Recent content by geoffjb

  1. G

    Valence Electrons: Carbon, Chlorine & Fluorine

    Yes, sulfur has 6 and chlorine has 7. You're going to need to understand why, or else your knowledge of chemistry will not develop much further. Look at the columns of the periodic table, for starters.
  2. G

    Find theoretical yield from a balanced equation

    You've been given the theoretical yield of N2, and you know the actual yield from the experiment. Percent yield = (Actual yield / Theoretical yield) x 100% You can calculate this using moles.
  3. G

    Titanium 2+ Ion electronic structure?

    That's right. 4s is of lower energy than 3d.
  4. G

    Are Colloids Solid or Liquid and What Modulus is Used to Measure Them?

    Wow. Old thread.
  5. G

    Difference between glocose and glycogen

    Glucose is commonly stored as glycogen in the body. More research on your part is required; this is a very generic and easily researchable question.
  6. G

    What is oxidation and how does it relate to animal energy release?

    Oxidation is simply an increase in oxidation number. More practically, it is the loss of one or more electrons in a reaction. When the body converts complex molecules into simple ones (such as the oxidation of glucose), it often oxidizes those molecules. More on oxidation...
  7. G

    Identifying Substances and Agents in a Chemical Reaction

    Remember that a reducing agent reduces, and an oxidizing agent oxidizes. An agent that reduces can not in itself be reduced. Draw out each half-reaction (including electron transfer) to determine which substance is oxidized, and vice versa. I'd suggest taking a look here...
  8. G

    What is the significance of the x in the chemical formula (Mo6S9-xIx)?

    It appears to be written Mo6S9-xIx. In that case, the wire would contain x atoms of I and 9-x atoms of S. For example, 6 I atoms would yield Mo6S3I6. It probably has to do with molecular packing.
  9. G

    Identifying Substances and Agents in a Chemical Reaction

    Notice how in the first example, you've named the substance that was oxidized to be the oxidizing agent. In the second example, you named the substance that was reduced to be the oxidizing agent. Not only that, but you said chromium oxide was both reduced and oxidized.
  10. G

    How Do Quantum Numbers Relate to Electron Configurations? If any of it is over your head, state what and how and we can explain it further.
  11. G

    Understanding Bronsted Acids and Bases: Classification and Examples

    The word you're looking for is amphoteric, which is a substance that can act as an acid or a base. Clearly, a substance with no H to donate cannot act as a Bronsted-Lowry acid, just as a substance that does not want/need an H will not act as a Bronsted-Lowry base. Amphoteric substances often...
  12. G

    Politics presentation on immigration

    It's homework help on an "other science" (social science). I'd say it's okay. :)
  13. G

    How Do Ionic and Covalent Bonds Form in Chemistry?

    Sorry I didn't reply to this sooner. For some reason, this thread did not show up to me as recently added to, so I only saw your post after calcnd replied. You're generally correct about ionic bonds, although I did not understand your last sentence. If by farther up and right (i.e. more...
  14. G

    Understanding Bronsted Acids and Bases: Classification and Examples

    Do you need help classifying them, or do you just want answers? You won't get the latter. Show some work. (1) text [ sub ] down [ /sub ] and [ sup ] up [ /sup ]. E.g. v02 (2) [ tex ] text_{down}^{up} [ /tex ] E.g. v_{0}^{2} You can click on the latter to see how someone created it.