Recent content by CDCraig123

  1. C

    Not Understanding Time Dilation - mk 2.

    Considering I don't no what role gravity plays in time dilation, I thought of a man made object with a clock that would be under the smallest amount of gravity influences. Hence the voyager space crafts.
  2. C

    Not Understanding Time Dilation - mk 2.

    Well if you could find out what the clock says on the voyager spaces crafts said, relative to speed and gravity on the spacecraft and clocks on Earth I bet you would have your answer anyone got a friend at NASA?
  3. C

    Where does other energy go when matter and antimatter annihilate?

    read this.
  4. C

    Not Understanding Time Dilation - mk 2.

    Ill take a crazy stab at it this. As this sounds like what if i go back and time and kill grandpa what will happen. As i see it Time Dilation is only relevant to the speed at which you are passing through space time. Not relevant to any other body. Crazy theory of mine, as you move through...
  5. C

    Uncovering the Physics of Horseshoe Pitching Impact

    Well I doubt there is any software you can buy, not that there is not any. You could figure it out mathematically, how ever you would probably need 2 and 1/2 chalkboards to write it all out. Can I ask why you seek this information?
  6. C

    How Heat Pumps & Refrigerators Work

    AHH you are right kinda like when i run out of CO2 in my paintball gun my arm freezes to it. Not only did I have it back words but you just answered on of my longest held questions how in the hell does a RV fridge work by burning propane. This is why i joined this site to help people learn, but...
  7. C

    Where does other energy go when matter and antimatter annihilate?

    Its interesting you ask that I really love questions like this (the kind with no real answer). I would guess anything that was not matter but was energy or that could carry energy like a photon. I am sure there would be some form of radiation and lots of heat. The only real world thing I can...
  8. C

    Not Understanding Time Dilation.

    You are right Newton but if you put a man on a spaceship and his speed was 99% of the speed of light for 5 years when he gets off his ship a lot more then 5 years will have passed when compared to someone on Earth as we are only traveling 0.1933% of the speed of light. So it would seem that...
  9. C

    Velocity of water out of reservoir.

    If you want to know the velocity in fluid dynamics you need to know 2 things. Volume and pressure to find velocity. Unless you can invent some kinda new math cjl is right.
  10. C

    Energy Equations Driving Me Crazy

    I think you are missing a term in potential energy. Maybe gravity ?
  11. C

    Why isn't kinetic energy considered a fundamental force like the other four?

    Why isn't kinetic energy considered a fundamental force like the other four? To simply answer your question because something can't be 2 things at once. Kinetic energy is already energy why would he turn around and decide eh now I want to be a force, perhaps he watched Star Wars. Sorry Kinetic...
  12. C

    Not Understanding Time Dilation.

    In really simple terms the faster you move through space-time that faster time passes for you. The real question is what if you could stop moving have zero speed what would time do.
  13. C

    Why Does Gravity Exist? Exploring the Phenomenon of Gravitational Attraction

    Uniform rotation? I apologize I only read and write English.
  14. C

    Where does other energy go when matter and antimatter annihilate?

    The stress-energy tensor is the source of the gravitational field in the Einstein field equations of general relativity, just as mass is the source of such a field in Newtonian gravity. Now I wonder where gravity comes from in string theory so now that I have researched more theory I will do...