic textbooks. In this approach...
  32. Samia qureshi

    Suggestion for presentation topic

    I have to prepare a presentation for my workshop kindly suggest me a topic that you think will be more interesting, also for those who are non physicists as their will be non physicists students also:gradcap::gradcap:.:book::book: i think of preparing on "Domains in Ferromagnetic Materials" for...
  33. N

    Bogoliubov Transformation Presentation

    Hi I have to give a presentation on Bogoliubov transformations to my undergrad solid state physics class. The presentation is only supposed to be 15ish minutes long, and defining them alone will take a few minutes. Because of the time constraint, I was wondering if anyone knew of a simple...
  34. ujjwal3097

    Video editing software for presentations

    Can anyone tell me which video editing software is used in this video. I am doing some project and i need to show the presentation but i really liked what this video has in the background. Can anyone tell me about this software or another similar software for editing. video:
  35. AngularMomentum

    Presentation about Roger Bacon (rainbows)

    I need to give a presentation about roger bacon (the guy who said that rainbows form at a 42 degree angle). It's hard to find information about his study of rainbows so if anyone knows something about it I'll be grateful.
  36. M

    Logistic Workers in France: A Closer Look

    I am a logistic worker living in France
  37. D

    Quantum Computing presentation ideas

    Hey everyone, I'm sorry if this is not the right place to ask this, but here it goes: I have to do a presentation on a topic on quantum computing. Does anyone know any cool doable topics? We have been working through Ballentine's quantum mechanics book, to give you an idea of the level. Thanks!
  38. Spicy Italian

    Medical Medical Imaging Presentation Ideas

    Hello, I am wondering if the boards can reccomend any topics of medical imaging in healthcare. I have to make a presentation on the topic and write a paper. The paper must only be sourced from peer reviewed articles or government statistics. So it should be realitvely well known. I believe...
  39. N

    What is the Physics Extended Essay and How Can It Benefit IB Students?

    Hey there my name, well, it wasn't found. I'm an IB student and I'm just starting my Physics Extended Essay.
  40. blagojakavka

    Powerpoint 2013 Issue Opening Presentation

    When I open a powerpoint presentation that I created I get the following message:The presentation cannot be opened. Your antivirus program may prevent you from opening the presentation. To fix this problem, make sure your antivirus program is current and working correctly. If the problem...
  41. kq6up

    Josephson Effect Class Presentation

    I am working on a class presentation for my solid state physics class. I picked the topic of the Josephson effect. I would like to explain this phenomena in specific detail. However, the original paper and other material I have found quickly goes over my head as I have not been as far as...
  42. Ghostcrown

    Presenting to middle-schoolers on black holes - suggestions?

    My professor wants me to make a 15 minute oral presentation on black holes for an event we have going on on campus. How should I structure it? I think I have a pretty good understanding of the concept of a black hole, but I don't want to get caught off guard during the 5 minute Q&A section. My...
  43. DaniV

    The Trigonometery functions in other presentation

    Can I present the trigonometry functions (such as SinX, CosX, TanX, CotX) by using only- Log, Lan, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, exponantion, nth root operations?
  44. caters

    Lion Life Cycle Presentation - What Do You Think?

    Here is my presentation about the lion life cycle: What do you think? Am I missing anything? Do you think I should do one on cheetahs, 1 on leopards, 1 on jaguars, and 1 on tigers as well?
  45. Vlad137

    Physics behind turbochargers and compressors

    Hi everyone, I need to do a presentation to a high school class about the physics behind a turbocharger and was looking for some help getting which principals/laws explain what happens when a turbocharger is used within a car i.e.; Thermodynamics, gas laws. I just need a direction in which...
  46. S

    Engines' aggragated technical data for a presentation

    Hi everyone! I am trying to make a presentation concerning up to date internal combustion engines for different applications (light duty/passenger cars, heavy duty, marine/low rpm, aviation etc). I don't need any charts just sheer numbers of power, capacity, weight, engine dimensions...
  47. psuedoben

    Designing Structures on Mars: Factors to Consider for a Successful Mission

    Homework Statement in my physics class i was tasked with designing a project of my choice that had to deal with physics mechanics. the project i chose was to design a plan to create structures on the Planet mars. I'm just having trouble what factors I'm going to need to include (within the...
  48. S

    Uncertainty principle presentation

    Hi all. In my physics class I have to give a 15 minute blackboard lecture on a topic in modern physics. I chose the uncertainty principle because I feel there is a tendency (at least at the undergrad level) to just accept what it is without proof or intuition. I would like to go into greater...
  49. S

    Interesting ideas for mathematics presentation

    I will be doing a presentation in the science symposium at my community college. The common theme is always topics from biology or chemistry but never from physics or mathematics.. I am a Math major and love pure mathematics, I am interested in presenting the great theorems of mathematics...