Recent content by Back2College

  1. B

    Deductive agruments in finite math: wrong answer in book?

    Homework Statement Identify the following as a valid or an invalid argument. p → q q ∧ r -------------- ∴ ~r → ~p Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution Truth table values: (a) p → q TTFFTTTT (b) q ∧ r TFFFTFFF (c) a ∧ b TFFFTFFF (d) ~r → ~p TFTFTTTT (e) c → d...
  2. B

    Logic: exclusive-OR statements to form AND/OR statements

    Thanks for your replies. I now understand why there can't be any solution.
  3. B

    Logic: exclusive-OR statements to form AND/OR statements

    Homework Statement Using only NOT and XOR, construct a compound statement having the same truth table as: (a) p OR q (b) p AND q Homework Equations XOR is "exclusive OR." p XOR q = (p OR q) AND NOT (p AND q). I have been working under the assumption that I can use parentheses. The...
  4. B

    Is my proof of this inequality correct?

    Thanks, jbunniii, for the hint. As you can see, my algebra is a bit rusty. This is what I came up with after your hint. To prove that |a + b| ≤ |a| + |b|, we will first attempt to prove that (|a + b|)2 ≤ (|a| + |b|)2. Since (|a + b|)2 is equal to (a + b)2, we have a2 + b2 + 2ab ≤ (|a| +...
  5. B

    Is my proof of this inequality correct?

    Homework Statement Prove that |a + b| ≤ |a| + |b|. Homework Equations |a| = √a2 The Attempt at a Solution Since |a| = √a2, then |a + b| = √(a + b)2 = √(a2 + 2ab + b2) = √a2 + √b2 + √(2ab) = |a| + |b| + √(2ab). And since the square root of a negative number is not defined...