Recent content by balaaditya

  1. B

    Mathematics for Finite Element Analysis

    Can anyone tell me what book is best to learn MATHEMATICS that used in Finite Element Analysis (FEA) algebraically and analytically?
  2. B

    Comparing 2 Kinds of Integrals - Help Understanding Algebraically

    Hi all, I need help. What is the difference between \int_{0}^b x^2 dx with lim_{b\rightarrow \ \infty} \int_{0}^b x^2 dx ? Can someone please show me algebraically for its clarity? I don’t understand of the 2nd integral equation means. Especially the appears of...
  3. B

    How Do I Interpret AGMA Gear Table Errors for Non-Standard Measurements?

    Hi all, I am confused of how to find the “TOTAL TOOTH-TO-TOOTH SPACING AND PROFILE ERRORS e”. My Professor want me to determine the ERRORS of a Spur Gear with gear diameter d1 = 420 mm and pinion diameter d2 = 65 mm and a gear module m = 8 and the AGMA Quality is No. 10. When I see the...