Recent content by Corbeau

  1. C

    Challenging Integrals in Calculus 1-2: Expand Your Problem-Solving Skills!

    Here is a hard nut to crack. Been trying to solve it for a while, can't confirm it's actually solvable. 1/ ( x ( ln (x+1) -1 ) )
  2. C

    Science Fiction and Fantasy Forum Rules

    I see that this topic is not locked and I don't see a "read-only" sign, so I'll just ask about one of the rules above: My question is: why? Discussing implementation and especially effects of SF technologies is one of the most fun topics tech-wise. So, why this limitation?
  3. C

    Exploring the Universe: A Beginner's Guide to Astrophysics and Beyond

    Howdy y'all. An introduction is in order, I guess. I'm a 40-year old post-graduate student gone pretty rusty with stuff and recently entered an astrophysics course so my stay here will probably alternate between asking questions and being embarrassed at how obvious the answers were. Anyway, it's...
  4. C

    What Does Equation 5.7 in Introducing Einstein's Relativity Really Mean?

    Warm thanks to everybody, I managed to push over this particular bump thanks to some advice here. The problem is I'm encountering stuff like that on every other page, but that's a different issue; I've finished my student era a while ago and now need additional time and effort to recall all the...
  5. C

    What Does Equation 5.7 in Introducing Einstein's Relativity Really Mean?

    Hello. I'm going through Ray D'Inverno's "Introducing Einstein's Relativity" and I'm stuck at a certain point and can't move forward. It deals with tensors, I'm stuck at the transformation matrix and the problem is, I can't figure out what the key equation (5.7) actually means. There is a...