Recent content by covariance

  1. C

    What exactly determines a bivariate distribution in statistics?

    I'm having some trouble wrapping my head around multi-variate distributions. Most textbooks describe it by starting off with two random variables X, Y and introducing P(X \leq x, Y \leq y). This initially led me to believe that X, Y uniquely determine the distribution over R^2 - I later...
  2. C

    Inspirational Physics/Math Books for High Schoolers & Grad Students

    I'm looking for a list of books that may be used to either instill a passion for physics/math in high schoolers (leading them to pursue higher studies in the field), or to rekindle the snuffed flames in jaded graduate students. I have posed this question primarily to recover from my 4th year...
  3. C

    Courses Blew more than one course: Is there any hope left?

    I think it is important to make a distinction between interest and mental discipline. My fascination with physics has not abated since I started college - if anything, I now have an even greater drive to read pages upon pages of dense text. Unfortunately, I have always been under the mistaken...
  4. C

    I'm confused about 1st Kepler's law and the 2 body problem

    Any two-body attractive potential problem is equivalent to that of a single body in a central potential V(r) (i.e. independent of angle \theta). Since the potential is spherically symmetric, angular momentum is conserved. Since the original potential is a function of \frac{1}{r_c^2} (where r_c...
  5. C

    Courses Blew more than one course: Is there any hope left?

    I have learned this the hard way. I'll probably apply for a research course in the summer or fall. Hopefully the experience of working under the supervision of (another) faculty member will offset this disastrous term. Thanks for the replies, everyone.
  6. C

    Courses Blew more than one course: Is there any hope left?

    I'll have to contemplate this. The most likely alternative to grad school seems to be slaving away my life in a cube 9-5, pecking a keyboard to create the latest garbagety "enterprise AJAX/Web 2.0/BuzzwordTechnologyOfTheMonth" application for a company that sells pet rocks. That absolutely...
  7. C

    Courses Blew more than one course: Is there any hope left?

    I just failed three 4th year physics courses (classical mechanics, QM and condensed matter). The reason for failure has been a serious lack of discipline. I have had a piss-poor work ethic over the past 8 months, regularly tanking problem sets and having a generally jaded attitude toward my...