Recent content by BiBByLin

  1. B

    Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Non-Singular Matrices: A Proof and Explanation

    great! Thank you very much! Maze, and JBunniii
  2. B

    Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Non-Singular Matrices: A Proof and Explanation

    Not, I don't know. I will study it. Can you give me some hint?
  3. B

    Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Non-Singular Matrices: A Proof and Explanation

    Thanks HallsofIvy. I just want to know whether ATA is symmetric positive definite if A is a N*N matrix, and A is a non-singular matrix.
  4. B

    Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Non-Singular Matrices: A Proof and Explanation

    Suppose A is a non-singular matrix. AT is the transpose matrix of A. Therefore, the eigenvalue of A can be expressed as: S-1AS=Λ (S-1AS)T=ΛT (AS)TS-T=STATS-T=Λ So, AT and A share the same eigenvalue and eigenvector. Here, x is the base eigenvector of A. Hence, span{x} is the eigenvector of...
  5. B

    Who can tell the name of such organism.

    who can tell the name of such organism. I want to buy it from agency, but I don't know how to call it! It is very urgent, pls tell me, thx!
  6. B

    What's the relation be zmole and mole?

    what's the relation be zmole (zettamole) and mole? thx!
  7. B

    Someone working on Metallothionein?

    Hi. Are there someone working on Metallothionein? Maybe we can discuss on something because I am Electronic Engineering Student who work on the Bio-Sensor. Edit: removed e-mail Welcome.!
  8. B

    SPP at plane interfaces, dispersion curve. confused by textbook?

    secondly, I do not think dragging is a good term. If you use resonance, you could have a good comprehension. (In my opinion)
  9. B

    SPP at plane interfaces, dispersion curve. confused by textbook?

    I think the \varpi coordinate should be normalized, if you want to have a good comprehension. When \varpi increase, it can not obey the SPPs but the free gas plasmons dispersion in upper band.
  10. B

    Where am I wrong? (Electrostatic Problem)

    because E=-\nabla\varphi. from upper equation \varphi=C1Z+C2; so E=-C1=E0, it is independence with the position. So, I can said when Z=0 or somewhere z<1/2a, E=E0. by the way, maybe it could be \epsilonE0 because of the continuity at the boundary. So sorry, lots of confusion.
  11. B

    Where am I wrong? (Electrostatic Problem)

    thank you very much! But if I apply the Laplace Equation: curl2φ=0, because φ is independence of x and y. So: φ=C1Z+C2. when Z increase to infinitude. E=-curlφ=-C1 =E0. Suppose the midst of conductor layer is Z=0. when z=0, it always E=E0. But it should be 0, where am I wrong?
  12. B

    Where am I wrong? (Electrostatic Problem)

    A 1-D metal put inside a E0 electric field just like shown in following figure. --> |- <-- +| -->  --> |- <-- +| -->  --> |- <-- +| --> E0 --> |- <-- +| -->  --> |- <-- +| --> Suppose the positive charge density of δ1, the negative charge density δ2, δ1=-δ2...