Recent content by bdavlin

  1. B

    Exploring Physical Theories of Interdimensional Travel

    It would seem that this site could use some speculative posts. Zappers should remember that the understanding of physics was completely changed via the discoveries of the early 20th century. It is speculative thinking that paves the way of discovery in this field.
  2. B

    Working on a movie and have a question on observer and double slit experiment

    Is it safe to conclude from the double slit experiment that the observer actually affects what is being observed? I ask with regards to a project I'm writing which I wish to be scientifically accurate.
  3. B

    How Are Slits Made for the Double Slit Experiment?

    But does the act of observation without a detector machine alter the reality? In essence is the Cartesian view of the observer warping reality.
  4. B

    Wave/particle duality in art and the world as a general pattern

    As a professional novelist, I see wave particle duality in all things including arts. For instance a book written in the first person (I) is the particle viewpoint just as the 3rd person represents one bifurcation of the wave function viewpoint. I see wave particle duality everywhere. Take...
  5. B

    Quantum double slit experiment

    So is the act of human observation enough to alter the behavior of the particle? Or is it because we're using energy to observe it and therefore altering what is being observed?
  6. B

    How Are Slits Made for the Double Slit Experiment?

    I believe the observer alters the particle moving through the slit. I have always wondered if this is the mere act of observing (in the Cartesian sense of the observer naturally warping reality), or if the act of observing is taking a measurement by injecting energy at the passing particle. I...