Recent content by Ayrity

  1. A

    Turbo Alternator: How Can It Increase Vehicle Efficiency?

    that is true, it could be much smaller possibly. maybe a turbo that is meant for a motorcycle?
  2. A

    Turbo Alternator: How Can It Increase Vehicle Efficiency?

    and to brewnog, i think that because of the way my car is set up (look at my last post) the demands of the alternator are higher. and I have seen reports of people disconnecting their alternator from the battery to see what kind of mpg improvements they get, low reports are something like an 8%...
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    Turbo Alternator: How Can It Increase Vehicle Efficiency?

    actually I have a mazda3 (just got it woohoo awesome) and it already has the power steering and radiator fans totally electric, so doing the alternator would be such a great power saver for me. But the a/c pump would be great to take off the engine too. what do you mean exactly by a hydrolic...
  4. A

    Can Alternative Technologies Overcome the Cost of Fuel in Vehicle Progression?

    i just posted a new topic kind of in this genre. the title is "turbo alternator" but to add to this convo, I know that bmw has a steam turbine supplement in development, it uses waste heat to turn a turbine that turns the alternator thus removing the parasitic loss off the engine. if you feel...
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    Turbo Alternator: How Can It Increase Vehicle Efficiency?

    Im a mech engineering student and I am very interested in alternate fuels, and better mpg. So I was thinking and did some research on the topic I am posting about and found very little so I am looking to experienced moders for some input. what if you were to hook up a turbocharger so that the...
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    Efficient Hydrogen Collection from Water: Tips for Combining with Oxygen

    Danger, when I was much younger, and found out about electrolysis, I tried it with a few batteries taped together with just the copper wire tips submerged into some salt water, let it run overnight (so so so hard to not touch it before then haha) and then had a bottle of hydrogen awaiting me...
  7. A

    How can I design a homemade dynamometer for small engines?

    alrighty thank you very much. some other non-morning checks would be appreciated
  8. A

    How can I design a homemade dynamometer for small engines?

    by saying "when the rpms awere matched" do you mean when i have a motor that has a lower HP rating but can endure high enough rpms? and i thought that the electric motor was not all that important other than to provide resistance in a controlable way isn't that correct? so let's say I am using a...
  9. A

    How can I design a homemade dynamometer for small engines?

    hmm, where would i get a large enough electric motor? it looks like 5hp electric motors are kinda expensive from what I am finding... do you think i could in place of a 5hp motor use something smaller, like a 1hp motor and just use a pulley ratio between the gas engine and electric motor, then...
  10. A

    How can I design a homemade dynamometer for small engines?

    cool, thanks a lot for all your help :)
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    How can I design a homemade dynamometer for small engines?

    why does the electric motor have to be more powerful than my gas engine? can't I just hook up a variable resistor (or your stove idea) to any size electric motor (granted it should be a bit beefy), maybe like a starter motor from a car? how much power do those have usually? and as long as it has...
  12. A

    How can I design a homemade dynamometer for small engines?

    cliff: I understand your idea for getting torque, and its a good one, simple. what size electric motor would I need? and would I need to know how much resistance I was putting out on the electric motor or wuld i know that from what the scale told me in how much torque i was makeing? correct me...
  13. A

    How can I design a homemade dynamometer for small engines?

    hey all, as you may or may not know, I am playing around with some different engine designs for a project, and I am using small engines, under 5 HP, and I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion about how to get a reading so I could determine what gave me more power vs what could hurt...
  14. A

    Two-Stroke Engine Tuning: Maximizing Performance

    i have class soon, and will respond in full more later, but just to touch on your post brewnog, luckily the B+S engine I have is pretty low compression, and if i mod the engine to be OHV i can choose the height of my head and valves over the piston, and with a big enough blower, that won't be a...
  15. A

    Two-Stroke Engine Tuning: Maximizing Performance

    well, yes, because with such a different engine set up, I am pretty sure I am going to have to mess with the valve timing a bit. and plus with an electronic valve set up, I can use a pretty simple circuit to do a derivation and give me the optimum timing and have it do it on its own, granted i...