Recent content by defang

  1. D

    Discover the Maclaurin Series for f(x) with Derivative Calculations

    ? Is this question unsolvable? Or is it .....? Please, somebody gives me some advice....
  2. D

    Discover the Maclaurin Series for f(x) with Derivative Calculations

    My question is as follows: Let f (x) = (1+x)^(1/2) – (1-x)^(1/2). Find the Maclaurin series for f(x) and use it to find f ^5 (0) and f ^20 (0). I got: X + Riemann Sum { [ (-1)^(n-1) 1x3x5**x(2n-3) ] / (2^n) x n!} X^n (after combining two Riemann Sums together). And I got (7!5!) / 16 5! =...
  3. D

    Calculating Surface Integral with Stoke's Theorem | -2pi/5 Answer Explained

    Indeed, after what looked like endless calculation, I have finally got an answer: 12pi/5 (still learning this LaTex program). 2 0 ∫ 2pi 0∫1 [ r^4 (3/4 + 1/4 cos4θ ) + (1-r^2)^2 ] 1/(√1-r^2) r dr dθ. saltydog & rachmaninoff, thanks for your help!
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    Calculating Surface Integral with Stoke's Theorem | -2pi/5 Answer Explained

    Thanks saltydog. Then, I have 0 ∫ 2pi 0 ∫ 1 (r^4 + √ 1-r^2) (√1 + 4r^2) r dr dθ. Is this correct? If it is correct, any tips on how to solve this integration?
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    Calculating Surface Integral with Stoke's Theorem | -2pi/5 Answer Explained

    Here is the question: Evaluate the surface integral ∫∫s (X^4 + Y^4 + Z^4) dσ, where dσ is the surface element and S = { (X,Y,Z) : X^2 + y^2 + Z^2 = 1} I know you have to take the square root of 1 + (dz/dx)^2 + (dz/dy)^2 dxdy. And I got -2X/2Z and -2Y/2Z, respectively. Then, I must...