Recent content by Archimedes777

  1. Archimedes777

    Intro Physics Several Physics Books to Choose From (Wolfson, Knight, Feynman)

    Thanks, @mpresic3 . It is nice to hear that someone familiar with the text thinks it’s acceptable. I started going through it yesterday.
  2. Archimedes777

    Intro Physics Several Physics Books to Choose From (Wolfson, Knight, Feynman)

    Thanks, @mastrofoffi ! I figured it probably didn’t much matter. I appreciate you taking the time to check the contents.
  3. Archimedes777

    Intro Physics Several Physics Books to Choose From (Wolfson, Knight, Feynman)

    I have been lurking on PhysicsForums for more than a decade. I have been telling myself that I was going to learn physics for fifteen years, but I ended up studying computer science when I returned to school after having been an English teacher for several years. I am currently doing my master's...