Recent content by georgir

  1. G

    I Why randomness means incomplete understanding

    At least intuitively any model involving randomness can be replaced with a deterministic model with extra variables controlling that randomness. Not knowing those variables can be called "incomplete understanding", though I think I'd be content and even consider our understanding complete for...
  2. G

    Can a Fish Move a Ball in Water?

    Thread has gone somewhat tl;dr but the fish can make part of the water rotate in one direction and the rest of the whole ball rotate in another direction, yes. So it can make the bowl roll.
  3. G

    B Causality and the Lorentz transformation

    A pair of events can be objectively (independently of reference frame selection) categorized to have one of the following relationship: - space-like separated - they are simultaneous in some reference frame - their order can be either option in other frames, but they always require FTL travel to...
  4. G

    B Can you solve Penrose's chess problem and win a bonus prize?

    tl;dr. but the idea that there are too many combinations for brute forcing this position is stupid - black can only move the bishops, and they can go to approx 26 places only, and white's king to approx 47 places, So it's 26*25*24*47=733200 combinations only, far from the claim that it "exceeds...
  5. G

    B How would the solar system appear if you approached at near c?

    tl;dr. don't know if someone mentioned relativistic aberration yet so let me. I see someone said the universe is "hot in front of you and cold behind you", but that's really mostly because everything comes in front of you. Aberration of light changes apparent angles and makes everything more and...
  6. G

    I A question about the delayed choice quantum eraser experiment

    A surprisingly common mistake. And it's a good reason I do not consider quantum eraser's interference pattern as equally interesting as the one in the usual double-slit experiment. In the normal experiment, the interference pattern is bright in places where neither slit's solo lump pattern is...
  7. G

    I Is quantum weirdness really weird?

    I'd say it's weird, and people claiming otherwise are just pretending to know more than they actually do. Let's face it, if someone told you that no matter which two of a set of three hidden coins you pick, they'll always show opposite sides, it would be pretty weird, right? Well, QM does almost...
  8. G

    I Theoretical problem with an empty seat going faster than light

    As long as you consider the empty chair a "thing", there can be "things" moving faster than light, no problem. More traditional examples along the same idea are the bright spot a light beam makes on a far away screen, or the crossing point of a guillotine, etc. In neither case is it an actual...
  9. G

    New rocket engine may enable trips to Mars

    But I never claimed that solar sails are the most efficient thing ever. Just the most efficient thing that's powered by light. I.e. capturing light and turning it to electricity to power some other engine is just plain stupid. Now if you have antimatter or a nuke or something, I have nothing...
  10. G

    New rocket engine may enable trips to Mars

    Solar-powered thrusters other than solar sails make no sense. You would be capturing light, which has the highest theoretically possible specific impulse already. If you then used that light for anything other than just emitting it opposite to your desired thrust direction, you'd be decreasing...
  11. G

    I Special relativity timebomb on distant planet 'paradox'?

    You lot... why you insist on confusing people? What Alice "actually sees" is cool and all, but the question is not about that. She can calculate to compensate for the light travel time and Doppler shift and know the rate of the doom clock in her frame - and indeed it will be running slower, as...
  12. G

    I Special relativity timebomb on distant planet 'paradox'?

    Check Dale's comment again, there is the key. You define a "start" event of sorts, when Alice and Bob are at the same place (Earth) even though they have different velocities. Their "surface of simultaneity (which is actually a space, and is drawn as a line on charts... don't ask me why it's...
  13. G

    I CFD - Counterfactual Definiteness

    Ok, 'state of affairs' relevant to the outcome at A is non-separable from 'state of affairs' relevant to the outcome at B, that's the very definition of an entangled state after all. On the other hand, looking at just 'settings at B' without the outcome, there is no spooky relation and no...
  14. G

    I Delayed Choice Black Hole Experiment

    You seem to have the misconception that choosing to erase which-path information changes the observed pattern from "clump pattern" to "interference pattern". This is not the case. In delayed choice quantum eraser experiments, the overall observed pattern does not change. Instead, when we chose...
  15. G

    I Delayed choice, pseudo-retrocausality, massive particles

    Eh, I feel like I'm the one missing something about your post now, because I've seen you around long enough to know you know more than me about it :p But anyway... Bell's claim is for classical, local variables. "Quantum information", if you define it as some variables common (and change-able)...