Recent content by Anzas

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    Does the expansion of the universe violate conservation of energy?

    I see, thanks for your answers.
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    Does the expansion of the universe violate conservation of energy?

    Since the distance between galaxies increases with time does that mean that the matter in those galaxies gets potential gravitational energy? and if so where does this energy come from?
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    A question about coprime numbers.

    my original question was simply if its true that for any natural numbers a,b,p (a+b)^p = a^p + b^p (mod p) is satisfied if and only if p and (p-1)! are co-prime. i now understand that the answer is no because even if the p factor is divided from p! it does not necessarily mean that the sum...
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    A question about coprime numbers.

    but the proof relies on (a+b)^p = a^p + b^p (mod p) note here that i goes from 1 to p-1 so in order for the sum to be a multiple of p i! must be coprime to p for every value of i from 1 to p-1 or else i...
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    A question about coprime numbers.

    the reason I am asking this is because there is a proof to fermat's little theorem using this rule "[URL (its the Inductive proof with the binomial theorem) what i can't understand is why fermat's little theorem sometimes works also for non prime numbers if the proof for this only works when...
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    A question about coprime numbers.

    thats not true for example p=4 3!=2*3=6 edit: ignore the above i just confused a few things up in my head.
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    A question about coprime numbers.

    is it true that (a+b)^p = a^p + b^p (mod p) (a,b,p natural) only if (p-1)! and p are coprime?
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    Travel Instantly: Is Distance Still a Factor?

    no its impossible, nothing with mass can move at the speed of light (or faster than the speed of light).
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    Earth Flying Away from Sun: What Does the Math Say?

    this article is pretty much nonsense, nuclear power plants use very little amount of mass to get energy. from e=mc^2 its obvious that even a very small amount of matter produces vast amounds of energy, if anything the guy should be worrying about NASA just think about all the mass we take from...
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    Is the beam from these Class IIIB lasers truly visible without any added medium?

    my friend bought an 80mw laser off and he says the beam is visible and the laser is very bright.
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    Exploring the Benefits of Toyota Prius Hybrid Car: A Fuel-Efficient Choice

    prius is a car combining an electric engine with a gasoline engine. can someone please explain what's the benefit of a hybrid car like this over a regular one? since the accumulator of the electric engine is charged using the regular gasoline engine...
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    Is the beam from these Class IIIB lasers truly visible without any added medium? they sell class IIIB lasers are these pictures genuine? can class IIIB lasers really show a beam without some medium like smoke?
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    Can base-1 represent a nonzero integer ?

    why not, you can count just by using 0 0:0 1:00 2:000 3:0000 and so on.
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    How do EM and Gravitaional Fields Propagate?

    a field is actually just a force that a particle feels. so asking how fields propagate is the same as asking how forces propagate and i think the answer is no one really knows they just do the only thing we know is that forces propagate at a constant speed of c (the speed of light)
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    Exploring Odd Numbers in the Equation 15x^2+y^2=2^{2000}

    so i suppose the question remains open? :confused: