Recent content by DirtyDan

  1. D

    Laptop for College: Physics/Engineering Major

    I just ordered a Dell Inpirion E1505, it should be great. Specs are: Proc: Dual Core 1.66Ghz RAM : 1Gb Hard Drive : 60Gb, 5400rpm Video: Radeon x1400 w/ Hypermemory (256Mb) DVD burner, Media Center (I'm formating it on arrival so it doesn't matter), Bluetooth 2.0, Wireless a/b/g...
  2. D

    Calculating Mass of a Car with KE of 1*10^6 J

    Yeah, I've been editing it lol.. But now look, I checked it a couple of times. Is it meant to come out with non-sensical numbers?
  3. D

    Calculating Mass of a Car with KE of 1*10^6 J

    KE=\frac{1}{2}mv^2. So, if KE = 10^6, and v=25km/h or ~6.9m/s... 10000000/.5(6.9)^2=416666kg? Thats almost 300X the average mass of a car Edited: Oops on Calculations, Thanks Mathechyst
  4. D

    Least Physics Required: Choosing the Right Engineering Program for You

    I guess that depends on whether you would count Theoretical Mathematics or stick to discrete.
  5. D

    How to Find the Radius of a Sphere Using Equations?

    I took it and only had 8 right (answered 10). Some other kid I know answered 17/17 right. We got to see that answer sheet afterwards, so I checked it out. Some of those problems were easy I just approached it wrong. Others were probably just as easy, accept I never grasped the concept. Did you...
  6. D

    Gyroscope - I just don't get it.

    I understand why a gyroscope would resist rotation, since it would change its net inertia and such. But, if a gyroscope is on a tilted axis, would we agree that it has to spin faster in order to stay upright than it would if it was balanced? After all, if you truly were able to "balance" a...
  7. D

    Web Remote Pnuematic Tank (Linux Project)

    By the way, while we are on the topic of keeping this small with dependancies, what would a webcam server require? Would it absolutely need X, glib, gtk+, and all of those goodies? Or could I get away with nothing but a simplified kernel, PCMCIA support, USB support, drivers and gcc (I know I am...
  8. D

    Web Remote Pnuematic Tank (Linux Project)

    I hate to try this but I am getting Suse 9.2, all 5 cd's.
  9. D

    Web Remote Pnuematic Tank (Linux Project)

    I have gentoo on this machine, did a stage 1-3 install (Took a day to compile). This laptop is only 266mhz, 4gb hard drive, 96mb ram. Gentoo minimal would be awesome, but what are the chances that it will setup my wireless PCMCIA network card? Without that it would be a no-go. SuSe, Fedora...
  10. D

    Web Remote Pnuematic Tank (Linux Project)

    That was a miserable failure. I am not sure if it was a computer issue or a CD error but VL4.3 installation left me without a boot loader and didnt actually format my harddrive like it was supposed to; It just tried to overwrite everything. :smile: Slackware now?
  11. D

    Web Remote Pnuematic Tank (Linux Project)

    I did install it... But it took a while to work out the glitches. Its just it didnt fix anything, and I didnt bother to recompile the kernel after that (It was on my way to school this morning...) Now I've gone and started installing VL4.3 Wish me luck! Thanks for your help
  12. D

    Web Remote Pnuematic Tank (Linux Project)

    Would make mrproper have worked? Or is that too far? and ummm... After installing modules-init-tools I didnt recompile the kernel. I did what this guide said, maybe that was my problem. It gave a lot of errors though, first on make with the latest version. I...
  13. D

    Web Remote Pnuematic Tank (Linux Project)

    I think I had "Autoload Module Support" enabled or something along those lines, it was default. But I remember the first time I compiled it all worked fine; then I realized I forgot PCMCIA support, recompiled, and started having module trouble. I can try it again and enable all of the module...
  14. D

    Web Remote Pnuematic Tank (Linux Project)

    Yeah, what I meant to say is that I recompiled the new kernel and I got it from the site you just posted :smile: . After the compile, I received the error "QM_MODULES: function not implemented" On a modprove, insmod, etc. Some other sites on the web referred me to modules-init-tools, which I...
  15. D

    Web Remote Pnuematic Tank (Linux Project)

    Hey, I have been working on a project for a few months now to use this cheapy Toshiba laptop my friend gave me for free (hard drive problems, fixed now) for a remote control vehicle. I have to 18VDC drill motors I will be using, ordered some relays and transistors to get this thing rolling, and...