Recent content by BNeville Triplett

  1. B

    Programs Can I Get a Physics Masters Degree with Undergrad Biology Background?

    Ok thanks for the feedback. I will look into what I need to get an undergraduate degree and go from there.
  2. B

    Programs Can I Get a Physics Masters Degree with Undergrad Biology Background?

    I am a 40-something high school science teacher with a degree in biology. I am very interested in obtaining a masters degree in physics. My undergraduate courses in physics and math are limited. Is it feasible for me to obtain a masters degree in physics?
  3. B

    What is the fascination with special and general relativity?

    I'm new to this forum. I have a very limited physics knowledge but I find physics very fascinating. I have started reading anything I can get my hands on especially regarding special and general relativity. I hope to gain insight from all you guys.