Recent content by DERC511

  1. D

    Finding Tension of a string tied to a wall

    Thank you for the reply. So you're saying that I can't calculate TB By equating the Weight of the block to it?
  2. D

    How Can a New Member Engage with the DERC Physics Community?

    Hey everyone, I'm taking on Physics this year online and I feel like it is about time to become part of this community. Hopefully I'll be able to help you guys as much as you help me. I look forward to working together with everyone
  3. D

    Finding Tension of a string tied to a wall

    In the figure we see two blocks connected by a string and tied to a wall, with θ = 33°. The mass of the lower block is m = 0.9 kg; the mass of the upper block is 4.0 kg. Find the tension in the string that is tied to the wall. -I have the forces of Block A as Tension, Normal Force, and Gravity...